symbol | ALIM |
会社名 | Alimera Sciences Inc. (アリメラ・サイエンシ―ズ) |
分野(sector) | Health Care ヘルスケア |
産業(industry) | Major Pharmaceuticals |
業種 | 医薬品 医療関連(Health Care) |
概要 | 事業概要 アリメラ・サイエンシーズ(Alimera Sciences Inc.)は処方眼科医薬品の研究・開発・商業化を専門に扱うバイオ医薬品企業。同社は眼底や網膜に影響を与える疾患を中心に取り扱う。同社の製品候補「ILUVIEN」は非外科的治療手順であり、25ゲージ針付きのデバイスを採用し、傷のセルフシールを可能にする。また、「ILUVIEN」はドライ型加齢黄斑変性症(AMD)、ウェット型AMD及び網膜静脈閉塞症(RVO)を治療するために3つの第2相臨床試験で研究されている。「ILUVIEN」は硝子体内インプラントであり、非独占の副腎皮質ステロイドであるフルオシノロンアセトニド(FAc)の持続的なサブマイクログラムレベルを提供することにより、糖尿病性黄斑浮腫(DME)に関連する視力障害の治療で最大36ヶ月の治療効果を提供する。 アリメラ・サイエンシ―ズは米国のバイオ医薬品メ―カ―。眼科薬の研究、開発、商業化に従事。主に、眼球の裏側や網膜に影響を及ぼす疾患に焦点を当てている。慢性糖尿病性黄斑浮腫に関連した視力障害治療薬「イルビエン」は、英国、オ―ストリア、ポルトガル、フランス、ドイツ、スペインで販売承認を受けている。本社はジョ―ジア州。 Alimera Sciences is a pharmaceutical company that specializes in the commercialization and development of prescription ophthalmic pharmaceuticals. Alimera is presently focused on diseases affecting the back of the eye, or retina, because these diseases are not well treated with current therapies and affect millions of people in our aging populations. |
本社所在地 | 6120 Windward Parkway Suite 290 Alpharetta GA 30005 USA |
代表者氏名 | Richard S. Eiswirth リチャードエスワース |
代表者役職名 | President Chief Financial Officer |
電話番号 | +1 678-990-5740 |
設立年月日 | 37773 |
市場名 | NASDAQ National Market System |
ipoyear | 2010年 |
従業員数 | 126人 |
url | |
nasdaq_url | |
adr_tso | ― |
EBITDA | EBITDA(百万ドル) -14.46000 |
終値(lastsale) | 0.931 |
時価総額(marketcap) | 65205760.641 |
時価総額 | 時価総額(百万ドル) 66.07424 |
売上高 | 売上高(百万ドル) 39.64500 |
企業価値(EV) | 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 156.19224 |
当期純利益 | 当期純利益(百万ドル) -24.19300 |
決算概要 | 決算概要 BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 June 2018 Alimera Sciences Inc revenues increased 22% to $20.7M. Net loss increased 23% to $11.7M. Revenues reflect United States segment increase of 20% to $15M International segment increase of 28% to $5.7M. Higher net loss reflects United States segment loss increase of 21% to $2.7M International segment loss increase of 27% to $1.2M. |
Alimera Highlights Abstracts Regarding Consensus Among US Retina Specialists and Reduced Retinal Thickness Variability Leading to Improved Visual Outcomes Following ILUVIEN Administration 2022/11/29 13:00:00 Wallstreet:Online
Data was included in scientific programming at the annual meeting of The Retina Society ATLANTA, Nov. 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alimera Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALIM) (“Alimera”), a global pharmaceutical company whose mission is to be invaluable to patients, physicians, and partners concerned with retinal health and maintaining better vision longer, announces findings from a recent meeting
Alimera Sciences, Inc. (ALIM) Q3 2022 Earnings Call Transcript 2022/11/14 16:46:02 Seeking Alpha
Alimera Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:ALIM) Q3 2022 Results Conference Call November 14, 2022 09:00 AM ET Company Participants Scott Gordon - CORE, Investor Relations Rick Eiswirth -…
Alimera Sciences: Q3 Earnings Snapshot 2022/11/14 12:59:42 One News Page
ALPHARETTA, Ga. (AP) _ Alimera Sciences Inc. (ALIM) on Monday reported a loss of $5.3 million in its third quarter. On a per-share basis, the Alpharetta, Georgia-based company said it had a loss of 75 cents. The eye drug developer posted revenue of $13.6 million in the period. The …
Alimera Sciences GAAP EPS of -$0.75 misses by $0.35, revenue of $13.6M misses by $1.45M 2022/11/14 12:32:40 Seeking Alpha
Alimera Sciences press release (ALIM): Q3 GAAP EPS of -$0.75 misses by $0.35.Revenue of $13.6M (+11.9% Y/Y) misses by $1.45M.On September 30, 2022, Alimera had cash and cash…
Alimera Sciences, Inc.: Alimera Sciences Announces Third Quarter 2022 Financial Results 2022/11/14 12:30:00 Finanz Nachrichten
