symbol | CTBI |
会社名 | Community Trust Bancorp Inc. (コミュニティ・トラスト・バンコ―プ) |
分野(sector) | Finance 金融 |
産業(industry) | Major Banks |
業種 | 銀行 金融(Financials) |
概要 | 事業概要 コミュニティー・トラスト・バンコープ(Community Trust Bancorp Inc.)は銀行持株会社である。同社はCommunity Trust Bank Incという商業銀行及び1つの信託会社、コミュニティ・トラスト、投資会社への持分を有する。同社は子会社を通じて預金の受入れを含む商業銀行および個人向け銀行業務、信託および資産管理業務、法人と個人等に対する担保・無担保ローンの作成、法人と個人顧客向け現金管理サービスの提供、信用状の発行、金庫の貸し出し、送金サービスの提供に従事する。ローン・ポートフォリオには建設ローン、不動産担保ローン、設備リースファイナンス、商業用ローンなどの商業ローン、不動産建設ローン、不動産抵当貸付などの住宅ローン、ならびに消費者直接ローンおよび消費者間接ローンなどの消費者ローンが含まれる。 コミュニティ・トラスト・バンコ―プは、米国の銀行持株会社。子会社Community Trust Bankを通じ、ケンタッキ―州、ウェストバ―ジニア州、テネシ―州の個人・企業に対し銀行、各種預金口座、ATM、住宅ロ―ン、貸金庫などの一般消費者向け銀行業務や事業融資、資金管理口座、リ―スなどの商業銀行業務を提供。また投資、信託サ―ビスなどの信託業務にも従事。 Community Trust Bancorp, Inc., with assets of $5.1 billion, is headquartered in Pikeville, Kentucky and has 70 banking locations across eastern, northeastern, central, and south central Kentucky, six banking locations in southern West Virginia, three banking locations in northeastern Tennessee, four trust offices across Kentucky, and one trust office in Tennessee. |
本社所在地 | 346 North Mayo Trail Pikeville KY 41501 USA |
代表者氏名 | Jean R. Hale ジーン・R・ハレ |
代表者役職名 | Chairman of the Board President Chief Executive Officer. |
電話番号 | +1 606-433-4643 |
設立年月日 | 29434 |
市場名 | NASDAQ National Market System |
ipoyear | ―年 |
従業員数 | 990人 |
url | www.ctbi.com |
nasdaq_url | https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/ctbi |
adr_tso | ― |
EBITDA | EBITDA(百万ドル) 75.37500 |
終値(lastsale) | 46.38 |
時価総額(marketcap) | 822280759.8 |
時価総額 | 時価総額(百万ドル) 821.39430 |
売上高 | 売上高(百万ドル) 163.12200 |
企業価値(EV) | 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 182.5073 |
当期純利益 | 当期純利益(百万ドル) 53.25700 |
決算概要 | 決算概要 BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 June 2018 Community Trust Bancorp Inc. interest income increased 10% to $82.6M. Net interest income after loan loss provision increased 6% to $66.9M. Net income increased 20% to $27.4M. Net interest income after loan loss provision reflects Interest and fees on loans including lo increase of 9% to $74.4M Taxable increase of 15% to $4.9M. |
Community Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $1.08 misses by $0.03, revenue of $57.59M beats by $0.44M (NASDAQ:CTBI) 2023/04/19 12:31:52 Seeking Alpha
Community Trust Bancorp press release (NASDAQ:CTBI): Q1 GAAP EPS of $1.08 misses by $0.03.Revenue of $57.59M (+4.7% Y/Y) beats by $0.44M.
Community Trust Bancorp: Q1 Earnings Snapshot 2023/04/19 12:22:06 WTOP
PIKEVILLE, Ky. (AP) — PIKEVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Community Trust Bancorp Inc. (CTBI) on Wednesday reported net income of $19.3…
Community Trust Bancorp Stock: Upgrading To Buy (NASDAQ:CTBI) 2023/03/18 03:45:18 Seeking Alpha
Earnings of Community Trust Bancorp will likely remain flattish this year. But read why I''m upgrading CTBI stock to a Buy.
Community Trust Bancorp Tops Q4 EPS by 3c By Investing.com 2023/01/18 13:34:01 Investing.com
Community Trust Bancorp Tops Q4 EPS by 3c
Community Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $1.26 beats by $0.03, revenue of $58.51M misses by $1.19M (NASDAQ:CTBI) 2023/01/18 13:20:49 Seeking Alpha
Community Trust Bancorp press release (CTBI): Q4 GAAP EPS of $1.26 beats by $0.03.Revenue of $58.51M (+4.9% Y/Y) misses by $1.19M.
Community Trust Bancorp Tops Q4 EPS by 3c By Investing.com 2023/01/18 13:34:01 Investing.com
Community Trust Bancorp Tops Q4 EPS by 3c
Community Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $1.26 beats by $0.03, revenue of $58.51M misses by $1.19M (NASDAQ:CTBI) 2023/01/18 13:20:49 Seeking Alpha
Community Trust Bancorp press release (CTBI): Q4 GAAP EPS of $1.26 beats by $0.03.Revenue of $58.51M (+4.9% Y/Y) misses by $1.19M.
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. Reports Earnings for the 4th Quarter and Year 2022 2023/01/18 13:15:00 Business Wire
PIKEVILLE, Ky.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ-CTBI): Earnings Summary (in thousands except per share data) 4Q 2022 3Q 2022 4Q 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Net income $22,443 $19,372 $19,248 $81,814 $87,939 Earnings per share $1.26 $1.09 $1.08 $4.59 $4.94 Earnings per share – diluted $1.26 $1.08 $1.08 $4.58 $4.94 Return on average assets 1.64% 1.40% 1.41% 1.50% 1.63% Return on average equity 14.42% 12.08% 10.94% 12.73% 12.88% Efficiency ratio 51.81% 53.
COMMUNITY TRUST & INVESTMENT CO Buys 3, Sells 2 in 4th Quarter 2023/01/11 20:00:03 GuruFocus
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Community Trust Bancorp (CTBI): Topline Growth To Help Earnings Recover Next Year 2022/12/19 02:50:55 Seeking Alpha
Earnings of Community Trust Bancorp will likely climb next year on the back of commercial loan growth. See why I''m downgrading CTBI stock to a Hold rating.
Community Trust Bancorp Tops Q4 EPS by 3c By Investing.com 2023/01/18 13:34:01 Investing.com
Community Trust Bancorp Tops Q4 EPS by 3c
Community Trust Bancorp GAAP EPS of $1.26 beats by $0.03, revenue of $58.51M misses by $1.19M (NASDAQ:CTBI) 2023/01/18 13:20:49 Seeking Alpha
Community Trust Bancorp press release (CTBI): Q4 GAAP EPS of $1.26 beats by $0.03.Revenue of $58.51M (+4.9% Y/Y) misses by $1.19M.
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. Reports Earnings for the 4th Quarter and Year 2022 2023/01/18 13:15:00 Business Wire
PIKEVILLE, Ky.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ-CTBI): Earnings Summary (in thousands except per share data) 4Q 2022 3Q 2022 4Q 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Net income $22,443 $19,372 $19,248 $81,814 $87,939 Earnings per share $1.26 $1.09 $1.08 $4.59 $4.94 Earnings per share – diluted $1.26 $1.08 $1.08 $4.58 $4.94 Return on average assets 1.64% 1.40% 1.41% 1.50% 1.63% Return on average equity 14.42% 12.08% 10.94% 12.73% 12.88% Efficiency ratio 51.81% 53.