NWLI - ナショナル・ウェスタン・ライフ・インシュアランス (National Western Life Group Inc.) ナショナル・ウェスタン・ライフ・インシュアランス



symbol NWLI
会社名 National Western Life Insurance Co. (Austin TX) (ナショナル・ウェスタン・ライフ・インシュアランス)
分野(sector) Finance   金融
産業(industry) Life Insurance  
業種 保険_生命_健康   金融(Financials)
概要 事業概要 ナショナル・ウエスタン・ライフ・グループ(National Western Life Group Inc.)は生命保険株式会社。同社のセグメントは国内生命保険、国際生命保険、年金及びその他を含む。同社はニューヨークを除き、すべての州およびコロンビア特別区で事業の免許を持つ。同社の商品はユニバーサル生命保険、年金、長期及び終身生命保険を含む伝統生命保険などがある。同社は主に国内の独立したマーケティング組織を通じて保険商品を販売し、流通する。同社の国際業務は上級社会経済クラスの外国人に中心をする。同社の個人終身、長期、ユニバーサル生命保険プラン、補足ライダーを含む年金のポートフォリオを提供する。   ナショナル・ウェスタン・ライフ・インシュアランスは、米国の生命保険会社。生命保険の保証のほか資産の蓄積と退職のニ―ズに合わせて生命保険商品を提供する。また同社は、ハイチで保健ライセンスを保有する。約12万6千700人の保険契約加入者、約13万9千100人の年金契約保有者を持つ。   National Western Life Group, Inc. is the parent organization of National Western Life Insurance Company, which is the parent organization of Ozark National Life Insurance Company, both stock life insurance companies in aggregate offering a broad portfolio of individual universal life, whole life and term insurance plans, as well as annuity products. At September 30, 2020, National Western Life Group, Inc. maintained consolidated total assets of $12.4 billion, consolidated stockholders' equity of $2.2 billion, and combined life insurance inforce of $22.2 billion.
本社所在地 850 East Anderson Lane Austin TX 78752-1602 USA
代表者氏名 Ross R. Moody ロス・ムーディー
代表者役職名 Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer 取締役会長兼最高経営責任者
電話番号 +1 512-836-1010
設立年月日 20637
市場名 NASDAQ National Market System
ipoyear ―年
従業員数 264人
url www.nationalwesternlife.com
nasdaq_url https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/nwli
EBITDA EBITDA(百万ドル) 265.70900
終値(lastsale) 316.6
時価総額(marketcap) 1151210155.6
時価総額 時価総額(百万ドル) 174.16
売上高 売上高(百万ドル) 1106.448
企業価値(EV) 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 947.64100
当期純利益 当期純利益(百万ドル) 103.64300
決算概要 決算概要 BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 June 2018 National Western Life Group Inc revenues decreased 2% to $317.2M. Net income increased 21% to $59.3M. Revenues reflect Investment Income Gross - Insurance decrease of 2% to $217.4M Investment Expense - Insurance decrease of 22% to -$712K. Net income reflects Taxes licenses and fees decrease of 23% to $4.1M (expense) Compensation expense decrease of 7% to $14M (expense).



