symbol | AVAL |
会社名 | Grupo Aval Acciones Y Valores SA (GRUPO AVAL ACC) |
分野(sector) | |
産業(industry) | |
業種 | ― 金融(Financials) |
概要 | ― グルポ・アバル・アクシオネス・イ・バロレスは、コロンビアの投資持株会社。中南米を中心に銀行業、電気通信業、不動産業などに従事し、様々な金融活動を展開する。主に、コロンビアの株式、債券、その他の金融商品に投資。同社は1994年に設立され、首都ボゴタに本社を置く。 Grupo Aval is a Colombian holding company engaged in a wide variety of financial activities, including banking, telecommunications and real estate; in Colombia and Central America. |
本社所在地 | Carrera 13 No. 26A-47 Bogota COL |
代表者氏名 | ― |
代表者役職名 | ― |
電話番号 | ― |
設立年月日 | 34335 |
市場名 | NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) |
ipoyear | 年 |
従業員数 | 80565人 |
url | www.grupoaval.com.co |
nasdaq_url | |
adr_tso | |
終値(lastsale) | |
時価総額(marketcap) | |
時価総額 | |
売上高 | |
企業価値(EV) | |
当期純利益 | |
決算概要 | ― |
Grupo Aval Announces the Filing of Its Form 20-F for the Year Ended December 31, 2022 2023/04/14 16:48:00 Wallstreet:Online
Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. (“Grupo Aval” or the “Company”) (NYSE: AVAL; BVC: Voting Shares: GRUPOAVAL, Non-Voting Shares: PFAVAL), announces the filing of its Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2022, with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Grupo Aval’s Form 20-F can be accessed by visiting either the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov or the Investor
Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. (AVAL) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript 2023/03/06 17:57:09 Seeking Alpha
Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. (NYSE:NYSE:AVAL) Q4 2022 Earnings Conference Call March 6, 2023 9:00 AM ETCompany ParticipantsLuis Carlos Sarmiento Gutierrez - CEODiego Fernando Solano…
Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. reports Q4 results 2023/03/06 14:49:34 Seeking Alpha
Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. press release (AVAL): Q4 Net loss of Ps
Futu Holdings led financial stocks down in week''s action, Grupo Aval rose (NASDAQ:FUTU) 2022/12/31 15:34:00 Seeking Alpha
An online brokerage firm that operate in China, Futu Holdings (FUTU), ended the last week of the year as the biggest decliner in the financial sector (with market cap over $2B) after…
Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. (AVAL) Q3 2022 Earnings Call Transcript 2022/11/17 15:53:07 Seeking Alpha
Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. (NYSE:NYSE:AVAL) Q3 2022 Earnings Conference Call November 17, 2022 09:00 AM ET Company Participants Luis Carlos Sarmiento Gutierrez - Chief Executive…
Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores (NYSE:AVAL) Lowered to Sector Perform at Scotiabank 2021/12/22 08:16:42 ETF Daily News
Scotiabank downgraded shares of Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores (NYSE:AVAL) from a sector outperform rating to a sector perform rating in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday morning, PriceTargets.com reports. Scotiabank currently has $6.20 target price on the banks stock. Several other research analysts also recently commented on AVAL. Grupo Santander downgraded shares [] The post Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores (NYSE:AVAL) Lowered to Sector Perform at Scotiabank appeared first on ETF Daily News .
Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores (NYSE:AVAL) Hits New 1-Year Low at $5.07 2021/12/21 22:18:41 Dakota Financial News
Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. (NYSE:AVAL)s stock price hit a new 52-week low on Tuesday . The company traded as low as $5.07 and last traded at $5.21, with a volume of 161322 shares traded. The stock had previously closed at $5.11. A number of analysts recently weighed in on the stock. Grupo Santander []
Why You Shouldnt Bet Against Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores Stock 2021/12/17 19:36:50 FXNews24
One stock that might be an intriguing choice for investors right now is Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. AVAL. This is because this security in the Consumer Services Miscellaneous Financial Investment Management space is seeing solid earnings estimate revision activity and is in great company from a Zacks Industry Rank perspective. This [] The post Why You Shouldnt Bet Against Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores Stock appeared first on UK Stocks, Forex, Commodities, Crypto, Live Market News- Daily Forex News .
Northern Trust Corp Sells 339,782 Shares of Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. (NYSE:AVAL) 2021/12/01 09:08:44 ETF Daily News
Northern Trust Corp lessened its stake in shares of Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. (NYSE:AVAL) by 79.9% in the 2nd quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the SEC. The firm owned 85,227 shares of the banks stock after selling 339,782 shares during the period. Northern Trust Corps holdings in Grupo Aval Acciones [] The post Northern Trust Corp Sells 339,782 Shares of Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. (NYSE:AVAL) appeared first on ETF Daily News .
Valbiotis Announces That It Has Submitted to the Competent Authorities the Three Clinical Protocols for TOTUM854 Indicated in the Reduction of Blood Pressure and Presents Its Comprehensive Clinical Development Plan 2021/12/01 06:35:00 Kwhen Finance
Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. (AVAL) CEO Luis Carlos Sarmiento Gutierrez on Q2 2021 Results - Earnings Call Transcript 2021/08/12 18:26:17 Seeking Alpha