NAII - ナチュラル・オルタ―ナティブス・インタ―ナショナル (Natural Alternatives International Inc.) ナチュラル・オルタ―ナティブス・インタ―ナショナル



symbol NAII
会社名 Natural Alternatives International Inc. (ナチュラル・オルタ―ナティブス・インタ―ナショナル)
分野(sector) Consumer Durables   耐久消費財
産業(industry) Specialty Chemicals  
業種 医薬品   一般消費財(Consumer Products)
概要 事業概要 ナチュラル・オルタナティブズ・インターナショナル(Natural Alternatives International Inc)は栄養補助食品の配合・製造・販売に従事する。同社は米国内外の消費者向けにビタミン、ミネラル、ハーブ及びその他の栄養補助食品、並びに他のヘルスケア製品の販売・流通を行う企業に対して、プライベートラベル製造受託サービスを提供する。また、同社は「Pathway to Healing」の製品ラインの下で、自社ブランド製品を開発・製造・販売する。同社は多様な消費者の好みに対応して、カプセル剤、錠剤、チュアブルウエハーと粉を含むさまざまな形の製品を製造する。同社の完全子会社であるNatural Alternatives International Europe S.A. (NAIE)はスイスのマンノに位置する製造・倉庫・包装・流通施設を運営している。   ナチュラル・オルタ―ナティブス・インタ―ナショナルは、米国の栄養補助食品メ―カ―。ビタミン、ミネラル、ハ―ブ、ヘルスケア製品を提供し、科学研究、臨床研究、顧客固有の処方、製品テストと評価、マ―ケティング管理とサポ―ト、包装・配送システム設計を含む栄養製品・サ―ビスを提供する。   Natural Alternatives International Inc. (NAI), headquartered in Carlsbad, California, is a leading formulator, manufacturer and marketer of nutritional supplements and provides strategic partnering services to its customers. Its comprehensive partnership approach offers a wide range of innovative nutritional products and services to its clients including scientific research, clinical studies, proprietary ingredients, customer-specific nutritional product formulation, product testing and evaluation, marketing management and support, packaging and delivery system design, regulatory review and international product registration assistance.
本社所在地 1535 Faraday Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 USA
代表者氏名 Mark A. LeDoux マーク・A・ルドゥ
代表者役職名 Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer
電話番号 +1 619-744-7340
設立年月日 1980年
市場名 NASDAQ National Market System
ipoyear ―年
従業員数 266人
EBITDA EBITDA(百万ドル) 12.44100
終値(lastsale) 9.45
時価総額(marketcap) 71474215.05
時価総額 時価総額(百万ドル) 71.17168
売上高 売上高(百万ドル) 132.43700
企業価値(EV) 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 47.55868
当期純利益 当期純利益(百万ドル) 8.06300
決算概要 決算概要 BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 30 June 2018 Natural Alternatives International Inc. revenues increased 9% to $132.4M. Net income before extraordinary items increased 11% to $8.1M. Revenues reflect an increase in demand for the Company's products and services due to favorable market conditions. Net income benefited from selling decrease of 10% to $14.4M (expense) Interest Income increase from $459K to $1.1M (income).



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CARLSBAD, Calif., Dec. 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Natural Alternatives International, Inc. ("NAI") (Nasdaq: NAII), a leading formulator, manufacturer and marketer of customized nutritional supplements, today announced its Board of Directors authorized a $1.0 million increase to its stock…
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   Natural Alternatives International, Inc. Announces a $1 Million Increase in its Stock Repurchase Plan  2022/12/05 21:15:00 PR Newswire
CARLSBAD, Calif., Dec. 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Natural Alternatives International, Inc. ("NAI") (Nasdaq: NAII), a leading formulator, manufacturer and marketer of customized nutritional supplements, today announced its Board of Directors authorized a $1.0 million increase to its stock…
   Natural Alternatives International, Inc. Announces 2022 Q3 and YTD Results  2022/05/13 13:15:00 PR Newswire
2022 Q3: Net Income Increased 30.7% and Diluted EPS Increased 36.7% Q4 Fiscal 2022 Outlook: 18% - 21% Net Sales Increase CARLSBAD, Calif., May 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Natural Alternatives International, Inc. ("NAI") (Nasdaq: NAII), a leading formulator, manufacturer, and marketer of…
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Natural Alternatives International <> authorizes a $3M increase to its stock repurchase plan bringing the total plan authorized repurchase amount to $18M
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Natural Alternatives International (NAI) adds $3M to its stock repurchase plan bringing the total plan authorized repurchase amount to $18M.The Company has purchased 1.9M shares
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Natural Alternatives International, Inc. (NASDAQ:NAII)s share price passed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of $14.86 and traded as low as $12.37. Natural Alternatives International shares last traded at $12.50, with a volume of 22,562 shares changing hands. The firm has a market cap []
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Bon Natural Life (NYSE:BON) and Natural Alternatives International (NASDAQ:NAII) are both small-cap consumer discretionary companies, but which is the superior stock? We will compare the two companies based on the strength of their earnings, valuation, dividends, profitability, institutional ownership, analyst recommendations and risk. Analyst Ratings This is a summary of current recommendations and price targets []

 関連キーワード  (医薬品 米国株 ナチュラル・オルタ―ナティブス・インタ―ナショナル NAII Natural Alternatives International Inc.)

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