symbol | OCUL |
会社名 | Ocular Therapeutix Inc (オキュラ―・セラピュ―ティクス) |
分野(sector) | Health Care ヘルスケア |
産業(industry) | Major Pharmaceuticals |
業種 | 医療機器_医療用品_ディストリビュ―タ― 医療関連(Health Care) |
概要 | 事業概要 オキュラー・セラピューティクス(Ocular Therapeutix Inc.)は独自のヒドロゲルプラットフォーム技術を使用して、目の病気と症状の治療法の開発・製造・商業化に従事するバイオ医薬品会社である。鉛管内使用のための主要製品候補であるDEXTENZA(デキサメタゾンインサート)は眼科手術後の眼の痛みおよび炎症の治療のための第III相臨床開発を完了した。OTX-TP(トラボプロストインサート)は、緑内障および高眼圧症の第III相臨床開発にある。その初期段階の資産には、中等度から重度の緑内障および高眼圧症の治療のための持続放出性トラボプロスト眼内注射、並びに網膜疾患の治療のための徐放性硝子体内注射であるOTX-TICが含まれる。これらの注射には、チロシンキナーゼ阻害剤であるOTX-TKIの開発、および延長された放出タンパク質ベースの抗血管内皮成長因子トラップであるRegeneronとの共同研究が含まれる。 オキュラ―・セラピュ―ティクスは眼疾患の治療薬の開発と商品化に焦点を置く米国のバイオ医薬品会社。ポリエチレン・グリコ―ルを基盤にしたヒドロゲルの点眼剤を開発。白内障切開部の閉鎖剤「リシュア」を販売するほか、白内障術後の眼炎症・疼痛のOTX-DP、緑内障と高眼圧症の治療薬OTX-TPの治験を行う。 Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the formulation, development, and commercialization of innovative therapies for diseases and conditions of the eye using its proprietary bioresorbable hydrogel-based formulation technology. Ocular Therapeutix's first commercial drug product, DEXTENZA (dexamethasone ophthalmic insert) 0.4 mg for intracanalicular use, is FDA-approved for the treatment of ocular inflammation and pain following ophthalmic surgery. Ocular Therapeutix has also submitted a Supplemental NDA for DEXTENZA to include the treatment of ocular itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis as an additional approved indication. Ocular Therapeutix's earlier stage development assets currently in Phase 1 clinical trials include OTX-TKI (axitinib intravitreal implant) for the treatment of wet AMD and other retinal diseases and OTX-TIC (travoprost intracameral implant) for the reduction of intraocular pressure in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Ocular Therapeutix is currently evaluating each of OTX-CSI (cyclosporine intracanalicular insert) for the chronic treatment of dry eye disease and OTX-DED (dexamethasone intracanalicular insert) for the short-term treatment of the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease in Phase 2 clinical trials. Also, in collaboration with Regeneron, OTX-AFS (aflibercept suprachoroidal injection) is in pre-clinical development as an extended-delivery formulation of aflibercept for the treatment of retinal diseases. Ocular Therapeutix's first product, ReSure® Sealant is an FDA-approved device to prevent wound leaks in corneal incisions following cataract surgery. |
本社所在地 | 15 Crosby Drive Bedford MA 01730 USA |
代表者氏名 | Amarpreet Sawhney Amarpreet Sawhney |
代表者役職名 | Executive Chairman of the Board 取締役会長 |
電話番号 | +1 781-895-3235 |
設立年月日 | 38961 |
市場名 | NASDAQ National Market System |
ipoyear | 2014年 |
従業員数 | - |
url | www.ocutx.com |
nasdaq_url | https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/ocul |
adr_tso | ― |
EBITDA | EBITDA(百万ドル) -52.79000 |
終値(lastsale) | 6.14 |
時価総額(marketcap) | 236955997.48 |
時価総額 | 時価総額(百万ドル) 238.11380 |
売上高 | 売上高(百万ドル) 1.99800 |
企業価値(EV) | 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 196.90980 |
当期純利益 | 当期純利益(百万ドル) -56.23800 |
決算概要 | 決算概要 BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 June 2018 Ocular Therapeutix Inc revenues increased 8% to $988K. Net loss decreased 21% to $27.6M. Revenues reflect an increase in demand for the Company's products and services due to favorable market conditions. Lower net loss reflects Selling and Marketing - Balancing value decrease of 89% to $1.4M (expense) Stock-based Compensation in SGA decrease of 52% to $226K (expense). |
Here’s Why Ocular Therapeutix Inc. (NASDAQ: OCUL) Is A Good Stock To Buy Right Now 2022/06/20 20:00:00 Stocks Register
The trading price of Ocular Therapeutix Inc. (NASDAQ:OCUL) closed higher on Friday, June 17, closing at $3.74, 9.04% higher than its previous close. >> 5 Best Growth Stocks for 2022 << >> 5 Best Growth Stocks for 2022 << Traders who pay close attention to intraday price movement should know that it fluctuated between $3.43 … Here’s Why Ocular Therapeutix Inc. (NASDAQ: OCUL) Is A Good Stock To Buy Right Now Read More »
Ocular Therapeutix™ Announces Organizational Changes to Support Development for Retinal Diseases 2022/06/08 11:00:00 Business Wire
BEDFORD, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. (NASDAQ:OCUL), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the formulation, development, and commercialization of innovative therapies for diseases and conditions of the eye, announced senior leadership changes to strengthen the Company’s alignment around the development of its late-stage ophthalmology product portfolio. The realignment was affected to enhance Ocular’s ability to execute its strategy of building a comprehensive portfolio of a
Ocular Therapeutix Inc. (NASDAQ: OCUL) Shares Are Set To Rise By 2022 2022/06/04 20:00:00 Stocks Register
