symbol | ADOM |
会社名 | ADOMANI Inc (アドマニ) |
分野(sector) | Capital Goods 資本財(工業製品) |
産業(industry) | Auto Parts:O.E.M. |
業種 | 自動車_トラック_自動二輪車部品 一般消費財(Consumer Products) |
概要 | 事業概要 Adomani Inc. is engaged in designing manufacturing and installing electric and hybrid drivetrain systems for use in new school buses and medium to heavy-duty commercial fleet vehicles. The Company also designs manufactures and installs conversion kits to replace conventional drivetrain systems for diesel and gasoline powered vehicles electric or hybrid drivetrain systems. The hybrid drivetrain systems are available in both an assistive hybrid format and a full-traction format for use in private and commercial fleet vehicles of all sizes. The Company's product offering includes transit bus cab-over-engine trucks walk-in delivery van and shuttle bus. Transit bus offers a range of models including EV250 EV300 EV350 EV400 and EV450. Cab-over-engine truck is built for a variety of logistic needs. Walk-in delivery van is a commercial vehicle. Shuttle bus is built with a hybrid drivetrain. アドマニは米国の自動車メ―カ―。車両事業者の車両所有コストを削減するため、ゼロ・エミッションの電気自動車とハイブリッド車、交換用ドライブ・トレインを提供する。また、同社は電気自動車やプラグイン・ハイブリッド車用のガソリンおよびディ―ゼルを通学バス運営者や中規模・大規模の車両事業者に提供する。本社はカリフォルニア州ニュ―ポ―ト・ビ―チ。 |
本社所在地 | 4740 Green River Road Suite 106 Corona CA 92880 USA |
代表者氏名 | ― |
代表者役職名 | ― |
電話番号 | +1 951-407-9860 |
設立年月日 | - |
市場名 | NASDAQ Small Cap |
ipoyear | 2017年 |
従業員数 | 11人 |
url | |
nasdaq_url | |
adr_tso | ― |
EBITDA | EBITDA(百万ドル) -20.70829 |
終値(lastsale) | 0.526 |
時価総額(marketcap) | 38136775.776 |
時価総額 | 時価総額(百万ドル) 36.33869 |
売上高 | 売上高(百万ドル) 1.63300 |
企業価値(EV) | 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 30.46869 |
当期純利益 | 当期純利益(百万ドル) -20.52000 |
決算概要 | 決算概要 BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 June 2018 Adomani Inc revenues increased from $0K to $1.2M. Net loss decreased 14% to $8.3M. Revenues reflect an increase in demand for the Company's products and services due to favorable market conditions. Lower net loss reflects Consulting decrease of 96% to $95K (expense) Interest expense decrease of 99% to $5K (expense) Other income increase from $48K to $165K (income). |
ADOMANI, Inc. (OTCMKTS:ADOM) Sees Significant Drop in Short Interest 2021/10/28 05:20:41 Transcript Daily
ADOMANI, Inc. (OTCMKTS:ADOM) was the target of a significant decrease in short interest in October. As of October 15th, there was short interest totalling 100 shares, a decrease of 98.8% from the September 30th total of 8,400 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 496,300 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 0.0 days. []
ADOMANI, Inc. (ADOM: OTCQB) | New Jersey Zero Emissions Incentive Program Approves Voucher Purchases for Nine Envirotech Vehicles Valued at a Total of $882,000 2021/09/29 10:02:29 OTC Markets
ADOMANI, Inc. (OTCMKTS:ADOM) Sees Significant Drop in Short Interest 2021/10/28 05:20:41 Transcript Daily
ADOMANI, Inc. (OTCMKTS:ADOM) was the target of a significant decrease in short interest in October. As of October 15th, there was short interest totalling 100 shares, a decrease of 98.8% from the September 30th total of 8,400 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 496,300 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 0.0 days. []
関連キーワード (自動車_トラック_自動二輪車部品 米国株 アドマニ ADOM ADOMANI Inc.)