symbol | COMM |
会社名 | CommScope Holding Co. Inc. (コムスコ―プ・ホ―ルディング) |
分野(sector) | Technology ハイテク |
産業(industry) | Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment |
業種 | 通信機器_ネットワ―ク IT・通信(IT_Communications) |
概要 | 事業概要 コムスコープ・ホールディング・カンパニー(CommScope Holding Company Inc)はワイヤレス、ビジネス企業および住宅広帯域ネットワーク向けの接続と不可欠インフラストラクチャ・ソリューションを提供する会社である。同社は無線周波数(RF)ソリューション、知的接続・ケーブル配線のプラットフォーム、データセンターとインテリジェントビル・インフラ、及び広帯域アクセス・ソリューションを提供する。同社はワイヤレス事業、エンタープライズ事業、及びブロードバンド事業という3つの事業セグメントを運営する。同社はまたグローバルに住宅広帯域ネットワーク用の同軸と光ファイバー・ケーブルを製造する。同社の顧客は多数のフォーチュン500社など世界的無線通信事業者及び企業顧客を含む。同社の提供する無線・有線ネットワーク用品は帯域幅データ、ビデオ、及び音声のアプリケーション配信に対応する。 コムスコ―プ・ホ―ルディングは米国でワイヤレス、ビッグデ―タ、ブロ―ドバンド向けに通信機器を製造、販売。「システィマックス」と「ユニプライズ」の名前で移動通信基地局、企業、ブロ―ドバンド向きにアンテナ、コネクタ―、ケ―ブル、増幅器などの機器のほか、ソフトウエア、ネットワ―ク設計を提供。 CommScope Holding Company Inc. is pushing the boundaries of technology to create the world's most advanced wired and wireless networks. Its global team of employees, innovators and technologists empower customers to anticipate what's next and invent what's possible. |
本社所在地 | 1100 CommScope Place S.E. Hickory NC 28602 USA |
代表者氏名 | Frank M. Drendel フランク・M・ドレンデル |
代表者役職名 | Chairman of the Board 取締役会会長 |
電話番号 | +1 828-324-2200 |
設立年月日 | 40452 |
市場名 | NASDAQ National Market System |
ipoyear | 2013年 |
従業員数 | 20000人 |
url | |
nasdaq_url | |
adr_tso | ― |
EBITDA | EBITDA(百万ドル) 914.59600 |
終値(lastsale) | 27.87 |
時価総額(marketcap) | 5357036341.98 |
時価総額 | 時価総額(百万ドル) 5224.408 |
売上高 | 売上高(百万ドル) 4609.58 |
企業価値(EV) | 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 952.916 |
当期純利益 | 当期純利益(百万ドル) 226.79500 |
決算概要 | 決算概要 BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 June 2018 Commscope Holding Company Inc revenues increased 2% to $2.36B. Net income increased 12% to $99.7M. Revenues reflect CMS segment increase of 5% to $946.3M CCS segment remaining flat at $1.41B Europe Middle East and Africa (EMEA) segment increase of 8% to $503.1M United States (Country) segment increase of 2% to $1.32B Central and Latin America segment increase of 2% to $117.7M. |
Rosenberger Files Patent Lawsuit Against CommScope 2021/07/28 02:59:00 Business Wire
SUZHOU, China--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In June 2021, Rosenberger Technologies, a member of the Germany-headquartered Rosenberger Group, filed a patent lawsuit in Suzhou, China against CommScope entities located in China and United States for infringement of multiple Rosenberger technology patents concerning base station antenna design. Based on evidence Rosenberger submitted of infringement, on July 8, 2021, the Court ordered a search of CommScopes research, development, and production facilities to
Managed Connectivity Solutions Market Size, Key Opportunities, Strategic Assessment, Strong Revenue | Oprating Vendors: Avianet, Connectivity Solutions, Iquda Ltd, TE Connectivity, CommScope, KORE 2021/07/25 21:33:18 Jumbo News
