symbol | MGIC |
会社名 | Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. (マジック・ソフトウェア・エンタ―プライゼズ) |
分野(sector) | Technology ハイテク |
産業(industry) | Computer Software: Prepackaged Software |
業種 | ソフトウェア IT・通信(IT_Communications) |
概要 | 事業概要 マジック・ソフトウェア・エンタープライゼズ(Magic Software Enterprises Ltd.)は昭和58年に設立され、アプリケーションプラットフォーム、及びビジネスとプロセス統合ソリューションを開発・マーケティング・販売・サポートし、情報技術(IT)プロフェッショナルサービスを提供する企業。さらに、同社はビジネスアプリケーションを開発・デプロイするアプリケーション・プラットフォームMagic xpa、大規模な特注のビジネスアプリケーションを構築・展開・保守するアプリケーションAppBuilder、並びにアプリケーション統合プラットフォームMagic xpiを開発、マーケット、販売と支持する。同社はソフトウェアサービスとIT専門サービスの2つ事業区分を有する。平成24年7月、同社はCommIT Technology Solutions Ltd.、CommIT Software Ltd.とCommIT Embedded Ltd.を有するComm-IT Groupの80%持分を買収した。 マジック・ソフトウェア・エンタ―プライゼズは、アプリケ―ションプラットフォ―ムとシステム連携ソリュ―ションのプロバイダ―。モバイル・クラウド・RIAなど様々な形態のアプリケ―ションを開発し、圧倒的な生産性と保守性を提供する。また、連携対象によって異なる技術手法の違いを隠蔽し、ノンコ-ディングで迅速に柔軟なシステム連携を実現する。 Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. is a global provider of powerful and versatile end-to-end, on-premises and cloud-based integration and low-code application development platforms. With over 30 years of experience, 24 regional offices, millions of installations worldwide, and strategic alliances with global IT leaders, Magic enables its customers to seamlessly adopt new technologies and maximize business opportunities. Magic collaborates closely with its customers and thousands of business partners in 50 countries to accelerate their business performance. |
本社所在地 | 5 Haplada Street Or Yehuda 6021805 ISR |
代表者氏名 | Guy Bernstein ガイバーンスタイン |
代表者役職名 | Chief Executive Officer Director 最高経営責任者(CEO) |
電話番号 | +972 3-538-9389 |
設立年月日 | 30348 |
市場名 | NASDAQ National Market System |
ipoyear | 1991年 |
従業員数 | 2052人 |
url | |
nasdaq_url | |
adr_tso | ― |
EBITDA | EBITDA(百万ドル) 41.55400 |
終値(lastsale) | 8.5 |
時価総額(marketcap) | 414438716 |
時価総額 | 時価総額(百万ドル) 438.57100 |
売上高 | 売上高(百万ドル) 271.84700 |
企業価値(EV) | 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 382.14000 |
当期純利益 | 当期純利益(百万ドル) 17.89300 |
決算概要 | 決算概要 BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 June 2018 Magic Software Enterprises Ltd revenues increased 11% to $139.9M. Net income increased 31% to $10.3M. Revenues reflect an increase in demand for the Company's products and services due to favorable market conditions. Net income benefited from Financial expenses income net increase from $822K (expense) to $447K (income) Research and development net (Note 15a) decrease of 11% to $3.1M (expense). |
Magic Software’s Magic Pathsala Announces Partnership with Kapil Dev’s Khushii 2023/01/26 07:58:40 SalesTechStar
Magic Pathshala, the CSR arm of Magic Software, has collaborated with Khushii, an independent, not-for-profit, child care NGO, founded by former Indian cricketer, Mr. Kapil Dev. As part of the collaboration, Magic Software will donate towards the education and upliftment of underserved children. To commemorate the partnership, Mr. Kapil Dev made a guest appearance at […] The post Magic Software’s Magic Pathsala Announces Partnership with Kapil Dev’s Khushii appeared first on SalesTech Star .
Magic Software (MGIC) Seeing Growth Despite FX Headwinds 2022/11/22 18:22:00 Seeking Alpha
Magic Software Enterprises'' revenues continue to rise despite macro pressures and FX pressures in non-US geographies. Click here to read our analysis of MGIC stock.
Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. (MGIC) Q3 2022 Earnings Call Transcript 2022/11/14 18:38:01 Seeking Alpha
Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:MGIC) Q3 2022 Earnings Conference Call November 14, 2022 10:00 AM ET Company Participants Asaf Berenstin - Chief Financial Officer Guy…
Magic Software Enterprises Ltd.: Magic Software Reports Third Quarter 2022 Financial Results with Record Breaking Revenues of $144 Million, Reflecting a 19% Year-Over-Year Growth. Net income reached a record-breaking $11.5 Million, Reflecting 53% Year-Ove 2022/11/14 12:40:00 Finanz Nachrichten
OR YEHUDA, Israel, Nov. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. (Nasdaq and TASE: MGIC), a global provider of IT consulting services and end-to-end integration and application…
Magic Software reports Q3 earnings beat; raises FY22 guidance 2022/11/14 12:39:11 Seeking Alpha
Magic Software press release (MGIC): Q3 Non-GAAP EPS of $0.28 beats by $0.02.Revenue of $143.96M (+19.1% Y/Y) beats by $12.26M.As of September 30, 2022, Magic Software’s net cash,…
Magic Software goes ex-dividend on Monday 2022/08/26 15:03:41 Seeking Alpha
Magic Software (NASDAQ:MGIC) had declared $0.29/share semi-annual dividend, 34.3% increase from prior dividend of $0.22.Payable Sept. 13; for shareholders of record Aug. 30; ex-div Aug.
