CSB - チャンピオンズ・オンコロジ― (VictoryShares US Small Cap High Div Volatility Wtd ETF) チャンピオンズ・オンコロジ―



symbol CSB
会社名 Champions Oncology Inc. (チャンピオンズ・オンコロジ―)
業種    医療関連(Health Care)
概要 事業概要 --   チャンピオンズ・オンコロジ―は米国のバイオ医薬品・サ―ビス企業。がん治療に対する薬剤と技術サ―ビスの開発と商品化に従事する。人間のがん腫瘍をマウスに移植し開発する「TumorGraft」テクロノジ―は、個別のがん患者に合う治療を提供。事業は、医師・患者向けと製薬・バイオ医薬品企業向けの2分野で構成。本社はニュ―ジャ―ジ―州。   
本社所在地 One University Plaza Suite 307 Hackensack NJ 07601 USA
設立年月日 31199
市場名 NASDAQ Small Cap
ipoyear ―年
従業員数 92人
url www.championsoncology.com
nasdaq_url https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/csb
終値(lastsale) 46.4321
時価総額(marketcap) 0
時価総額 時価総額 ―
売上高 売上高 --
企業価値(EV) 企業価値(EV) ー
当期純利益 当期純利益 --
決算概要 決算概要 --



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   Competition Commission is against Cashbuilds bid for TBC  2021/05/31 19:01:41 Moneyweb News
Will the Competition Tribunal scupper SAs largest DIY retailers attempt to acquire Pepkors home-improvement subsidiary? Independent analyst Chris Gilmour.
   Competition Commission vetoes Cashbuilds R1 billion proposed acquisition of Pepkors TBC  2021/05/31 04:01:02 Independent on Saturday
CASHBUILD on Friday warned shareholders that its bid to purchase Pepkor''s The Building Company (TBC) for R1 billion had been shot down by the Competition Commission because it would result in the creation of the single-largest retailer of building materials, hardware and related products in South Africa. Cashbuild on August 4 announced the proposed acquisition as it aimed to broaden its geographical footprint. It should be noted that this is only a recommendation at this stage, and the Competition Tribunal must still hear arguments from all parties, said Cashbuild. On Friday, the Competition Commission said the merger would result in a substantial prevention or lessening of competition in the market for building materials, hardware and related products in South Africa. In its reasons for the decision, it said the Cashbuild Group was a Southern African-based retailer of building materials and related products that operated Cashbuild-branded stores and P&L Hardware-branded stores. The Cashbuild Group operated 318 stores in Africa.
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The Competition Commission has recommended that the R1.1 billion takeover deal of hardware company BUCO be blocked.
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Cashbuild's financial boost can largely be attributed to the DIY boom that has seen housebound consumers stock up on home-improvement materials during the Covid-19 lockdown.
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Building materials retailer Cashbuild has reported its biggest revenue increase in five years, while its profit more than doubled in the last six months of 2020.
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The building materials retailer had to close its stores during Level 5 of the lockdown.
   News24.com | INTERVIEW | Cashbuild's biggest acquisition in eight years marks a major shift in strategy  2020/08/07 19:00:20 News24
The Werner de Jager led retailer expansion strategy became less aggressive but it's latest acquisition of The Building Company, takes it back to roots of aggressive expansion.
   South Africa's Cashbuild to buy Pepkor's Building Company  2020/08/04 11:20:31 Reuters Africa
South African building materials retailer Cashbuild has agreed to buy The Building Company Proprietary Ltd (TBC) from owner Pepkor Holdings for 1.07 billion rand ($62.44 million), it said on Tuesday.

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