The documented report on Global Managed Connectivity Solutions Market by Reports Globe aims to offer an organized and methodical strategy for important aspects that have affected the market in recent years and future market opportunities that companies can trust. It gives readers clear market research for better judgment and better decision making on whether or []
Rack Mount Optical Distribution Frameï¼ËODFï¼ⰠSales Market 2021 SWOT Analysis, Competitive Landscape and Significant Growth | Top Brands:Hua Wei, 3M, Huber + Suhner, CommScope, SHKE, Kamax Optic, 2021/07/25 03:42:29 Jumbo News
This report studies the Rack Mount Optical Distribution Frameï¼ËODFï¼ⰠSales Market with many aspects of the industry such as market size, market status, market trends and forecast. The report also provides brief information on competitors and opportunities for specific growth with the key market drivers. Find the comprehensive analysis of the Rack Mount Optical Distribution []
Global Oilfield Communication Market 2021 Future Set to Massive Growth with High CAGR value | Market Players: Huawei Technologies, Siemens AG, Speedcast International, ABB, Commscope, Inmarsat PLC, Tait Communications, Baker Hughes Incorporated, Alcatel-Lucent, Ceragon Networks, Rad Data Communications, Rignet, Hughes Network Systems, Airspan Networks, Commtel Networks 2021/07/23 22:27:58 Jumbo News
The report on Global Oilfield Communication Market has been provided by researchers for a detailed understanding of market performance over an estimated period of time set from 2021 to 2026. However, this report has introduced a brief overview to provide the reader with better information on this report. This brief description contains a basic definition []
Internet Data Center Global and Chinese Market (2021 to 2025) - Featuring Baosight Software, Shanghai AtHub and Dr. Peng Telecom Among Others 2021/07/23 08:18:00 Intrado Digital Media
Dublin, July 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Global and China IDC (Internet Data Center) Market Insight Report, 2021-2025" report has been added to''s offering. With a prosperous outlook for new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data and cloud computing, which are continually driving the digital transformation of modern businesses, we see a clear trend of data explosion ahead, together with the 5G ongoing deployment. According to Cisco Visual Networking Index, the global IP traffic should reach 396EB/month in 2022E compared to 122EB/month in 2017, recording a 27% CAGR. Meanwhile, the cloud market should continue its strong growing momentum with a clear path of cloud migration. The global cloud market size should reach USD364bn by 2022E, representing a 15% CAGR (according to Gartner) while the China cloud market should see a better growth rate and reach CNY375bn in 2023E, recording a 30% CAGR, according to CAICT. Therefore, we see the strong growth trend of data traffic and promising cloud business outlook pave the way for solid demand growth of IDC (internet data centers) business in the foreseeable future, considering IDC is the fundamental and critical support industry for all of the above.