   National Western Life Group, Inc. Announces 2022 First Quarter Earnings  2022/05/10 18:00:00 PR Newswire
AUSTIN, Texas, May 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Ross R. Moody, Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer of National Western Life Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: NWLI), announced today first quarter 2022 consolidated net earnings of $36.2 million, or $10.23 per diluted Class A common…
   National Western Life Group Inc - Class A Shares Close in on 52-Week High - Market Mover  2021/05/17 22:30:00 Kwhen Finance
National Western Life Group Inc - Class A (NWLI) shares closed today at 1.2% below its 52 week high of $260.00, giving the company a market cap of $884M. The stock is currently up 24.7% year-to-date, up 48.0% over the past 12 months, and up 26.9% over the past five years. This week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.0%, and the S&P 500 fell 1.3%. Trading Activity Trading volume this week was 22.3% lower than the 20-day average.Beta, a measure of the stocks volatility relative to the overall market stands at 1.3. Technical Indicators The Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the stock was above 70, indicating it may be overbought.MACD, a trend-following momentum indicator, indicates an upward trend.The stock closed below its Bollinger band, indicating it may be oversold. Market Comparative Performance The company's share price is the same as the S&P 500 Index , beats it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis The company's share price is the same as the Dow Jones Industrial Average , beats it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis The company share price is the same as the performance of its peers in the Financials industry sector , lags it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5 year basis Per Group Comparative Performance The company's stock price performance year-to-date lags the peer average by -10.4% The company's stock price performance over the past 12 months lags the peer average by -29.3% The company's price-to-earnings ratio, which relates a company's share price to its earnings per share, is 38.4% higher than the average peer. This story was produced by the Kwhen Automated News Generator. For more articles like this, please visit us at finance.kwhen.com. Write to editors@kwhen.com. © 2020 Kwhen Inc.
   National Western Life Group Inc - Class A Shares Approach 52-Week High - Market Mover  2021/05/14 22:30:00 Kwhen Finance
National Western Life Group Inc - Class A (NWLI) shares closed today at 1.0% below its 52 week high of $260.00, giving the company a market cap of $869M. The stock is currently up 22.6% year-to-date, up 46.9% over the past 12 months, and up 27.4% over the past five years. This week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.5%, and the S&P 500 fell 2.1%. Trading Activity Trading volume this week was 6.1% higher than the 20-day average.Beta, a measure of the stocks volatility relative to the overall market stands at 1.4. Technical Indicators The Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the stock was above 70, indicating it may be overbought.MACD, a trend-following momentum indicator, indicates an upward trend.The stock closed below its Bollinger band, indicating it may be oversold.The stock closed at 4.2% higher than its 5-day moving average, 8.9% higher than its 20-day moving average, and 15.0% higher than its 90-day moving average. Market Comparative Performance The company's share price is the same as the S&P 500 Index , lags it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis The company's share price is the same as the Dow Jones Industrial Average , lags it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis The company share price is the same as the performance of its peers in the Financials industry sector , lags it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5 year basis Per Group Comparative Performance The company's stock price performance year-to-date lags the peer average by -15.6% The company's stock price performance over the past 12 months lags the peer average by -34.5% The company's price-to-earnings ratio, which relates a company's share price to its earnings per share, is 14.3% higher than the average peer. This story was produced by the Kwhen Automated News Generator. For more articles like this, please visit us at finance.kwhen.com. Write to editors@kwhen.com. © 2020 Kwhen Inc.
   National Western Life Group Inc - Class A Shares Close in on 52-Week High - Market Mover  2021/05/17 22:30:00 Kwhen Finance
National Western Life Group Inc - Class A (NWLI) shares closed today at 1.2% below its 52 week high of $260.00, giving the company a market cap of $884M. The stock is currently up 24.7% year-to-date, up 48.0% over the past 12 months, and up 26.9% over the past five years. This week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.0%, and the S&P 500 fell 1.3%. Trading Activity Trading volume this week was 22.3% lower than the 20-day average.Beta, a measure of the stocks volatility relative to the overall market stands at 1.3. Technical Indicators The Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the stock was above 70, indicating it may be overbought.MACD, a trend-following momentum indicator, indicates an upward trend.The stock closed below its Bollinger band, indicating it may be oversold. Market Comparative Performance The company's share price is the same as the S&P 500 Index , beats it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis The company's share price is the same as the Dow Jones Industrial Average , beats it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis The company share price is the same as the performance of its peers in the Financials industry sector , lags it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5 year basis Per Group Comparative Performance The company's stock price performance year-to-date lags the peer average by -10.4% The company's stock price performance over the past 12 months lags the peer average by -29.3% The company's price-to-earnings ratio, which relates a company's share price to its earnings per share, is 38.4% higher than the average peer. This story was produced by the Kwhen Automated News Generator. For more articles like this, please visit us at finance.kwhen.com. Write to editors@kwhen.com. © 2020 Kwhen Inc.
   National Western Life Group Inc - Class A Shares Approach 52-Week High - Market Mover  2021/05/14 22:30:00 Kwhen Finance
National Western Life Group Inc - Class A (NWLI) shares closed today at 1.0% below its 52 week high of $260.00, giving the company a market cap of $869M. The stock is currently up 22.6% year-to-date, up 46.9% over the past 12 months, and up 27.4% over the past five years. This week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.5%, and the S&P 500 fell 2.1%. Trading Activity Trading volume this week was 6.1% higher than the 20-day average.Beta, a measure of the stocks volatility relative to the overall market stands at 1.4. Technical Indicators The Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the stock was above 70, indicating it may be overbought.MACD, a trend-following momentum indicator, indicates an upward trend.The stock closed below its Bollinger band, indicating it may be oversold.The stock closed at 4.2% higher than its 5-day moving average, 8.9% higher than its 20-day moving average, and 15.0% higher than its 90-day moving average. Market Comparative Performance The company's share price is the same as the S&P 500 Index , lags it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis The company's share price is the same as the Dow Jones Industrial Average , lags it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis The company share price is the same as the performance of its peers in the Financials industry sector , lags it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5 year basis Per Group Comparative Performance The company's stock price performance year-to-date lags the peer average by -15.6% The company's stock price performance over the past 12 months lags the peer average by -34.5% The company's price-to-earnings ratio, which relates a company's share price to its earnings per share, is 14.3% higher than the average peer. This story was produced by the Kwhen Automated News Generator. For more articles like this, please visit us at finance.kwhen.com. Write to editors@kwhen.com. © 2020 Kwhen Inc.

 関連キーワード  (保険_生命_健康 米国株 ナショナル・ウェスタン・ライフ・インシュアランス NWLI National Western Life Group Inc.)


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