symbol | NTIC |
会社名 | Northern Technologies International Corp. (ノ―ザン・テクノロジ―ズ・インタ―ナショナル) |
分野(sector) | Capital Goods 資本財(工業製品) |
産業(industry) | Industrial Specialties |
業種 | 環境サ―ビス_装置 原材料・素材(Materials) |
概要 | 事業概要 ノーザン・テクノロジーズ・インターナショナル(Northern Technologies International Corporation)は直接的又はジョイントベンチャー、独立系卸業者及び代理店のネットワークを通じて、60以上の国において環境に有益な製品及びサービスの開発・販売を行う。同社の主な事業は「ZERUST」のブランド名で販売される防食材料である。同社はまた「Natur-Tec」のブランド名でバイオベースと生物分解可能な(堆肥にできる)高分子樹脂化合物及び完成品のポートフォリオを販売する。これらの製品は顧客の二酸化炭素排出量を削減し、環境に配慮した処分のオプションを提供することを意図している。同社の「ZERUST」錆や腐食防止製品は、プラスチックや紙包装、液体、粉末、コーティング、さび除去剤、洗浄剤、ディフューザー、及び石油?ガス業界向けに特別設計されたこれらの製品が含まれる。同社はまた、錆や腐食防止問題について、オンサイト技術コンサルティングを提供する。 ノ―ザン・テクノロジ―ズ・インタ―ナショナルは防結露、防錆、防止腐食対策のソリュ―ションを提供する米国企業。主に、商標名「ゼラスト」で気化性防錆製品を製造、販売。自動車、エレクトロニクス、電気、機械、軍事、小売、消費者、石油・ガス業界など広範にゼラスト製品とサ―ビスを提供。本社はミネソタ州。 northern technologies international corporation is in the business of converting unique environmentally beneficial material science into value added products and services for industrial and consumer applications. our business model of commercializing clean and green technologies in niche markets depends heavily on the talents, perseverance and integrity of both our employees and our worldwide federation of joint venture partners. northern technologies international corporation was founded in 1970 in lino lakes, minnesota with its primary business in oil analyzer instruments (then known as northern instruments, inc.). in 1993, northern instruments changed its corporate name by merging into a wholly owned subsidiary, northern technologies international corporation. the company has since grown out of the oil analyzer instrument business and into a global provider of corrosion inhibiting products and corrosion control management services with sales and technical support reach in more than |
本社所在地 | 4201 Woodland Road P.O. Box 69 Circle Pines MN 55014 USA |
代表者氏名 | G. Patrick Patrick Lynch G.パトリック・パトリック・リンチ |
代表者役職名 | President and Chief Executive Officer of NTIC |
電話番号 | +1 763-225-6601 |
設立年月日 | 25781 |
市場名 | NASDAQ National Market System |
ipoyear | ―年 |
従業員数 | 71人 |
url | www.ntic.com |
nasdaq_url | https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/ntic |
adr_tso | ― |
EBITDA | EBITDA(百万ドル) 1.42559 |
終値(lastsale) | 35.1299 |
時価総額(marketcap) | 159535555.3896 |
時価総額 | 時価総額(百万ドル) 142.82400 |
売上高 | 売上高(百万ドル) 47.58204 |
企業価値(EV) | 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 134.93075 |
当期純利益 | 当期純利益(百万ドル) 6.64434 |
決算概要 | 決算概要 BRIEF: For the nine months ended 31 May 2018 Northern Technologies International Corp revenues increased 28% to $36.7M. Net income before extraordinary items increased from $2M to $5.3M. Revenues reflect Net sales excluding joint ventures increase of 29% to $34.5M Net sales to joint ventures increase of 10% to $2.2M. Net income benefited from Equity in income from joint ventures increase of 33% to $5.8M (income). |
Northern Technologies: Prepared To Navigate Current Headwinds (NASDAQ:NTIC) 2023/04/30 08:19:21 Seeking Alpha
For Northern Technologies, margins remain depressed due to current headwinds. Despite that, NTIC stock is rated as a buy. Explore more here.
Insiders Buying Northern Technologies International And 2 Other Stocks 2023/04/20 12:56:18 Benzinga
When insiders purchase shares, it indicates their confidence in the company''s prospects or that they view the stock as a bargain. Either way, this signals an opportunity to go long on the stock. Insider purchases should not be taken as the only indicator for making an investment or trading decision. At best, it can lend conviction to a buying decision . Below is a look at a few recent notable insider purchases. For more, check out Benzinga''s insider transactions platform. Northern Technologies International The Trade: Northern Technologies International Corporation (NASDAQ: NTIC ) Director Sarah Kemp acquired a total of 2,473.373 shares an average price of $12.13. To acquire these shares, it … Full story available on Benzinga.com
Northern Technologies International Corp (NTIC) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript 2023/04/14 01:13:58 AlphaStreet
Northern Technologies International Corp (NASDAQ: NTIC) Q2 2023 earnings call dated Apr. 13, 2023 Corporate Participants: Patrick Lynch — President and Chief Executive Officer Matthew C. Wolsfeld — Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary […] The post Northern Technologies International Corp (NTIC) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript first appeared on AlphaStreet .
