symbol | RHP |
会社名 | Ryman Hospitality Properties Inc (RYMAN HSPTY PROP) |
分野(sector) | |
産業(industry) | |
業種 | 専門REIT 金融(Financials) |
概要 | ライマン・ホスピタリティ・プロパティ(Ryman Hospitality Properties Inc.)は自己管理型不動産投資信託(REIT)である。同社は都市とリゾート市場におけるグループ指向の目的地のホテルアセットに重点を置く。同社のセグメントには、ホテル・プロパティとホテル運営の結果を含むホスピタリティ事業、Grand Ole Opry資産、WSM-AMとそのナッシュビル資産を含むエンターテイメント事業、企業経費を含む企業と他事業を含む。ホスピタリティ事業はゲイロード・オプリーランド、ゲイロード・ナショナル、ゲイロード・パームス、ゲイロード・テキサンズで構成される。同社はGeneral Jacksonドッキング施設、Grand Ole Opry HouseとWSM Radioオフィスとスタジオを所有して、それぞれOpryland複合施設内に位置する。 ライマン・ホスピタリティ・プロパティ―ズはホテル・リゾ―トに投資する米国の不動産投資信託(リ―ト)。同社が所有する資産は、「ゲイロ―ド・ホテル」というブランド名でマリオット・インタ―ナショナルが運営。テネシ―州、オ―ランド州、テキサス州とワシントンD.C.で、4つのリゾ―トホテルネットワ―クで7795室を提供。本社はテネシ―州。 Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc. (NYSE: RHP) is a leading lodging and hospitality real estate investment trust that specializes in upscale convention center resorts and country music entertainment experiences. The Company's core holdings* include a network of five of the top 10 largest non-gaming convention center hotels in the United States based on total indoor meeting space. These convention center resorts operate under the Gaylord Hotels brand and are managed by Marriott International. The Company also owns two adjacent ancillary hotels and a small number of attractions managed by Marriott International for a combined total of 10,110 rooms and more than 2.7 million square feet of total indoor and outdoor meeting space in top convention and leisure destinations across the country. The Company's Entertainment segment includes a growing collection of iconic and emerging country music brands, including the Grand Ole Opry; Ryman Auditorium, WSM 650 AM; Ole Red and Circle, a country lifestyle media network the Company owns in a joint-venture partnership with Gray Television. The Company operates its Entertainment segment as part of a taxable REIT subsidiary. *The Company is the sole owner of Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center; Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center; Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center; and Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center. It is the majority owner and managing member of the joint venture that owns Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center. |
本社所在地 | One Gaylord Drive Nashville TN 37214 USA |
代表者氏名 | Colin V. Reed |
代表者役職名 | Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer |
電話番号 | +1 615-316-6000 |
設立年月日 | 1956年 |
市場名 | NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) |
ipoyear | 年 |
従業員数 | 1113人 |
url | www.rymanhp.com |
nasdaq_url | |
adr_tso | |
EBITDA | (百万ドル) 358.92800 |
終値(lastsale) | |
時価総額(marketcap) | |
時価総額 | (百万ドル) 4343.31100 |
売上高 | (百万ドル) 1275.11800 |
企業価値(EV) | (百万ドル) 6681.76900 |
当期純利益 | (百万ドル) 264.67000 |
決算概要 | BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2018 Ryman Hospitality Properties Inc revenues increased 8% to $1.28B. Net income before extraordinary items increased 52% to $264.7M. Revenues reflect Hospitality segment increase of 6% to $1.13B Entertainment segment increase of 18% to $147.2M Occupancy - %-Opryland increase of 3% to 77.2% Avg Daily Room Rate (ADR) -Opryland increase of 5% to $191. |
Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc. Provides Investor Presentation Ahead of Raymond James & Associates’ 44th Annual Institutional Investor Conference 2023/03/06 14:25:00 GlobeNewswire
NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc. (NYSE: RHP) (‘the Company’), a leading lodging and hospitality real estate investment trust that specializes in upscale convention center resorts and leading entertainment experiences, today provided an investor presentation ahead of the Raymond James & Associates 44 th Annual Institutional Investors Conference, where the Company is presenting, today at 10:25 a.m. ET. The presentation can be located on the Company’s website under Investor Relations Home / News & Events / Presentations & Transcripts ( http://ir.rymanhp.com/index.php/events-and-presentations/presentations ).
Sudarshan Pharma Industries Limited files RHP with BSE Limited 2023/03/06 13:35:06 Business Standard
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], March 6 (ANI/PNN): Sudarshan Pharma Industries limited, ("The Company"), a one of the prominent players in Pharma Industry, has filed its Red Herring Prospectus ("RHP") with Stock Exchange BSE Limited. The company is engaged in trading and manufacturing of Specialty Chemicals, Intermediates & Active Pharmaceuticals Ingredients, outsource manufacturing facility, deal in Import and Exports, indenting and Supply in Specialty chemicals, API & its intermediate.
