symbol | NSEC |
会社名 | National Security Group Inc (ナショナル・セキュリティ・グル―プ) |
分野(sector) | Finance 金融 |
産業(industry) | Life Insurance |
業種 | 保険_生命_健康 金融(Financials) |
概要 | 事業概要 ナショナル・セキュリティ・グループ(The National Security Group Inc)は保険持株会社である。同社は完全子会社3社を通して、損害保険事業及び生命保険事業を行う。同社の損害保険子会社はNational Security Fire and Casualty (NSFC)及びOmega One Insurance Company (Omega)であり、主に11州において、住宅火災や暴風を含む個人向けの保険、自宅所有者、移動住宅所有者及び個人の非標準自動車保険等の引受けを行う。同社の生命保険子会社National Security Insurance Company(NSIC)は6州において、生命・健康保険及び傷害保険商品等の基本保険商品を提供する。平成23年12月31日現在、損害保険は総保険収入の88%を占めている。平成23年12月31日現在、独立代理店販売方法は生命保険セグメントの総収入の63.8%を占めている。 ナショナル・セキュリティ・グル―プは米国の保険持株会社。損害保険事業と生命保険事業を米国内で展開。損害保険事業は、主に火災や暴風を対象にした個人保険種目、及び住宅所有者及びトレ―ラ―ハウス所有者を対象にした保険種目を提供。生命保険事業は、生命保険、医療保険、傷害保険などを取扱う。本社はアラバマ州。 The National Security Group, Inc. is an insurance holding company. The Company, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, operates in two segments: property and casualty insurance and life insurance. The property and casualty subsidiaries of the Company, National Security Fire and Casualty and Omega One Insurance Company, primarily writes personal lines dwelling coverage, including dwelling fire and windstorm, homeowners and mobile homeowners lines of insurance in approximately ten states. Its life insurance subsidiary, National Security Insurance Company, offers a basic line of life and health and accident insurance products in approximately seven states. The Company operates across Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia. |
本社所在地 | 661 East Davis Street Elba AL 36323 USA |
代表者氏名 | William L. Brunson ウィリアム・L・ブランソン |
代表者役職名 | President Chief Executive Officer Director 社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO) |
電話番号 | +1 205-897-2273 |
設立年月日 | 32933 |
市場名 | NASDAQ National Market System |
ipoyear | ―年 |
従業員数 | 81人 |
url | www.nationalsecuritygroup.com |
nasdaq_url | https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/nsec |
adr_tso | ― |
EBITDA | EBITDA(百万ドル) 7.65400 |
終値(lastsale) | 14.75 |
時価総額(marketcap) | 37275256 |
時価総額 | 時価総額(百万ドル) 36.83680 |
売上高 | 売上高(百万ドル) 64.95800 |
企業価値(EV) | 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 47.43880 |
当期純利益 | 当期純利益(百万ドル) 1.84300 |
決算概要 | 決算概要 BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 June 2018 National Security Group Inc revenues decreased 2% to $32.1M. Net income totaled $928K vs. loss of $1.3M. Revenues reflect Net investment income decrease of 4% to $1.8M Net premiums earned decrease of less than 1% to $30.3M. Net Income reflects Taxes licenses and fees decrease of 17% to $998K (expense) Commissions decrease of 2% to $3.8M (expense) Interest expense decrease of 6% to $611K (expense). |
The One Solution To All Our Problems 2022/07/06 21:25:00 Zero Hedge
The One Solution To All Our Problems Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, Pick one, America: national security of the essential material foundation of everything, the industrial base, or "global markets," maximizing greed / corporate profits. Sorry about the clickbait title. We all know there isn''t "one solution" to anything as complex as a socio-economic-cultural-political system. But this is based on looking at all the problems from one very shaky perspective: that the foundations of any solutions are rock-solid and all we need to do is apply some ideological or financial fix and away we go. From another, much more practical perspective, if you don''t keep the foundation--the industrial base--glued together, then all the high-minded ideological or financial fixes will all be completely, utterly meaningless. When the generator breaks down and can''t be fixed due to a lack of critical spare parts, that isn''t a problem that has a "Progressive" or "Conservative" fix. Printing money and tax breaks won''t fix it either.