Magic Software Continues Organic Growth, Risks Enterprise Tech Reckoning (NASDAQ:MGIC) 2022/08/12 14:21:22 Seeking Alpha
Magic Software continues to post great inorganic growth with strength in healthcare and defense. Our concern is over the receivables still, where credit terms might have been loosened.
Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. (MGIC) CEO Guy Bernstein on Q2 2022 Results - Earnings Call Transcript 2022/08/11 19:05:04 Seeking Alpha
Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:MGIC) Q2 2022 Earnings Conference Call August 11, 2022, 10:00 AM ET Company Participants Guy Bernstein - CEO Asaf Berenstin - CFO Yuval Lavi -…
Magic Software: Q2 Earnings Insights 2022/08/11 10:34:01 Benzinga
Magic Software (NASDAQ: MGIC ) reported its Q2 earnings results on Thursday, August 11, 2022. Here''s what investors need to know about the announcement. Earnings Magic Software missed estimated earnings by 11.11%, reporting an EPS of $0.24 versus an estimate … Full story available on
Magic Software GAAP EPS of $0.16 misses by $0.07, revenue of $136.98M beats by $5.28M 2022/08/11 10:22:10 Seeking Alpha
Magic Software press release (NASDAQ:MGIC): Q2 GAAP EPS of $0.16 misses by $0.07.Revenue of $136.98M (+15.0% Y/Y) beats by $5.28M.Shares -0.61% PM.
Magic Software Continues To Create Revenue Platforms In Resilient Industries (NASDAQ:MGIC) 2022/05/15 21:17:59 Seeking Alpha
Magic Software presents a nice mid-cap tech exposure opportunity, but it''s beginning to trade too dearly for us high conviction investors to be interested. Click here for a full analysis.
Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. (MGIC) CEO Guy Bernstein on Q1 2022 Results - Earnings Call Transcript 2022/05/12 16:33:05 Seeking Alpha
Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:MGIC) Q1 2022 Earnings Conference Call May 12, 2022 10:00 ET Company Participants Guy Bernstein - Chief Executive Officer Asaf Berenstin -…
Magic Software Reports First Quarter 2022 Financial Results with Record-Breaking Revenues of $138.7 Million, Reflecting 29.3% Year Over Year Growth 2022/05/12 10:33:00 GlobeNewswire
Operating income for the first quarter increased 31% year over year to a record breaking $15.9 million; Non-GAAP operating income for the first quarter increased 26% year over year to a record-breaking first quarter result of $18.9 million Operating income for the first quarter increased 31% year over year to a record breaking $15.9 million; Non-GAAP operating income for the first quarter increased 26% year over year to a record-breaking first quarter result of $18.9 million
Earnings Scheduled For May 12, 2022 2022/05/12 08:55:23 Benzinga
Companies Reporting Before The Bell • Chicago Atlantic Real (NASDAQ: REFI ) is projected to report earnings for its first quarter. • Archer Aviation (NYSE: ACHR ) is likely to report earnings for its first quarter. • X4 Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: XFOR ) is projected to report quarterly loss at $0.61 per share on revenue of $120.00 thousand. • First Industrial Realty (NYSE: FR ) is projected to report earnings for its first quarter. • Berkshire Grey (NASDAQ: BGRY ) is estimated to report quarterly loss at $0.13 per share on revenue of $4.23 million. • Matinas BioPharma Hldgs (AMEX: MTNB ) is likely to report earnings for its first quarter. • KT (NYSE: KT ) is likely to report earnings for its first quarter. • Crescent Point Energy (NYSE: CPG ) is projected to report quarterly earnings at $0.25 per share on revenue of $693.53 million. • ironSource (NYSE: IS ) is estimated to report quarterly earnings at $0.03 per share on revenue of $183.58 million. • Aemetis (NASDAQ: AMTX ) is expected to report earnings for its first quarter.
関連キーワード (IT 米国株 マジック・ソフトウェア・エンタ―プライゼズ MGIC Magic Software Enterprises Ltd.)
ITとはInfomation Technology(情報技術)の略称。コンピューターからインターネットなどデーター通信など幅広い分野を指す。 特に、1990年代にインターネットが普及するとともにIT革命と呼ばれる情報化が急速に進展。株式市場では、90年代末から2000年前後にかけインターネット関連株などが急騰後、急落するITバブルと呼ばれる現象も起こった。IT関連株は引き続き高成長銘柄として投資家の高い関心を集めている。