概要 |
Nordic American Offshore Limited (NAO) operates platform supply vessels (PSV). The Company owns approximately eight vessels. The Company operates in the offshore support vessel market segment. The Company has approximately two vessels under construction. The Company's vessels operate in the North Sea in both the term and spot market. The Company's vessels include NAO Fighter NAO Prosper NAO Power NAO Thunder NAO Guardian NAO Protector NAO Storm and NAO Viking. Each of the Company's vessels has a capacity of approximately 4200 deadweight tonnage (DWT) and a cargo deck area of approximately 850 square meters. The Company's vessels under construction include NAO Galaxy and NAO Horizon. Remoy Shipping AS and V. Ships Limited provide technical management for the Company's vessels. ノルディック・アメリカン・オフショアは英国とノルウェ―北海でプラットフォ―ム補給船を運営。主要石油会社の掘削リグに燃料油、泥水、淡水などの掘削用供給品と機器を運送。重量トン数4200トンの「NAOファイタ―」、「NAOサンダ―」など6隻を所有、運航。 Nordic American Offshore Ltd. engages in the provision of offshore support vessel. Its fleets include NAO fighter, NAO Prosper, NAO Power, NAO Thunder, NAO Guardian, NAO Protector, NAO Viking, NAO Storm, NAO Galaxy, and NAO Horizon. The company was founded on October 17, 2013 and is headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda.