NHLD - ナショナル・ホ―ルディングス (National Holdings Corporation) ナショナル・ホ―ルディングス



symbol NHLD
会社名 National Holdings Corp (ナショナル・ホ―ルディングス)
分野(sector) Finance   金融
産業(industry) Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service  
業種 投資銀行_証券サ―ビス   金融(Financials)
概要 事業概要 National Holdings Corporation through its subsidiaries provides financial services. Through the Company''s broker-dealer and investment advisory subsidiaries it offers full service retail brokerage to individual corporate and institutional clients; provides investment banking merger and acquisition and advisory services to micro small and mid-cap high growth companies; engages in trading securities including making markets in micro and small-cap National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ) and other exchange listed stocks and provides liquidity in the United States Treasury marketplace. Its segments include brokerage and advisory services and tax and accounting services. The brokerage and advisory services segment includes broker-dealer and investment advisory services sale of insurance products and licensed mortgage brokerage services. The tax and accounting services segment includes tax preparation and small business accounting services.   ナショナル・ホ―ルディングスは米国の金融系持株会社。子会社のナショナル・セキュリティ―ズ社などをとおし、主要事務所をニューヨーク、フロリダ、シアトル、ワシントンなどに置き、全国の個人や機関投資家顧客に証券仲介業務を行う。また、投資銀行業務、合併買収およびマイクロ、小型、中型企業の諮問サ―ビスを提供。   
本社所在地 410 Park Avenue 14th Floor New York NY 10022 USA
代表者氏名 Michael A. Mullen Michael A. Mullen
代表者役職名 Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer 取締役会長兼最高経営責任者
電話番号 +1 212-417-8000
設立年月日 17168
市場名 NASDAQ Small Cap
ipoyear ―年
従業員数 1150人
url www.nhldcorp.com
nasdaq_url https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/nhld
EBITDA EBITDA(百万ドル) 9.65400
終値(lastsale) 3.14
時価総額(marketcap) 39221708.6
時価総額 時価総額(百万ドル) 39.22171
売上高 売上高(百万ドル) 212.03300
企業価値(EV) 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 1.96471
当期純利益 当期純利益(百万ドル) -5.86100
決算概要 決算概要 BRIEF: For the nine months ended 30 June 2018 National Holdings Corporation revenues increased 15% to $166.7M. Net loss totaled $9.5M vs. income of $8.9M. Revenues reflect Commissions increase of 16% to $85.4M Investment banking increase of 24% to $47.8M Investment advisory increase of 51% to $15.8M. Net loss reflects Change in fair value of warrant liabilit decrease from $5.2M (income) to $11.2M (expense).


 関連キーワード  (投資銀行_証券サ―ビス 米国株 ナショナル・ホ―ルディングス NHLD National Holdings Corporation)


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