symbol | ROLL |
会社名 | RBC Bearings Inc (RBCベアリングス) |
分野(sector) | Capital Goods 資本財(工業製品) |
産業(industry) | Metal Fabrications |
業種 | 産業機械_装置 工業(Industrials) |
概要 | 事業概要 RBCベアリングス(RBC Bearings Incorporated)は機械、航空機および機械システムの製造および運転に必要な精密加工された精密ベアリングおよび製品の国際的製造業者・マーケティング業者である。同社はプレーンベアリング、ローラーベアリング、ボールベアリング、エンジニアリング製品の4つのセグメントを通じて事業を行う。同社は約40カ所以上の施設を有し、約5カ国に30以上の製造施設がある。同社は顧客を産業と航空宇宙の2つのカテゴリーに分類する。同社は建設および鉱業、石油および天然資源採掘、大型トラック、海洋、鉄道および鉄道、包装、半導体機械および一般産業市場を含む産業市場向けにベアリングおよびエンジニアリング製品を製造する。同社は、商用、民間および軍用の航空機および航空機エンジン、誘導兵器、および視覚および光学システムで使用するためのベアリングおよび工学製品を供給する。 RBCベアリングスは、米国のベアリング (軸受け) 製品メ―カ―。プレシジョン型、ロ―ラ―型、ボ―ル型などの幅広いベアリング製品を設計、製造、販売する。同社の製品は、大手航空会社の旅客機をはじめ、航空宇宙および軍事用途などに採用される。本社は、コネチカット州オックスフォ―ド。 |
本社所在地 | One Tribology Center Oxford CT 06478 USA |
代表者氏名 | Michael J. Hartnett マイケルJ.ハートネット |
代表者役職名 | Chairman of the Board President Chief Executive Officer 取締役会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO) |
電話番号 | +1 203-267-7001 |
設立年月日 | - |
市場名 | NASDAQ National Market System |
ipoyear | 2005年 |
従業員数 | 3466人 |
url | |
nasdaq_url | |
adr_tso | ― |
EBITDA | EBITDA(百万ドル) 168.67700 |
終値(lastsale) | 154.47 |
時価総額(marketcap) | 3799385054.55 |
時価総額 | 時価総額(百万ドル) 3510.379 |
売上高 | 売上高(百万ドル) 687.03700 |
企業価値(EV) | 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 3599.016 |
当期純利益 | 当期純利益(百万ドル) 92.64700 |
決算概要 | 決算概要 BRIEF: For the three months ended 30 June 2018 RBC Bearings Incorporated revenues increased 7% to $176M. Net income increased 26% to $27.5M. Revenues reflect Plain segment increase of 8% to $78.5M Roller segment increase of 14% to $35.9M Ball segment increase of 15% to $18.1M. Net income benefited from Engineered Products segment income increase of 29% to $10.6M Roller segment income increase of 19% to $13.3M. |
RBC Bearings Incorporated: Shares Look Quite Lofty Today (NYSE:RBC) 2022/09/29 11:32:18 Seeking Alpha
Although growth for RBC Bearings continues, there''s uncertainty about what the future holds. Read more to see why I''m bearish on RBC stock.
Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. Is Investigating F45, Avaya, RBC, and Intuit and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm 2022/09/12 01:00:00 GlobeNewswire
NEW YORK, Sept. 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C., a nationally recognized shareholder rights law firm, is investigating potential claims against F45 Training Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: FXLV), Avaya Holdings Corp. (NYSE: AVYA), RBC Bearings Incorporated (NASDAQ: ROLL), and Intuit, Inc. (NASDAQ: INTU). Our investigations concern whether these companies have violated the federal securities laws and/or engaged in other unlawful business practices. Additional information about each case can be found at the link provided.
RBC Bearings to Participate in the Morgan Stanley Laguna Conference 2022/09/09 21:00:00 Business Wire
OXFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--RBC Bearings Incorporated (Nasdaq: ROLL, ROLLP), a leading international manufacturer of highly engineered precision bearings, components and essential systems for the industrial, defense and aerospace industries, today announced that it will participate in the Morgan Stanley Laguna Conference on September 15, 2022. Materials shared during the conference will be available online at: Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer,
RBC Bearings Incorporated Investors: Company Investigated by the Portnoy Law Firm 2022/08/16 20:26:00 GlobeNewswire
Investors can contact the law firm at no cost to learn more about recovering their losses
Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. Is Investigating Intuit, Rollins, Avaya, and RBC and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm 2022/08/16 01:00:00 GlobeNewswire
NEW YORK, Aug. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C., a nationally recognized shareholder rights law firm, is investigating potential claims against Intuit, Inc. (NASDAQ: INTU), Rollins, Inc. (NYSE: ROL), Avaya Holdings Corp. (NYSE: AVYA), and RBC Bearings Incorporated (NASDAQ: ROLL). Our investigations concern whether these companies have violated the federal securities laws and/or engaged in other unlawful business practices. Additional information about each case can be found at the link provided.
