symbol | DPM |
会社名 | DCP Midstream LP (DCP ミッドストリ―ム・パ―トナ―ズ) |
分野(sector) | |
産業(industry) | |
業種 | ― エネルギ―(Energy) |
概要 | ― DCP ミッドストリ―ム・パ―トナ―ズは、米国の天然ガス持株会社。子会社を通じ、天然ガスと液化天然ガス液(NGL)の加工、輸送、精留、貯蔵サ―ビスを生産者と消費者に提供する。事業は、天然ガスサ―ビス、NGLロジスティクス、ホ―ルセ―ル・プロパン・ロジスティクスの3部門で構成される。 |
本社所在地 | 370 17th Street Suite 2500 Denver CO 80202 USA |
代表者氏名 | ― |
代表者役職名 | ― |
電話番号 | ― |
設立年月日 | 38565 |
市場名 | NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) |
ipoyear | 年 |
従業員数 | - |
url | www.dcppartners.com |
nasdaq_url | |
adr_tso | |
終値(lastsale) | |
時価総額(marketcap) | |
時価総額 | |
売上高 | |
企業価値(EV) | |
当期純利益 | |
決算概要 | ― |
Total Clarity Wealth Management Inc. Takes Position in DCP Midstream, LP (NYSE:DCP) 2021/12/11 11:44:46 Dakota Financial News
Total Clarity Wealth Management Inc. purchased a new stake in DCP Midstream, LP (NYSE:DCP) during the third quarter, HoldingsChannel reports. The institutional investor purchased 1,311 shares of the pipeline companys stock, valued at approximately $37,000. Several other institutional investors and hedge funds also recently bought and sold shares of DCP. Advisor Group Holdings Inc. boosted []
DCP Midstream (DCP) Presents At Wells Fargo Midstream Utility & Renewables Symposium 2021/12/10 20:56:41 Seeking Alpha
Comerica Bank Takes Position in DCP Midstream, LP (NYSE:DCP) 2021/12/07 09:44:47 Dakota Financial News
Comerica Bank acquired a new stake in DCP Midstream, LP (NYSE:DCP) in the second quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The fund acquired 8,490 shares of the pipeline companys stock, valued at approximately $217,000. Several other large investors have also recently bought []
DCP Midstream, LP (NYSE:DCP) Sees Large Growth in Short Interest 2021/12/04 22:12:42 Dakota Financial News
DCP Midstream, LP (NYSE:DCP) was the recipient of a significant growth in short interest in the month of November. As of November 15th, there was short interest totalling 3,990,000 shares, a growth of 19.1% from the October 31st total of 3,350,000 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 562,200 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is []
Wells Fargo & Company MN Decreases Position in DCP Midstream, LP (NYSE:DCP) 2021/12/01 10:56:43 Transcript Daily
Wells Fargo & Company MN cut its stake in DCP Midstream, LP (NYSE:DCP) by 0.2% during the second quarter, HoldingsChannel reports. The institutional investor owned 362,462 shares of the pipeline companys stock after selling 757 shares during the quarter. Wells Fargo & Company MNs holdings in DCP Midstream were worth $11,124,000 at the end of []