Consolidated Net Product Revenue of $13.6 Million, up 11% vs. Third Quarter of 2021 Net Product Revenue Was Unfavorably Impacted by Approximately $800,000 in Foreign Currency Fluctuations Excludin…
Alimera Announces Multiple Abstracts Highlighting ILUVIEN Real World Data at EURETINA Annual Congress 2022/08/31 12:48:00 Wallstreet:Online
Positive findings from the RIVER study and data on retreatment with ILUVIEN available ATLANTA, Aug. 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alimera Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALIM) (“Alimera”), a global pharmaceutical company whose mission is to be invaluable to patients, physicians and partners concerned with retinal health and maintaining better vision longer, announces that clinical data for ILUVIEN
Alimera Announces Reimbursement of Uveitis Indication Granted for ILUVIEN in Portugal 2022/08/09 12:00:00 Wallstreet:Online
Reimbursement granted with no restrictions to the label Alimera to begin selling later in Q3 ATLANTA, Aug. 09, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alimera Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALIM) (“Alimera”), a global pharmaceutical company whose mission is to be invaluable to patients, physicians and partners concerned with retinal health and maintaining better vision longer, announces that Alimera Sciences
Alimera Sciences, Inc. (ALIM) CEO Rick Eiswirth on Q2 2022 Results - Earnings Call Transcript 2022/07/30 12:23:04 Seeking Alpha
Alimera Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:ALIM) Q2 2022 Earnings Conference Call July 27, 2022 09:00 AM ET Company Participants Scott Gordon - CORE, Investor Relations Rick Eiswirth - President…
Alimera Sciences: Q2 Earnings Insights 2022/07/27 12:19:27 Benzinga
Alimera Sciences (NASDAQ: ALIM ) reported its Q2 earnings results on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 08:00 AM. Here''s what investors need to know about the announcement. Earnings Alimera Sciences beat estimated earnings by 18.18%, reporting an EPS of $-0.45 versus … Full story available on
Alimera Sciences Announces Second Quarter 2022 Financial Results 2022/07/27 11:30:00 GlobeNewswire
ATLANTA, July 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alimera Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALIM) (Alimera), a global pharmaceutical company that specializes in the commercialization and development of prescription ophthalmic pharmaceuticals for the treatment of retinal diseases, today announced financial results for the second quarter of 2022. Alimera will host a conference call today at 9:00 a.m. EDT to discuss these results.
Alimera Sciences, Inc. (ALIM) CEO Rick Eiswirth on Q2 2022 Results - Earnings Call Transcript 2022/07/30 12:23:04 Seeking Alpha
Alimera Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:ALIM) Q2 2022 Earnings Conference Call July 27, 2022 09:00 AM ET Company Participants Scott Gordon - CORE, Investor Relations Rick Eiswirth - President…
Alimera Sciences: Q2 Earnings Insights 2022/07/27 12:19:27 Benzinga
Alimera Sciences (NASDAQ: ALIM ) reported its Q2 earnings results on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 08:00 AM. Here''s what investors need to know about the announcement. Earnings Alimera Sciences beat estimated earnings by 18.18%, reporting an EPS of $-0.45 versus … Full story available on
Alimera Sciences Announces Second Quarter 2022 Financial Results 2022/07/27 11:30:00 GlobeNewswire
ATLANTA, July 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alimera Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALIM) (Alimera), a global pharmaceutical company that specializes in the commercialization and development of prescription ophthalmic pharmaceuticals for the treatment of retinal diseases, today announced financial results for the second quarter of 2022. Alimera will host a conference call today at 9:00 a.m. EDT to discuss these results.