検索結果件数 [220]

symbol name 市場 産業/業種 事業概要
INDU Industrea Acquisition Corp. Business Services 持株会社 Industrea Acquisition Corp. is a blank check company formed for the purpose of effecting a merger capital stock exchange asset acquisition stock purchase reorganization or simila...
IROQ IF Bancorp Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Savings Institutions 金融(Financials) 銀行 IF Bancorp Inc. is the holding company for Iroquois Federal Savings and Loan Association (Iroquois Federal). The Company is primarily engaged in the business of directing planning...
ITG NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) 金融(Financials) ― ― インベストメント・テクノロジ―・グル―プは米国の金融市場向けのテクノロジ―企業。1987年、電子取引サ―ビス「POSIT」(匿名の電子取引マッチングシステム)の提供を始め、以来、ポ―トフォリオ管理、取引前分析、注文管理、株取引、取引後分析サ―ビスの提供などを通し事業を拡大。...
ITRM Iterum Therapeutics plc NASDAQ National Market System Major Pharmaceuticals 医療関連(Health Care) 医薬品 Iterum Therapeutics plc is an Ireland-based clinical-stage pharmaceutical company. The Company is engaged in developing anti-infectives aimed at combatting multi-drug resistant (M...
IZEA IZEA Worldwide Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Advertising サ―ビス(Services) インタ―ネットサ―ビス IZEA Worldwide. Inc. formerly IZEA Inc.(IZEA) operates online marketplaces that facilitate transactions between brands and influential content creators. These creators produce and...
KAAC Kayne Anderson Acquisition Corp. NASDAQ Small Cap Oil_Gas Production 工業(Industrials) 持株会社 Kayne Anderson Acquisition Corp. is a blank check company. The Company formed for the purpose of effecting a merger capital stock exchange asset acquisition stock purchase reorga...
KBLMU KBL Merger Corp. IV Business Services 持株会社 KBL Merger Corp. IV is a blank check company. The Company is formed for the purpose of effecting merger capital stock exchange stock purchase asset acquisition or other similar bu...
LACQU Leisure Acquisition Corp. NASDAQ Small Cap Business Services 工業(Industrials) 持株会社 Leisure Acquisition Corp is a blank check company. The Company is formed for the purpose of effecting a merger capital stock exchange asset acquisition stock purchase reorganizat...
LBRDA Liberty Broadband Corporation NASDAQ National Market System Television Services 一般消費財(Consumer Products) 放送 Liberty Broadband Corporation holds interest in Charter Communications Inc. (Charter) and its subsidiary Skyhook Holding Inc. (Skyhook). The Company's segments include Skyhook Cha...
LBRDK Liberty Broadband Corporation NASDAQ National Market System Television Services 一般消費財(Consumer Products) 放送 Liberty Broadband Corporation holds interest in Charter Communications Inc. (Charter) and its subsidiary Skyhook Holding Inc. (Skyhook). The Company's segments include Skyhook Cha...
LCAHU Landcadia Holdings Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Business Services その他(Other) 持株会社 Landcadia Holdings Inc. is a blank check company. The Company's business purpose is to enter into a merger share exchange asset acquisition stock purchase recapitalization reor...
LEE NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) サ―ビス(Services) 一般向け出版 リー・エンタープライジーズ(Lee Enterprises Incorporated)は米国23州において、47種の日刊新聞及び共同出資の他の4種の日刊新聞、約300種の週刊新聞及び専門出版物を含む中型市場のローカルニュース、情報及び広告を提供する。【事業内容】同社はPulitzer Inc(ピューリッツァー)を保有している。ピューリッツァーの新聞事業はミズ...
LPCN Lipocine Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Major Pharmaceuticals 医療関連(Health Care) バイオテクノロジ―_ Lipocine Inc. is a specialty pharmaceutical company. The Company is focused on applying its oral drug delivery technology for the development of pharmaceutical products in the are...
LQDA Liquidia Technologies Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Medical/Dental Instruments 医療関連(Health Care) 医薬品 Liquidia Technologies Inc. is a United States-based clinical biopharmaceutical company which is focused on the developing and commercialization of human therapeutics using its PRI...
MBNAA Mercantil Bank Holding Corporation Major Banks 銀行 Mercantil Bank Holding Corporation is a bank holding company. It operates through its subsidiary Mercantil Bank N.A (The Bank). The Bank provides individuals and businesses with a...
MBNAB Mercantil Bank Holding Corporation NASDAQ National Market System Major Banks 金融(Financials) 銀行 Mercantil Bank Holding Corporation is a bank holding company. It operates through its subsidiary Mercantil Bank N.A (The Bank). The Bank provides individuals and businesses with a...
MBRX Moleculin Biotech Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Major Pharmaceuticals 医療関連(Health Care) 医薬品 Moleculin Biotech Inc. is a preclinical-stage pharmaceutical company. The Company is focused on the development of anti-cancer drug candidates. Its lead drug candidate is liposoma...
