

symbol NETS
会社名 Netshoes (Cayman) Ltd (NETSHOES LIMITED)
業種 小売_百貨店   サ―ビス(Services)
概要 Netshoes (Cayman) Limited is a sports and lifestyle online retailer in Latin America. The Company focuses on offering an online consumer platform in Latin America. The Company operates through two segments: Brazil and International. The Company operates in Brazil Argentina and Mexico. The Brazil segment consists of retail sales of consumer products from all of its verticals (which includes sales of sporting goods and related garments as well as fashion and beauty goods) carried out through its sites and and third-party sites that it manages as well as its business to business offline operation. The International segment consists of retail sales of consumer products (mainly sporting goods and related garments) from its sites and in Argentina and Mexico.  ネットシュ―ズはケイマン諸島籍のオンライン販売持株会社。子会社を通じて、ブラジル、アルゼンチン、メキシコなど南米を中心に、スポ―ツやライフスタイルに関連するオンライン小売業を展開する。スニ―カ―、ジャ―ジ、アクセサリ―、スポ―ツ用品などをウェブサイト「」や「」で販売する。本社はブラジルサンパウロ。  Netshoes (Cayman) Ltd. engages in selling of shoes and clothing through stores and online. It operates through the following segments: Brazil and Argentina. The Brazil segment consists of retail sales of consumer products, which includes sales of sporting goods and related garments as well as fashion and beauty goods. The Argentina segment consists of retail sales of consumer products, mainly sporting goods and related garments from its site in Argentina. The company was founded by Marcio Kumruian and Hagop Chabab in January 2000 and is headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil.
本社所在地 Rua Vergueiro 961 Liberdade Sao Paulo Sao Paulo 01504-001 BRA
代表者氏名 Marcio Kumruian
代表者役職名 Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer
電話番号 +55 11-3028-3528
設立年月日 40634
市場名 NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所)
従業員数 2728人
EBITDA (百万ドル) -39.89130
時価総額 (百万ドル) 61.88315
売上高 (百万ドル) 472.03150
企業価値(EV) (百万ドル) 107.75689
当期純利益 (百万ドル) -72.37852
決算概要 BRIEF: For the nine months ended 30 September 2018 Netshoes (CAYMAN) Ltd revenues decreased 2% to R$1.24B. Net loss before extraordinary items increased from R$108.4M to R$230.7M. Revenues reflect Operating segment-International decrease of 4% to R$97.3M Brazil segment decrease of 50% to R$400.4M Online Sales-Brazil decrease of 3% to R$383.3M. Higher net loss reflects Amortization and depreciation increase from R$19.6M to R$40.4M (expense).


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