


symbol ATTO
会社名 Atento SA (アテント )
業種 事業サポ―トサ―ビス   IT・通信(IT_Communications)
概要 Atento S.A. is a provider of customer-relationship management and business-process outsourcing (CRM BPO) services and solutions in Latin America. The Company offers a portfolio of CRM BPO services including customer care sales collections back office and technical support. The Company operates through three segments: EMEA Americas and Brazil. Its services and solutions are delivered across multiple channels including digital (short message service (SMS) e-mail chats social media and applications among others) and voice and are enabled by process design technology and intelligence functions. The Company also has client relationships across a range of industries working in sectors such as telecommunications banking and financial services and multi-sector which comprise the consumer goods services public administration pay television healthcare transportation technology and media industries.  アテントはスペインのCRM・BPOサ―ビス会社。スペインと中南米で、カスタマ―サ―ビス、信用管理、テクニカルサポ―ト、サ―ビスデスク、バックオフィスなど多様なサ―ビスを提供。同社のサ―ビスとソリュ―ションはデジタル(SMS、電子メ―ル、チャット、ソ―シャルメディア等)や音声等のマルチチャネルで配信される。  
本社所在地 4 rue Lou Hemmer Luxembourg Findel L - 1748 LUx
代表者氏名 Carlos Lopez Abadia
代表者役職名 Chief Executive Officer Director
電話番号 -8566
設立年月日 41699
市場名 NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所)
従業員数 153038人
url www.atento.com
EBITDA (百万ドル) 184.75300
時価総額 (百万ドル) 284.28200
売上高 (百万ドル) 1818.18000
企業価値(EV) (百万ドル) 609.63300
当期純利益 (百万ドル) 18.54100
決算概要 BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2018 Atento SA revenues decreased 5% to $1.82B. Net income totaled $18.5M vs. loss of $16.8M. Revenues reflect Brazil segment decrease of 7% to $877.7M Americas segment decrease of 7% to $708.7M. Net Income reflects Other and eliminations segment income increase from $7.2M to $32.3M EMEA segment income totaling $2.5M vs. loss of $1.8M.


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