MITK Mitek Systems Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Computer peripheral equipment IT・通信(IT_Communicati ミテック・システムズ(Mitek Systems Inc.)は企業顧客向けにモバイル・キャプチャ及び身分証明ソフトウェア・ソリューションの開発、販売、販売を行う。【事業内容】同社の技術はデバイスのキーボードを使用する代わりに、カメラ搭載のスマートフォン及びタブレットでさまざまな書類を撮影することによる身分証明の確認、小切手の開設、口座開設、保険の見積もりの...
MMDMU Modern Media Acquisition Corp. Business Services 持株会社 Modern Media Acquisition Corp. is a blank check company. The Company is formed for the purpose of effecting a merger capital stock exchange asset acquisition stock purchase reorg...
MPACU Matlin_Partners Acquisition Corporation NASDAQ Small Cap Oilfield Services/Equipment 工業(Industrials) 持株会社 Matlin_Partners Acquisition Corporation is a blank check company. The Company was formed for the purpose of a merger capital stock exchange asset acquisition stock purchase reorg...
MRNS Marinus Pharmaceuticals Inc. NASDAQ National Market System Major Pharmaceuticals 医療関連(Health Care) 医薬品 Marinus Pharmaceuticals Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. The Company focuses on developing and commercializing therapeutics to treat epilepsy and neuropsychiatr...
MSBF MSB Financial Corp. NASDAQ National Market System Savings Institutions 金融(Financials) 銀行 エムエスビー・ファイナンシャル(MSB Financial Corp.)は連邦特許会社である。【事業内容】同社はMillington Savings Bank(同行)の全株式資本を取得するために設立された。同行は特許された株式貯蓄銀行であり、その預金が連邦預金保険公社(Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)によって保証...
MTECU MTech Acquisition Corp. Business Services 持株会社 MTech Acquisition Corp. is a blank check company. The Company is formed for the purpose the effect of merger share exchange asset acquisition stock purchase recapitalization reo...
MTP Midatech Pharma PLC NASDAQ Small Cap Major Pharmaceuticals 医療関連(Health Care) バイオテクノロジ―_ Midatech Pharma PLC is an early-stage biopharmaceutical company that focuses on commercializing and developing products in oncology and other therapeutic areas. The Company''s seg...
MTSC MTS Systems Corporation NASDAQ National Market System Industrial Machinery/Components IT・通信(IT_Communica エム・ティ・エスシステム(MTS Systems Corporation)はテストシステムと位置センサーを提供する会社である。【事業内容】同社はテスト事業とセンサー事業という2つの事業を運営する。テスト事業はハードウェア、ソフトウェアとサービスが含まれるテストソリューションをグラウンド車両、材料および構造市場に提供する。センサー事業は工業機械とモバイル設備...
MUDSU Mudrick Capital Acquisition Corporation NASDAQ Small Cap Business Services 工業(Industrials) 持株会社 Mudrick Capital Acquisition Corporation is blank check company. The Company is formed for the purpose of effecting a merger capital stock exchange asset acquisition stock purchase...
MVBF MVB Financial Corp. NASDAQ Small Cap Major Banks 金融(Financials) 銀行 MVB Financial Corp. (MVB) is a financial holding company. Through its subsidiaries MVB Bank Inc. (the Bank) MVB Mortgage and MVB Insurance LLC the Company provides community ban...
MYFW First Western Financial Inc. NASDAQ National Market System Major Banks 金融(Financials) 銀行 First Western Financial Inc. is a financial holding company for First Western Trust Bank (the Bank) a private trust bank. The Company provides a fully integrated suite of wealth m...
MYND MYnd Analytics Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Hospital/Nursing Management 医療関連(Health Care) ヘルスケ MYnd Analytics Inc. formerly CNS Response Inc. is a predictive analytics company. The Company has developed a decision support tool to help physicians reduce trial and error trea...
NAUH National American University Holdings Inc. NASDAQ National Market System Other Consumer Services サ―ビス(Services) パ―ソナルサ―ビス National American University Holdings Inc. is a provider of postsecondary education primarily focused on working adults and other non-traditional students. The Company through its...
NBLX NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) エネルギ―(Energy) 石油_ガス運輸サ―ビス Noble Midstream Partners LP is engaged in owning operating developing and acquiring a range of domestic midstream infrastructure assets. The Company''s areas of focus are in the ar...
NCR NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) IT・通信(IT_Communications) ITサ―ビス_コンサルティング エヌ・シー・アール(NCR Corporation)はテクノロジー会社であり、利便性と価値のあるサービス及び個別サービスの消費者需要に対処することで、企業に対して顧客関係の強化、及び顧客との接続・交流・取引を可能にする。【事業内容】同社のセルフサービスおよび支援サービスソリューションのポートフォリオは金融サービス、小売、ホスピタリティ、旅行とゲーム、及びエ...
NEBUU Nebula Acquisition Corporation NASDAQ Small Cap Business Services 工業(Industrials) 持株会社 Nebula Acquisition Corporation is a blank check company. The Company is formed for the purpose of effecting a merger capital stock exchange asset acquisition stock purchase reorg...