RBC Bearings Incorporated: Shares Look Quite Lofty Today (NYSE:RBC) 2022/09/29 11:32:18 Seeking Alpha
Although growth for RBC Bearings continues, there''s uncertainty about what the future holds. Read more to see why I''m bearish on RBC stock.
Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. Is Investigating F45, Avaya, RBC, and Intuit and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm 2022/09/12 01:00:00 GlobeNewswire
NEW YORK, Sept. 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C., a nationally recognized shareholder rights law firm, is investigating potential claims against F45 Training Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: FXLV), Avaya Holdings Corp. (NYSE: AVYA), RBC Bearings Incorporated (NASDAQ: ROLL), and Intuit, Inc. (NASDAQ: INTU). Our investigations concern whether these companies have violated the federal securities laws and/or engaged in other unlawful business practices. Additional information about each case can be found at the link provided.
RBC Bearings to Participate in the Morgan Stanley Laguna Conference 2022/09/09 21:00:00 Business Wire
OXFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--RBC Bearings Incorporated (Nasdaq: ROLL, ROLLP), a leading international manufacturer of highly engineered precision bearings, components and essential systems for the industrial, defense and aerospace industries, today announced that it will participate in the Morgan Stanley Laguna Conference on September 15, 2022. Materials shared during the conference will be available online at: Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer,
RBC Bearings Incorporated Investors: Company Investigated by the Portnoy Law Firm 2022/08/16 20:26:00 GlobeNewswire
Investors can contact the law firm at no cost to learn more about recovering their losses
Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. Is Investigating Intuit, Rollins, Avaya, and RBC and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm 2022/08/16 01:00:00 GlobeNewswire
NEW YORK, Aug. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C., a nationally recognized shareholder rights law firm, is investigating potential claims against Intuit, Inc. (NASDAQ: INTU), Rollins, Inc. (NYSE: ROL), Avaya Holdings Corp. (NYSE: AVYA), and RBC Bearings Incorporated (NASDAQ: ROLL). Our investigations concern whether these companies have violated the federal securities laws and/or engaged in other unlawful business practices. Additional information about each case can be found at the link provided.
RBC Bearings Incorporated: Shares Look Quite Lofty Today (NYSE:RBC) 2022/09/29 11:32:18 Seeking Alpha
Although growth for RBC Bearings continues, there''s uncertainty about what the future holds. Read more to see why I''m bearish on RBC stock.
Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. Is Investigating F45, Avaya, RBC, and Intuit and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm 2022/09/12 01:00:00 GlobeNewswire
NEW YORK, Sept. 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C., a nationally recognized shareholder rights law firm, is investigating potential claims against F45 Training Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: FXLV), Avaya Holdings Corp. (NYSE: AVYA), RBC Bearings Incorporated (NASDAQ: ROLL), and Intuit, Inc. (NASDAQ: INTU). Our investigations concern whether these companies have violated the federal securities laws and/or engaged in other unlawful business practices. Additional information about each case can be found at the link provided.
RBC Bearings to Participate in the Morgan Stanley Laguna Conference 2022/09/09 21:00:00 Business Wire
OXFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--RBC Bearings Incorporated (Nasdaq: ROLL, ROLLP), a leading international manufacturer of highly engineered precision bearings, components and essential systems for the industrial, defense and aerospace industries, today announced that it will participate in the Morgan Stanley Laguna Conference on September 15, 2022. Materials shared during the conference will be available online at: Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer,
RBC Bearings Incorporated Investors: Company Investigated by the Portnoy Law Firm 2022/08/16 20:26:00 GlobeNewswire
Investors can contact the law firm at no cost to learn more about recovering their losses
Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. Is Investigating Intuit, Rollins, Avaya, and RBC and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm 2022/08/16 01:00:00 GlobeNewswire
NEW YORK, Aug. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C., a nationally recognized shareholder rights law firm, is investigating potential claims against Intuit, Inc. (NASDAQ: INTU), Rollins, Inc. (NYSE: ROL), Avaya Holdings Corp. (NYSE: AVYA), and RBC Bearings Incorporated (NASDAQ: ROLL). Our investigations concern whether these companies have violated the federal securities laws and/or engaged in other unlawful business practices. Additional information about each case can be found at the link provided.