Ocular Therapeutix Inc. (NASDAQ:OCUL) shares, rose in value on Friday, 06/03/22, with the stock price down by -1.26% to the previous day’s close as strong demand from buyers drove the stock to $3.14. Actively observing the price movement in the last trading, the stock closed the session at $3.18, falling within a range of $3.10 … Ocular Therapeutix Inc. (NASDAQ: OCUL) Shares Are Set To Rise By 2022 Read More »
Ocular Therapeutix to Present at the Jefferies Healthcare Conference 2022/06/01 12:00:00 Wallstreet:Online
Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. (Nasdaq: OCUL) a biopharmaceutical company focused on the formulation, development, and commercialization of innovative therapies for diseases and conditions of the eye, today announced that it will present in a fireside chat at the Jefferies Healthcare Conference on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 8:00 AM ET at the Marriott Marquis in New York, NY. In addition to the presentation,
Ocular Therapeutix™ to Present at the Jefferies Healthcare Conference 2022/06/01 12:00:00 Business Wire
BEDFORD, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. (Nasdaq: OCUL) a biopharmaceutical company focused on the formulation, development, and commercialization of innovative therapies for diseases and conditions of the eye, today announced that it will present in a fireside chat at the Jefferies Healthcare Conference on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 8:00 AM ET at the Marriott Marquis in New York, NY. In addition to the presentation, the management team will host investor meetings. Investors pa
Ocular Therapeutix Q1 2022 Earnings Preview (NASDAQ:OCUL) 2022/05/06 21:35:42 Seeking Alpha
Ocular Therapeutix (OCUL) is scheduled to announce Q1 earnings results on Monday, May 9th, after market close.The consensus EPS Estimate is -$0.20 (+16.7% Y/Y) and the consensus…
Ocular Therapeutix™ To Present Pre-Clinical Data at the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 25th Annual Meeting | MarketScreener 2022/05/03 20:03:15 MarketScreener
Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. , a biopharmaceutical company focused on the formulation, development, and commercialization of innovative therapies for diseases and conditions of the eye, announced two… | May 3, 2022
Ocular Therapeutix™ To Present Pre-Clinical Data at the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 25th Annual Meeting 2022/05/03 20:01:00 Business Wire
Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. (NASDAQ:OCUL), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the formulation, development, and commercialization of innovative thera
Ocular Therapeutix™ To Present Pre-Clinical Data at the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 25th Annual Meeting 2022/05/03 20:01:00 Kwhen Finance
Ocular Therapeutix To Present Pre-Clinical Data at the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 25th Annual Meeting 2022/05/03 20:01:00 Wallstreet:Online
Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. (NASDAQ:OCUL), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the formulation, development, and commercialization of innovative therapies for diseases and conditions of the eye, announced two scientific presentations at the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 25th Annual Meeting being held May 16-19, 2022 in Washington, D.C. and virtually. “We have demonstrated
Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. (OCUL) CEO Antony Mattessich on Q4 2021 Results - Earnings Call Transcript 2022/03/01 03:56:02 Seeking Alpha
Ocular Therapeutix™ Reports Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2021 Financial Results and Business Update | MarketScreener 2022/02/28 21:03:02 MarketScreener
DEXTENZA® 0.4 mg Recorded Net Quarterly Sales of $12.2 Million, Representing Year-Over-Year Growth of 77% Creating New Business Unit Focused on Optimizing the Commercial Opportunity for… | February 28, 2022
Ocular Therapeutix GAAP EPS of -$0.23 in-line, revenue of $12.31M misses by $2.13M 2022/02/28 21:03:01 Seeking Alpha
Ocular Therapeutix press release (NASDAQ:OCUL): Q4 GAAP EPS of -$0.23 in-line.Revenue of $12.31M (+67.5% Y/Y) misses by $2.13M.
Ocular Therapeutix™ Reports Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2021 Financial Results and Business Update 2022/02/28 21:01:00 Business Wire
BEDFORD, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)---- $OCUL #OCUTX--Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. (NASDAQ:OCUL), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the formulation, development, and commercialization of innovative therapies for diseases and conditions of the eye, today reported financial results for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2021, and provided updates on its ophthalmology pipeline. “Ocular has had another strong quarter and a productive year,” said Antony Mattessich, President and Chief Executive Officer. “Our comme
Earnings Scheduled For February 28, 2022 2022/02/28 09:17:09 Benzinga
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