NEON Neonode Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Industrial Machinery/Components IT・通信(IT_Communica Neonode Inc. formerly SBE Inc. develops and licenses user interfaces and optical infrared touch solutions. The Company's technology offers multiple features including the ability...
NGL NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) エネルギ―(Energy) 石油_ガス精製_販売 NGL Energy Partners LP owns and operates a vertically integrated energy business. The Company''s segments are crude oil logistics water solutions liquids refined products and renew...
NMRD Nemaura Medical Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Medical/Dental Instruments 医療関連(Health Care) 医療機器_ Nemaura Medical Inc. is a holding company. The Company owns a diagnostic medical device company specializing in discovering developing and commercializing specialty medical device...
OBNK Origin Bancorp Inc. NASDAQ National Market System Major Banks 金融(Financials) 銀行 Origin Bancorp Inc. is a financial holding company that provides products and services in Louisiana Mississippi and Texas. The Company provides a range of financial services to sm...
OMP NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) エネルギ―(Energy) 石油関連サ―ビス_装置 Oasis Midstream Partners LP is a master limited partnership company. The Company is formed to own develop operate and acquire a diversified portfolio of midstream assets in North A...
ONEQ Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock ― 投資信託 フィデリティ・ナスダック総合指数・トラッキング・ストック(Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock)は上場投資信託。同ファンドはNasdaq Composite Index(同指数)の価格と利回りパフォーマンスに連動する投資収益の提供を目指す。同ファンドは通常少なくとも80%の資産を同指数に含まれた普通株...
OPBK OP Bancorp NASDAQ National Market System Major Banks 金融(Financials) 銀行 Open Bank is headquartered in Los Angeles California United States and is a commercial bank. The company offers Credit Cards Personal Checkings Personal Bankings Home Loans Mob...
OPESU Opes Acquisition Corp. NASDAQ Small Cap Business Services 工業(Industrials) クロ―ズドエンド型投資信託 Opes Acquisition Corp is a blank check company. The Company was formed for the purpose of entering into a merger share exchange asset acquisition stock purchase recapitalization ...
ORIG Ocean Rig UDW Inc. NASDAQ National Market System Oil_Gas Production エネルギ―(Energy) 石油_ガス掘削 Ocean RIG UDW Inc is a Cayman Islands-based offshore drilling contractor. It provides oilfield services for offshore oil and gas exploration development and production drilling an...
OTTW Ottawa Bancorp Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Savings Institutions 金融(Financials) 銀行 Ottawa Savings Bancorp Inc. is a savings and loan holding company. The Company serves as the holding company of Ottawa Savings Bank (The Bank). The Bank's business is to attract d...
PACQU Pure Acquisition Corp. NASDAQ Small Cap Business Services 工業(Industrials) 持株会社 Pure Acquisition Corp. is an blank check company. The Company is formed for the purpose of effecting a merger share exchange asset acquisition stock purchase recapitalization re...
PAGS NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) IT・通信(IT_Communications) 事業サポ―トサ―ビス パグセグロ・デジタル(PagSeguro Digital Ltd)は金融技術ソリューションを提供する会社である。【事業内容】同社の業務はブラジルのマイクロ商人、中小企業に集中する。同社は複数のデジタル決済ソリューション、クライアントに販売するPOSデバイス、無料のデジタルアカウントで個人的な支払い、勘定残高の引き出しを提供する。同社の端末相互間デジタルエコ...
PAR NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) IT・通信(IT_Communications) ITサ―ビス_コンサルティング ピーエーアール・テクノロジー(PAR Technology Corporation)はホスピタリティ事業および政府事業という2つの事業部門を通じて事業を展開する。【事業内容】ホスピタリティ事業は世界中のホスピタリティ業界にある組織と企業向けにハードウェア、ソフトウェア・テクノロジー・ソリューション、及び一連のサポートサービスを提供する。これらのサービスはレス...
PAY NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) IT・通信(IT_Communications) ― ― ベリフォン・システムズは持株会社で、電子決済システムを設計、製造、販売。販売時点管理(POS)に連動したレジ横決済端末、携帯端末、暗証番号キ―パッド、ガソリンスタンド用端末システム、セルフサ―ビス端末、決済ネットワ―クシステム、ソフトウエアを提供。また、端末賃貸、導入、据え付け、修理、クラウド電子決済、技術サポ―トを提供。...
PBBI PB Bancorp Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Savings Institutions 金融(Financials) 銀行 PB Bancorp Inc. is a savings and loan holding company for Putnam Bank (the Bank). Putnam Bank is a state-chartered mutual savings bank. The Company's principal business consists o...
PBSK Poage Bankshares Inc. NASDAQ Small Cap Savings Institutions 金融(Financials) 銀行 Poage Bankshares Inc. is a holding company for Town Square Bank (Town Square). Town Square is a federal savings association. The Company operates in banking segment. Town Square's...
PCB Pacific City Financial Corporation NASDAQ National Market System Major Banks 金融(Financials) 銀行 Pacific City Financial Corp operates as a bank holding company for Pacific City Bank that provides various commercial banking products and services to individuals professionals an...
symbol name 市場 産業/業種 事業概要