symbol | RPAI |
会社名 | Retail Properties of America Inc (PROPERTS OF AMER) |
分野(sector) | |
産業(industry) | |
業種 | 商業REIT 金融(Financials) |
概要 | リテール・プロパティーズ・オブ・アメリカ(Retail Properties of America Inc.)(旧名:Inland Western Retail Real Estate Trust Inc.)はショッピングセンターを所有・運営する完全に統合される自己管理型不動産会社。同社は米国でのショッピングセンターの所有者・運営業者。平成23年12月31日現在、同社の運営ポートフォリオは米国35州にわたる、約360万平方フィートの総賃貸可能面積(GLA)のある259カ所の物件、パワーセンター、コミュニティセンター、地区センターとライフスタイルセンター、及びシングルユーザ向けの小売物件で構成されている。同社の小売物件は小売地区に位置している。平成24年8月、同社はストックトンにある104万平方フィートのあるコストプラス物流センターを売却した。平成24年9月、同社は13カ所の元「マーヴィンズ」所在地を売却した。平成23年12月31日現在、同社は約1500カ所を含む小売テナントベースを有している。平成24年10月、同社は18カ所の非中核と非戦略的資産を売却した。 リテ―ル・プロパティ―ズ・オブ・アメリカは、ショッピングセンタ―を所有し、運営する米国の不動産投資信託(リ―ト)。米国内228カ所の物件で構成。同社のポ―トフォリオは、ショッピングセンタ―のほか、コミュニティセンタ―、ライフスタイルセンタ―、および小規模小売店などを含む。 Retail Properties of America, Inc. is a REIT that owns and operates high quality, strategically located open-air shopping centers, including properties with a mixed-use component. As of December 31, 2020, the Company owned 102 retail operating properties in the United States representing 20.0 million square feet. |
本社所在地 | 2021 Spring Road Suite 200 Oak Brook IL 60523 USA |
代表者氏名 | Gerald M. Gorski |
代表者役職名 | Independent Chairman of the Board |
電話番号 | +1 630-634-4200 |
設立年月日 | 37681 |
市場名 | NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) |
ipoyear | 年 |
従業員数 | 211人 |
url | www.rpai.com |
nasdaq_url | |
adr_tso | |
EBITDA | (百万ドル) 289.48700 |
終値(lastsale) | |
時価総額(marketcap) | |
時価総額 | (百万ドル) 2653.59400 |
売上高 | (百万ドル) 482.49700 |
企業価値(EV) | (百万ドル) 4260.92100 |
当期純利益 | (百万ドル) 77.64000 |
決算概要 | BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2018 Retail Properties of America Inc revenues decreased 10% to $482.5M. Net income applicable to common stockholders decreased 67% to $77.6M. Revenues reflect FFO per Share (Diluted) decrease of 3% to $1.03 Rental income decrease of 11% to $370.6M Tenant recovery income decrease of 9% to $105.2M. Net income also reflects Net Operating Income (NOI) Total decrease of 11% to $325.8M. |
Kite Realty Group Announces Closing of $7.5 Billion Merger with Retail Properties of America: Creates a Top 5 Open-Air, Grocery-Anchored Shopping Center REIT 2021/10/22 15:30:00 Intrado Digital Media
INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kite Realty Group Trust (NYSE: KRG), a premier owner and operator of high-quality open-air, grocery-anchored shopping centers, announced today the completion of its previously announced merger with Retail Properties of America, Inc. (NYSE: RPAI), a first-class owner and operator of high-quality open-air and mixed-use shopping centers, whereby RPAI merged into a subsidiary of KRG, with KRG continuing as the surviving public company. The combined high-quality, open-air portfolio is a mixture of predominantly necessity-based, grocery-anchored neighborhood and community centers, combined with vibrant mixed-use assets. The merger serves to more than double KRGs presence in high-growth warmer and cheaper markets, while also introducing and enhancing KRGs presence in strategic gateway markets. The merger is not only expected to be immediately FFO and NAV accretive, but the combined company has additional opportunities to further increase shareholder value including optimizing NOI margins, leasing of pandemic-related vacancy, lowering the companys cost of capital, and completing select developments.
Zacks: Brokerages Expect Retail Properties of America, Inc. (NYSE:RPAI) Will Post Quarterly Sales of $113.18 Million 2021/10/21 15:48:41 Transcript Daily
Equities analysts expect Retail Properties of America, Inc. (NYSE:RPAI) to report sales of $113.18 million for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Three analysts have provided estimates for Retail Properties of Americas earnings, with estimates ranging from $110.16 million to $118.91 million. Retail Properties of America reported sales of $107.36 million in []
Kite Realty Group Trust, Retail Properties of America shareholders approve merger 2021/10/19 20:39:38 Seeking Alpha
Kite Realty, Retail Properties of America stockholders approve merger 2021/10/19 20:35:53 Seeking Alpha
Kite Realty Group Shareholders and Retail Properties of America Stockholders Approve Merger 2021/10/19 20:15:00 Benzinga
INDIANAPOLIS and OAK BROOK, Ill., Oct. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kite Realty Group Trust (NYSE: KRG ), a premier owner and operator of open-air, grocery-anchored shopping centers, and Retail Properties of America, Inc. (NYSE: RPAI ), a first-class owner and operator of high-quality, open-air and mixed-use shopping centers, announced today that KRG shareholders and RPAI stockholders approved all of the proposals necessary for the closing of the previously announced merger of RPAI into a subsidiary of KRG, with KRG continuing as the surviving public company. At the special meeting of KRG shareholders, approximately 99.7% of the votes were cast for the approval of the issuance of common shares to RPAI stockholders in the merger, which represented approximately 88.0% of the outstanding shares of KRG common stock. At the special meeting of RPAI stockholders, approximately 98.1% of the votes were cast for the approval of the merger agreement and the merger, which represented approximately 79.7% of the outstanding shares of RPAI common stock.
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