symbol | NXGN |
会社名 | NextGen Healthcare Inc (クオリティ・システムズ) |
分野(sector) | Technology ハイテク |
産業(industry) | EDP Services |
業種 | ITサ―ビス_コンサルティング IT・通信(IT_Communications) |
概要 | 事業概要 ネクストジェン・ヘルスケア(NextGen Healthcare Inc.)(旧名:Quality Systems Inc.)は米国の外来ケア市場に技術ベースのソリューションとサービスを提供する。同社は医療および歯科治療向け練習管理(PM)および電子健康記録(EHR)の特定側面を自動化するソフトウェアおよびサービスの開発およびマーケティングに従事する。同社はネクストジェン事業、RCMサービス事業、QSI 歯科事業の3つの区分を通じて事業を行う。同社はまた、収益サイクル管理(RCM)や電子データ交換(EDI)などのソフトウェアおよび補完サービスの実装、トレーニング、サポート、およびメンテナンスも提供する。同社の顧客には、小規模練習医師、医師の病院組織(PHO)、管理サービス組織(MSO)、アカウンタブルケア組織(ACO)、外来ケアセンター、地域保健センター、医学・歯科学校を含む。 クオリティ・システムズは、病院ソリュ―ション事業等を運営する米国企業。事業は、QSI歯科部門、ネクストジェン事業部は、病院ソリュ―ション事業部とRCMサ―ビス部門で構成される。医師、病院の組織や管理サ―ビス組織、外来ケアセンタ―、地域保健センタ―や医療および歯科学校に医療情報と医療と歯科医院を自動化するシステムを提供する。 nextgen healthcare information systems, llc, a wholly owned subsidiary of quality systems, inc., provides integrated clinical, financial, and connectivity solutions for primary care physicians, specialist physicians, health systems, and dental provider organizations. the company drives collaborative care and patient engagement with a comprehensive suite of products and services that support emerging initiatives such as patient-centered medical home, accountable care organizations, and health information exchange. |
本社所在地 | 18111 Von Karman Avenue Suite 800 Irvine CA 92612 USA |
代表者氏名 | Jeffrey H. Margolis ジェフリーH.マーゴリス |
代表者役職名 | Independent Chairman of the Board |
電話番号 | +1 949-255-2600 |
設立年月日 | 27120 |
市場名 | NASDAQ National Market System |
ipoyear | ―年 |
従業員数 | 2830人 |
url | www.qsii.com |
nasdaq_url | https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/nxgn |
adr_tso | ― |
EBITDA | EBITDA(百万ドル) 44.87400 |
終値(lastsale) | 19.09 |
時価総額(marketcap) | 1225902090.93 |
時価総額 | 時価総額(百万ドル) 1200.857 |
売上高 | 売上高(百万ドル) 533.29700 |
企業価値(EV) | 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 1218.946 |
当期純利益 | 当期純利益(百万ドル) 2.55300 |
決算概要 | 決算概要 BRIEF: For the three months ended 30 June 2018 Nextgen Healthcare Inc revenues increased 2% to $133.2M. Net income decreased 32% to $2.6M. Revenues reflect an increase in demand for the Company's products and services due to favorable market conditions. Net income was offset by Research_Development increase of 10% to $21.5M (expense) Selling and general increase of 2% to $42.4M (expense). |
Zacks Research Comments on NextGen Healthcare, Inc.’s Q1 2024 Earnings (NASDAQ:NXGN) 2023/06/03 06:44:33 EIN News Healthcare
… investors. About NextGen Healthcare (Get Rating) NextGen Healthcare , Inc provides software … solutions that deliver on ambulatory healthcare imperatives including population health, … '' ratings for NextGen Healthcare and related companies with MarketBeat …
NextGen Healthcare (NASDAQ:NXGN) Coverage Initiated by Analysts at Stephens 2023/04/12 07:54:42 The AM Reporter
Stephens initiated coverage on shares of NextGen Healthcare (NASDAQ:NXGN – Get Rating) in a research report released on Tuesday morning, The Fly reports. The brokerage issued an overweight rating on the stock. Separately, StockNews.com began coverage on shares of NextGen Healthcare in a report on Thursday, March 16th. They set a buy rating on the […]
NextGen Healthcare Inc PT Raised to $21 at Deutsche Bank 2023/01/26 14:31:09 Investing.com
NextGen: Liquid Immunizer To Equity Risk (NASDAQ:NXGN) 2022/12/10 07:46:57 Seeking Alpha
We believe NextGen offers a low beta, low gamma allocation to help stabilize portfolio returns. Read more to see the fundamental and technical data that support our findings.
NextGen Healthcare Inc PT Raised to $22 at Truist Securities 2022/10/27 11:43:20 Investing.com
NextGen Healthcare Inc PT Raised to $21 at Deutsche Bank 2023/01/26 14:31:09 Investing.com
NextGen: Liquid Immunizer To Equity Risk (NASDAQ:NXGN) 2022/12/10 07:46:57 Seeking Alpha
We believe NextGen offers a low beta, low gamma allocation to help stabilize portfolio returns. Read more to see the fundamental and technical data that support our findings.