Northern Technologies International Corporation (NTIC) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript 2023/04/13 15:04:05 Seeking Alpha
Northern Technologies International Corporation (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:NTIC) Q2 2023 Earnings Conference Call April 13, 2023 9:00 AM ETCompany ParticipantsPatrick Lynch - CEOMatt Wolsfeld -…
Northern Technologies Clocks 9.1% Sales growth In Q2; Predicts NTIC China Sales To Improve In Q3 2023/04/13 14:32:54 Benzinga
Northern Technologies International Corp (NASDAQ: NTIC ) reported second-quarter FY23 sales of $18.27 million, a 9.1% growth year-on-year, missing the estimate of $20.40 million . ZERUST sales increased 10.1% Y/Y to $14.46 million. The company recorded a gross profit of $6.40 million, up 28.5% Y/Y, with a margin of 35.0%. Operating … Full story available on Benzinga.com
Northern Technologies: Prepared To Navigate Current Headwinds (NASDAQ:NTIC) 2023/04/30 08:19:21 Seeking Alpha
For Northern Technologies, margins remain depressed due to current headwinds. Despite that, NTIC stock is rated as a buy. Explore more here.
Insiders Buying Northern Technologies International And 2 Other Stocks 2023/04/20 12:56:18 Benzinga
When insiders purchase shares, it indicates their confidence in the company''s prospects or that they view the stock as a bargain. Either way, this signals an opportunity to go long on the stock. Insider purchases should not be taken as the only indicator for making an investment or trading decision. At best, it can lend conviction to a buying decision . Below is a look at a few recent notable insider purchases. For more, check out Benzinga''s insider transactions platform. Northern Technologies International The Trade: Northern Technologies International Corporation (NASDAQ: NTIC ) Director Sarah Kemp acquired a total of 2,473.373 shares an average price of $12.13. To acquire these shares, it … Full story available on Benzinga.com
Northern Technologies International Corp (NTIC) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript 2023/04/14 01:13:58 AlphaStreet
Northern Technologies International Corp (NASDAQ: NTIC) Q2 2023 earnings call dated Apr. 13, 2023 Corporate Participants: Patrick Lynch — President and Chief Executive Officer Matthew C. Wolsfeld — Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary […] The post Northern Technologies International Corp (NTIC) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript first appeared on AlphaStreet .
Northern Technologies International Corporation (NTIC) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript 2023/04/13 15:04:05 Seeking Alpha
Northern Technologies International Corporation (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:NTIC) Q2 2023 Earnings Conference Call April 13, 2023 9:00 AM ETCompany ParticipantsPatrick Lynch - CEOMatt Wolsfeld -…
Northern Technologies Clocks 9.1% Sales growth In Q2; Predicts NTIC China Sales To Improve In Q3 2023/04/13 14:32:54 Benzinga
Northern Technologies International Corp (NASDAQ: NTIC ) reported second-quarter FY23 sales of $18.27 million, a 9.1% growth year-on-year, missing the estimate of $20.40 million . ZERUST sales increased 10.1% Y/Y to $14.46 million. The company recorded a gross profit of $6.40 million, up 28.5% Y/Y, with a margin of 35.0%. Operating … Full story available on Benzinga.com
DMC Global among Energy/Material gainers; Tellurian and Amyris among losers 2022/09/20 18:00:30 Seeking Alpha
Gainers: Northern Technologies International (NTIC) +8%. DMC Global (BOOM) +7%.Losers: Tellurian (TELL) -24%. Mammoth Energy Services (TUSK) -15%. Dawson Geophysical (DWSN) -12%
Northern Technologies International Corporation (NTIC) CEO Patrick Lynch on Q3 2022 Results - Earnings Call Transcript 2022/07/07 15:48:08 Seeking Alpha
Northern Technologies International Corporation (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:NTIC) Q3 2022 Earnings Conference Call July 7, 2022 09:00 ET Company Participants Patrick Lynch - President and Chief…
Northern Technologies International Corporation Reports Financial Results for Third Quarter Fiscal 2022 2022/07/07 12:00:00 GlobeNewswire
MINNEAPOLIS, July 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Northern Technologies International Corporation (NASDAQ: NTIC), a leading developer of corrosion inhibiting products and services, as well as bio-based and biodegradable polymer resin compounds, today reported its financial results for the third quarter of fiscal 2022.
Northern Technologies International Corporation to Announce Fiscal 2022 Third Quarter Financial Results and Host Conference Call 2022/06/30 12:00:00 GlobeNewswire
MINNEAPOLIS, June 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Northern Technologies International Corporation (NASDAQ: NTIC) today announced that it expects to release its fiscal 2022 third quarter financial results on Thursday, July 7, 2022, before the market opens. A copy of the news release will be available on the Investor Relations section of NTIC’s webpage (www.ntic.com).
関連キーワード (環境サ―ビス_装置 米国株 ノ―ザン・テクノロジ―ズ・インタ―ナショナル NTIC Northern Technologies International Corporation)
「環境関連」は、広義では生物を取り巻く外界に発生する、生物にとって有害な現象のこと。狭義には、人類の活動が人類を取り巻く環境あるいは自然総体に対して各種の干渉を行ったことで、悪影響を生じさせる現象に関連すること。 株式市場では、主に環境を改善、あるいは悪化防止に向けた改善策関連をビジネスとしている銘柄のことを「環境関連銘柄」という。