

symbol PER
会社名 SandRidge Permian Trust (SANDRIDGE PERM)
業種 石油_ガス探査_生産   金融(Financials)
概要 Sandridge Permian Trust (the Trust) is a statutory trust. The Trust holds Royalty Interests in specified oil and natural gas properties in the Permian Basin located in Andrews County Texas. The Trust's business activities are generally limited to owning the Royalty Interests and entering into hedging arrangements at the inception of the Trust and activities related thereto including activities required or permitted by the terms of the conveyances related to the Royalty Interests. The Trust's properties consist of Royalty Interests in the initial wells and over 860 additional wells that are drilled and perforated for completion. The Royalty Interests are in properties located in the greater Fuhrman-Mascho field a field in Andrews County Texas that produces oil primarily from the Grayburg/San Andres formation in the Permian Basin. The Permian Basin extends throughout southwestern Texas and southeastern New Mexico over an area approximately 250 miles wide and over 300 miles long.  サンドリッジ・パ―ミアン・トラストは、米国の法定信託会社。委託者サンドリッジ・エネルギ―、受託者バンク・オブ・ニューヨーク・メロン・トラスト、信託会社デラウェア・トラスティとの間での信託契約に基づき、同社は設立された。サンドリッジ・エネルギ―は、テキサス州にあるパ―ミアン盆地の特定石油天然ガス資産におけるロイヤルティ利益をもたらす。  SandRidge Permian Trust is a statutory trust, which engages in acquiring and holding royalty interests in specified oil and natural gas properties. The company was founded on May 12, 2011 and is headquartered in Houston, TX.
本社所在地 The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company N.A. Trustee 601 Travis Street 16th Floor Houston TX 77002 USA
電話番号 +1 512-236-6555
設立年月日 40664
市場名 NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所)
EBITDA (百万ドル) 25.32600
時価総額 (百万ドル) 124.95000
売上高 (百万ドル) 29.85600
企業価値(EV) (百万ドル) 122.58300
当期純利益 (百万ドル) 25.32600
決算概要 BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2018 SandRidge Permian Trust revenues increased 4% to $29.9M. Net income increased 4% to $25.3M. Revenues reflect an increase in demand for the Company's products and services due to favorable market conditions. Net income also reflects Property taxes decrease of 30% to $1.6M (expense) Trust administrative expenses decrease of 6% to $1.4M (expense).



   SandRidge Permian Trust Announces Final Distribution to Trust Unitholders in December 2021  2021/12/03 20:20:00 Kwhen Finance

 関連キーワード  (石油_ガス探査_生産 米国株 SANDRIDGE PERM PER )


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