概要 |
事業概要 -- ヘシンダイは中国のオンライン消費者金融業者。子会社および変動持分事業体を通じて、中国において消費者金融サ―ビスを提供する。新興のミドルクラスの需要に対応し、借り手にオンライン市場を通じてクレジットカ―ドへのアクセスを提供する。また、リスクとリタ―ンを考慮した各種の投資商品を投資家に提供する。本社所在地は北京市。 Xiaobai Maimai Inc., formerly known as Hexindai Inc., is a social e-commerce platform based in Beijing, China. The Company collaborates with domestic e-commerce platforms and offers users a wide selection of high-quality and affordable products on its new social e-commerce platform. Leveraging its cooperation with mainstream e-commerce platforms and services marketplaces, and its data analytics algorithm and operating system, the Company continues to identify and introduce cost-efficient products and attract users to its platform and generate higher user satisfaction to realize the platform’s fast growth.