Smart Antenna: Market 2021 | Coronavirus Impact | also Industry is Booming Worldwide with Key Players | CommScope, Schneider Electric India Private Limited, Motorola Solutions, Qualcomm Technologies 2021/07/14 10:20:26 Tramways Monthly
Smart Antenna Market With COVID19-Pandemic Impact Analysis: Smart Antenna Market 2021 this report is including with the COVID19 Outbreak Impact analysis of key points influencing the growth of the market. Also, Smart Antenna Market (By major key players, By Types, By Applications, and Leading Regions) Segments outlook, Business assessment, Competition scenario, Trends and Forecast by []
In-Building Wireless Market 2021-2026 Top Leading Players : CommScope, Corning Incorporated, Ericsson, Cobham, TE Connectivity 2021/07/14 08:43:14 Tramways Monthly
Global In-Building Wireless Market 2021 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2026 prepared by Courant Market Research is a superior compilation of different types of analysis of critical aspects of the global market. The report joins the latest methodologies and new releases to interface with the clients to set up, settle on productive []
Mobile Terminal Antenna Market Future Growth Explored in Latest Research Report | Commscope,Amphenol 2021/07/14 03:37:04 Jumbo News
Based on the historical situation of the past five years (2016-2020),GLOBAL INFO RESEARCH analyzes the overall scale of global Mobile Terminal Antenna in the past few years, the scale of major regions, the scale and share of major enterprises, the scale of major product classifications, and the scale of major downstream applications. Scale analysis includes sales volume, []
Global Military Wireless Communication Market 2021 Regional Analysis and Major Manufacturers as CommScope Holding, Radio Frequency Systems, Rosenberger 2021/07/12 11:43:37 Tramways Monthly
Global Military Wireless Communication Market 2021 by Company, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2026 is the recent market research report published by The report provides definitive data concerning the market, size, commercialization aspects, and revenue forecast of the industry. This market report looks over the global Military Wireless Communication industry with respect to []
Commscope Holding Company Inc (COMM) Fell Out Of Favor With Hedge Funds 2021/07/06 04:27:18 Insider Monkey
CommScope Holding Company Inc Shares Close in on 52-Week High - Market Mover 2021/05/17 22:30:00 Kwhen Finance
CommScope Holding Company Inc (COMM) shares closed today at 1.6% below its 52 week high of $18.71, giving the company a market cap of $3B. The stock is currently up 37.4% year-to-date, up 109.7% over the past 12 months, and down 38.0% over the past five years. This week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.0%, and the S&P 500 fell 1.3%. Trading Activity Trading volume this week was 44.8% lower than the 20-day average.Beta, a measure of the stock’s volatility relative to the overall market stands at 1.5. Technical Indicators The Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the stock was above 70, indicating it may be overbought.MACD, a trend-following momentum indicator, indicates an upward trend.The stock closed below its Bollinger band, indicating it may be oversold.
Market Comparative Performance The company's share price is the same as the S&P 500 Index , beats it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis The company's share price is the same as the Dow Jones Industrial Average , beats it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis The company share price is the same as the performance of its peers in the Information Technology industry sector , beats it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5 year basis Per Group Comparative Performance The company's stock price performance year-to-date beats the peer average by 186.3% The company's stock price performance over the past 12 months beats the peer average by 34.2%
This story was produced by the Kwhen Automated News Generator. For more articles like this, please visit us at Write to © 2020 Kwhen Inc.
CommScope Holding Company Inc Shares Near 52-Week High - Market Mover 2021/05/07 22:30:00 Kwhen Finance
CommScope Holding Company Inc (COMM) shares closed today at 1.4% below its 52 week high of $18.65, giving the company a market cap of $3B. The stock is currently up 37.2% year-to-date, up 66.8% over the past 12 months, and down 37.8% over the past five years. This week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 2.6%, and the S&P 500 rose 1.2%. Trading Activity Trading volume this week was 62.4% higher than the 20-day average.Beta, a measure of the stock’s volatility relative to the overall market stands at 1.6. Technical Indicators The Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the stock was above 70, indicating it may be overbought.MACD, a trend-following momentum indicator, indicates an upward trend.The stock closed below its Bollinger band, indicating it may be oversold.The stock closed at 7.6% higher than its 5-day moving average, 9.3% higher than its 20-day moving average, and 19.4% higher than its 90-day moving average.
Market Comparative Performance The company's share price is the same as the S&P 500 Index , beats it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis The company's share price is the same as the Dow Jones Industrial Average , beats it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis The company share price is the same as the performance of its peers in the Information Technology industry sector , beats it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5 year basis Per Group Comparative Performance The company's stock price performance year-to-date beats the peer average by 128.4% The company's stock price performance over the past 12 months lags the peer average by -15.0%
This story was produced by the Kwhen Automated News Generator. For more articles like this, please visit us at Write to © 2020 Kwhen Inc.
関連キーワード (通信機器_ネットワ―ク 米国株 コムスコ―プ・ホ―ルディング COMM CommScope Holding Company Inc.)