


symbol COT
会社名 Cott Corp (コット)
業種 事業サポ―ト資材   一般消費財(Consumer Products)
概要 Cott Corp is a Canada-based company which provides water coffee tea extracts and filtration service. The Company is focused on offering custom coffee roasting blended iced tea and extract solutions to the United States foodservice industry. The Company operates its delivery points and distribution facilities across North America and Europe. The Company also offers services to residences businesses restaurant chains hotels and motels small and large retailers and healthcare facilities.  コットは、カナダ飲料メ―カ―。炭酸飲料、ジュ―ス、ジュ―スベ―ス飲料、クリアウォ―タ―、スパ―クリングウォ―タ―、フレ―バ―ウォ―タ―、エネルギ―ドリンク、スポ―ツドリンク、お茶などの清涼飲料を生産するほか、ブランドメ―カ―向けにアルコ―ル飲料の生産を手掛ける。本社所在地はカナダのミシサガ。  
本社所在地 1200 Britannia Road East Mississauga Ontario L4W 4T5 CAN
代表者氏名 Jerry Fowden
代表者役職名 Executive Chairman of the Board
電話番号 +1 905-672-1900
設立年月日 20271
市場名 NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所)
従業員数 10900人
url www.cott.com
EBITDA (百万ドル) 271.00000
時価総額 (百万ドル) 2029.02000
売上高 (百万ドル) 2372.90000
企業価値(EV) (百万ドル) 3200.42000
当期純利益 (百万ドル) 32.30000
決算概要 BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 29 December 2018 Cott Corp (USA) revenues increased 5% to $2.37B. Net income before extraordinary items totaled $32.3M vs. loss of $36.3M. Revenues reflect Route Based Services segment increase of 7% to $1.6B All other segment increase of 16% to $191.6M United States segment increase of 5% to $1.79B United Kingdom segment increase of 8% to $173.2M All Other segment increase of 3% to $348.7M.


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