NextGen Healthcare Inc PT Raised to $22 at Truist Securities 2022/10/27 11:43:20 Investing.com
Nasdaq Dips 1.5%; Alphabet Misses Q3 Estimates 2022/10/26 14:07:43 Benzinga
U.S. stocks traded mostly lower this morning, with the Nasdaq Composite dropping around 1.5% on Wednesday. Following the market opening Wednesday, the Dow traded up 0.10% to 31,868.78 while the NASDAQ fell 1.52% to 11,028.45. The S&P 500 also fell, dropping, 0.63% to 3,834.92. Also check this: Bitcoin Jumps Above 20,000; Here Are The Top Crypto Movers For Wednesday Leading and Lagging Sectors Health care shares climbed 0.9% on Wednesday. Leading the sector was strength from NextGen Healthcare, Inc. (NASDAQ: NXGN ) and Community Health Systems, Inc. (NYSE: CYH ). In trading on Wednesday, communication services shares dipped by 3.4%. Top Headline Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOGL ) reported weaker-than-expected earnings results for its third quarter after the closing bell on Tuesday. YouTube and Network revenue were down on a year-over-year basis, bringing overall Google Ad revenue to $54.48 billion, up from last year’s $53.13 billion. Equities Trading UP New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc. (NYSE: EDU ) shares shot up 17% to $24.71 after the company reported better-than-expected Q1 EPS and sales results.
Piper Sandler Starts NextGen Healthcare Inc at Neutral 2022/10/21 08:33:01 Investing.com
NextGen: Liquid Immunizer To Equity Risk (NASDAQ:NXGN) 2022/12/10 07:46:57 Seeking Alpha
We believe NextGen offers a low beta, low gamma allocation to help stabilize portfolio returns. Read more to see the fundamental and technical data that support our findings.
NextGen Healthcare Inc PT Raised to $22 at Truist Securities 2022/10/27 11:43:20 Investing.com
Nasdaq Dips 1.5%; Alphabet Misses Q3 Estimates 2022/10/26 14:07:43 Benzinga
U.S. stocks traded mostly lower this morning, with the Nasdaq Composite dropping around 1.5% on Wednesday. Following the market opening Wednesday, the Dow traded up 0.10% to 31,868.78 while the NASDAQ fell 1.52% to 11,028.45. The S&P 500 also fell, dropping, 0.63% to 3,834.92. Also check this: Bitcoin Jumps Above 20,000; Here Are The Top Crypto Movers For Wednesday Leading and Lagging Sectors Health care shares climbed 0.9% on Wednesday. Leading the sector was strength from NextGen Healthcare, Inc. (NASDAQ: NXGN ) and Community Health Systems, Inc. (NYSE: CYH ). In trading on Wednesday, communication services shares dipped by 3.4%. Top Headline Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOGL ) reported weaker-than-expected earnings results for its third quarter after the closing bell on Tuesday. YouTube and Network revenue were down on a year-over-year basis, bringing overall Google Ad revenue to $54.48 billion, up from last year’s $53.13 billion. Equities Trading UP New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc. (NYSE: EDU ) shares shot up 17% to $24.71 after the company reported better-than-expected Q1 EPS and sales results.
Piper Sandler Starts NextGen Healthcare Inc at Neutral 2022/10/21 08:33:01 Investing.com
Healthcare Electronic Data Interchange Global Market Report 2022 2022/09/07 14:09:00 GlobeNewswire
Major players in the healthcare electronic data interchange market are McKesson Corporation, Optum Inc, Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc. , Athenahealth Inc, NextGen Healthcare Inc, Experian plc, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Cerner Corporation, Synnex Corporation, The SSI Group LLC, Waystar Health, Comarch SA, Axway Software, PLEXIS Healthcare Systems Inc, Archer Software, TrueCommerce B2BGateway, DiCentral Corporation, 123 EDI, and Quadax Inc. Major players in the healthcare electronic data interchange market are McKesson Corporation, Optum Inc, Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc. , Athenahealth Inc, NextGen Healthcare Inc, Experian plc, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Cerner Corporation, Synnex Corporation, The SSI Group LLC, Waystar Health, Comarch SA, Axway Software, PLEXIS Healthcare Systems Inc, Archer Software, TrueCommerce B2BGateway, DiCentral Corporation, 123 EDI, and Quadax Inc.
関連キーワード (ITサ―ビス_コンサルティング 米国株 クオリティ・システムズ NXGN NextGen Healthcare Inc.)
ITとはInfomation Technology(情報技術)の略称。コンピューターからインターネットなどデーター通信など幅広い分野を指す。 特に、1990年代にインターネットが普及するとともにIT革命と呼ばれる情報化が急速に進展。株式市場では、90年代末から2000年前後にかけインターネット関連株などが急騰後、急落するITバブルと呼ばれる現象も起こった。IT関連株は引き続き高成長銘柄として投資家の高い関心を集めている。