Ryman Hospitality Properties PT Raised to $115 at Truist Securities 2023/03/06 12:25:01 Investing.com
Ryman Hospitality: Country Lifestyle That Pays You Income (Technical Analysis) (RHP) 2023/03/04 08:20:47 Seeking Alpha
Ryman has benefitted from the pandemic by renewing its assets and investing in new acquisitions, adding to niche hotels, convention centres, and iconic entertainment base. Read more here.
Rs 67 crore-profit! Nandan Nilekani family trust to mint 370% return in IPO 2023/02/27 09:53:00 Economic Times India
The red herring prospectus (RHP) of the IPO shows that the weighted average cost of acquisition for Nilekani''s firm was Rs 125.28. Considering that shares would be allotted to IPO investors at the upper price band of Rs 590, Nilekani will make a neat profit of Rs 66.98 crore or 370% return from his investment of about Rs 18 crore.
Rs 67 crore-profit! Nandan Nilekani family trust to mint 370% return in IPO 2023/02/27 09:53:00 Economic Times India
The red herring prospectus (RHP) of the IPO shows that the weighted average cost of acquisition for Nilekani''s firm was Rs 125.28. Considering that shares would be allotted to IPO investors at the upper price band of Rs 590, Nilekani will make a neat profit of Rs 66.98 crore or 370% return from his investment of about Rs 18 crore.
Ryman Hospitality Properties PT Raised to $89 at JPMorgan 2023/02/24 19:47:02 Investing.com
Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc. (RHP) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript 2023/02/24 18:30:21 Seeking Alpha
Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc. (NYSE:NYSE:RHP) Q4 2022 Earnings Conference Call February 24, 2023 10:00 AM ETCompany ParticipantsJennifer Hutcheson - CFOColin Reed - Executive…
Ryman Hospitality Properties: Q4 Earnings Snapshot 2023/02/23 22:40:33 WTOP
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Ryman Hospitality Properties Inc. (RHP) on Thursday reported a key measure of…
Ryman Hospitality Properties GAAP EPS of $1.03 beats by $0.35, revenue of $568.8M beats by $61.36M 2023/02/23 21:48:58 Seeking Alpha
Ryman Hospitality Properties press release (RHP): Q4 GAAP EPS of $1.03 beats by $0.35.Revenue of $568.8M (+50.7% Y/Y) beats by $61.36M.Full Year 2022 Highlights:Reported…
Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc. (RHP) Q3 2022 Earnings Call Transcript 2022/11/01 20:21:04 Seeking Alpha
Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc. (NYSE:NYSE:RHP) Q3 2022 Earnings Conference Call November 1, 2022 10:00 AM ET Company Participants Jennifer Hutcheson – Executive Vice President and Chief…
Ryman Hospitality Properties Earnings Miss, Revenue Beats In Q3 By Investing.com 2022/10/31 21:01:00 Investing.com
Ryman Hospitality Properties Earnings Miss, Revenue Beats In Q3
Ryman Hospitality Properties Misses Q3 EPS by 10c By Investing.com 2022/10/31 20:32:03 Investing.com
Ryman Hospitality Properties Misses Q3 EPS by 10c
Ryman Hospitality Properties FFO of $1.81 beats by $0.07, revenue of $467.76M beats by $22.84M (NYSE:RHP) 2022/10/31 20:28:44 Seeking Alpha
Ryman Hospitality Properties press release (RHP): Q3 FFO of $1.81 beats by $0.07.Revenue of $467.76M (+52.4% Y/Y) beats by $22.84M.During the quarter, the Company booked over…
Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc. Reports Third Quarter 2022 Results 2022/10/31 20:15:00 GlobeNewswire
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Oct. 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc. (NYSE: RHP), a leading lodging and hospitality real estate investment trust (“REIT”) that specializes in upscale convention center resorts and leading entertainment experiences, today reported financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2022.
関連キーワード (専門REIT 米国株 RYMAN HSPTY PROP RHP )
ITとはInfomation Technology(情報技術)の略称。コンピューターからインターネットなどデーター通信など幅広い分野を指す。 特に、1990年代にインターネットが普及するとともにIT革命と呼ばれる情報化が急速に進展。株式市場では、90年代末から2000年前後にかけインターネット関連株などが急騰後、急落するITバブルと呼ばれる現象も起こった。IT関連株は引き続き高成長銘柄として投資家の高い関心を集めている。