Businessman remanded over theft of Toyota vehicle 2022/06/28 17:48:21 Crew Blog
An Accra Circuit Court has remanded a 37-year-old businessman into Police custody over the alleged theft of a Toyota vehicle valued at ¢90,000 belonging to another businessman. Richard Oddoi Laryea has denied stealing the property of Isaac Ayisi. He will make his next appearance on July 8, 2022. Meanwhile, the Court ordered has prosecution to file and serve witness statements to the accused person’s defence counsel. Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Maxwell Oppong told the Court presided over by Ellen Offei Ayeh that Ayisi, the complainant, resided at Mallam whilst Laryea, the accused person, resided at Nungua. He said on May 15, 2022, the complainant was travelling with his ‘home used’ unregistered Toyota Camry and on reaching Nungua, the said car developed an electrical fault so he parked it with the accused person to embark on his trip and come for same when he returned. ASP Oppong said the Complainant returned from the trip three days later and he came to the accused person to take his car but the car was nowhere to be found.
NATIONAL SECURITY GROUP INC FILES (8-K/A) Disclosing Other Events 2022/06/08 17:44:05 InsuranceNewsNet
Item 8.01- Other Events As previously disclosed, The National Security Group, Inc. entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger on January 26, 2022 with VR Insurance Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiary, VR Insurance Merger Sub, Inc. pursuant to which each share of the Company''s common stock outstanding at the effective time of the merger will be converted into the…
Security issue not a Ghana Music Award 2022/06/07 17:14:56 Ghana MMA
Albert Kan-Dapaah, National Security boss Security Analyst, Adib Saani, has slammed National Security for appointing ambassadors for the ‘See Something, Say Something’ terrorism awareness campaign. He says appointing ambassadors doesn’t show any seriousness on the part of Ghana’s preparedness to safeguard the country against any terrorist attack. The National Security Ministry on May 24, launched […]
NATIONAL SECURITY GROUP INC FILES (8-K) Disclosing Other Events 2022/06/07 15:54:14 InsuranceNewsNet
Item 8.01- Other Events As previously disclosed, The National Security Group, Inc. entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger on January 26, 2022 with VR Insurance Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiary, VR Insurance Merger Sub, Inc. pursuant to which each share of the Company''s common stock outstanding at the effective time of the merger will be converted into the…
The One Solution To All Our Problems 2022/07/06 21:25:00 Zero Hedge
The One Solution To All Our Problems Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, Pick one, America: national security of the essential material foundation of everything, the industrial base, or "global markets," maximizing greed / corporate profits. Sorry about the clickbait title. We all know there isn''t "one solution" to anything as complex as a socio-economic-cultural-political system. But this is based on looking at all the problems from one very shaky perspective: that the foundations of any solutions are rock-solid and all we need to do is apply some ideological or financial fix and away we go. From another, much more practical perspective, if you don''t keep the foundation--the industrial base--glued together, then all the high-minded ideological or financial fixes will all be completely, utterly meaningless. When the generator breaks down and can''t be fixed due to a lack of critical spare parts, that isn''t a problem that has a "Progressive" or "Conservative" fix. Printing money and tax breaks won''t fix it either.
Businessman remanded over theft of Toyota vehicle 2022/06/28 17:48:21 Crew Blog
An Accra Circuit Court has remanded a 37-year-old businessman into Police custody over the alleged theft of a Toyota vehicle valued at ¢90,000 belonging to another businessman. Richard Oddoi Laryea has denied stealing the property of Isaac Ayisi. He will make his next appearance on July 8, 2022. Meanwhile, the Court ordered has prosecution to file and serve witness statements to the accused person’s defence counsel. Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Maxwell Oppong told the Court presided over by Ellen Offei Ayeh that Ayisi, the complainant, resided at Mallam whilst Laryea, the accused person, resided at Nungua. He said on May 15, 2022, the complainant was travelling with his ‘home used’ unregistered Toyota Camry and on reaching Nungua, the said car developed an electrical fault so he parked it with the accused person to embark on his trip and come for same when he returned. ASP Oppong said the Complainant returned from the trip three days later and he came to the accused person to take his car but the car was nowhere to be found.
NATIONAL SECURITY GROUP INC FILES (8-K/A) Disclosing Other Events 2022/06/08 17:44:05 InsuranceNewsNet
Item 8.01- Other Events As previously disclosed, The National Security Group, Inc. entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger on January 26, 2022 with VR Insurance Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiary, VR Insurance Merger Sub, Inc. pursuant to which each share of the Company''s common stock outstanding at the effective time of the merger will be converted into the…
Security issue not a Ghana Music Award 2022/06/07 17:14:56 Ghana MMA
Albert Kan-Dapaah, National Security boss Security Analyst, Adib Saani, has slammed National Security for appointing ambassadors for the ‘See Something, Say Something’ terrorism awareness campaign. He says appointing ambassadors doesn’t show any seriousness on the part of Ghana’s preparedness to safeguard the country against any terrorist attack. The National Security Ministry on May 24, launched […]
NATIONAL SECURITY GROUP INC FILES (8-K) Disclosing Other Events 2022/06/07 15:54:14 InsuranceNewsNet
Item 8.01- Other Events As previously disclosed, The National Security Group, Inc. entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger on January 26, 2022 with VR Insurance Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiary, VR Insurance Merger Sub, Inc. pursuant to which each share of the Company''s common stock outstanding at the effective time of the merger will be converted into the…
The One Solution To All Our Problems 2022/07/06 21:25:00 Zero Hedge
The One Solution To All Our Problems Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, Pick one, America: national security of the essential material foundation of everything, the industrial base, or "global markets," maximizing greed / corporate profits. Sorry about the clickbait title. We all know there isn''t "one solution" to anything as complex as a socio-economic-cultural-political system. But this is based on looking at all the problems from one very shaky perspective: that the foundations of any solutions are rock-solid and all we need to do is apply some ideological or financial fix and away we go. From another, much more practical perspective, if you don''t keep the foundation--the industrial base--glued together, then all the high-minded ideological or financial fixes will all be completely, utterly meaningless. When the generator breaks down and can''t be fixed due to a lack of critical spare parts, that isn''t a problem that has a "Progressive" or "Conservative" fix. Printing money and tax breaks won''t fix it either.
Businessman remanded over theft of Toyota vehicle 2022/06/28 17:48:21 Crew Blog
An Accra Circuit Court has remanded a 37-year-old businessman into Police custody over the alleged theft of a Toyota vehicle valued at ¢90,000 belonging to another businessman. Richard Oddoi Laryea has denied stealing the property of Isaac Ayisi. He will make his next appearance on July 8, 2022. Meanwhile, the Court ordered has prosecution to file and serve witness statements to the accused person’s defence counsel. Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Maxwell Oppong told the Court presided over by Ellen Offei Ayeh that Ayisi, the complainant, resided at Mallam whilst Laryea, the accused person, resided at Nungua. He said on May 15, 2022, the complainant was travelling with his ‘home used’ unregistered Toyota Camry and on reaching Nungua, the said car developed an electrical fault so he parked it with the accused person to embark on his trip and come for same when he returned. ASP Oppong said the Complainant returned from the trip three days later and he came to the accused person to take his car but the car was nowhere to be found.
NATIONAL SECURITY GROUP INC FILES (8-K/A) Disclosing Other Events 2022/06/08 17:44:05 InsuranceNewsNet
Item 8.01- Other Events As previously disclosed, The National Security Group, Inc. entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger on January 26, 2022 with VR Insurance Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiary, VR Insurance Merger Sub, Inc. pursuant to which each share of the Company''s common stock outstanding at the effective time of the merger will be converted into the…
Security issue not a Ghana Music Award 2022/06/07 17:14:56 Ghana MMA
Albert Kan-Dapaah, National Security boss Security Analyst, Adib Saani, has slammed National Security for appointing ambassadors for the ‘See Something, Say Something’ terrorism awareness campaign. He says appointing ambassadors doesn’t show any seriousness on the part of Ghana’s preparedness to safeguard the country against any terrorist attack. The National Security Ministry on May 24, launched […]
NATIONAL SECURITY GROUP INC FILES (8-K) Disclosing Other Events 2022/06/07 15:54:14 InsuranceNewsNet
Item 8.01- Other Events As previously disclosed, The National Security Group, Inc. entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger on January 26, 2022 with VR Insurance Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiary, VR Insurance Merger Sub, Inc. pursuant to which each share of the Company''s common stock outstanding at the effective time of the merger will be converted into the…