symbol | RRTS |
会社名 | Roadrunner Transportation Systems Inc (RODRNR TRNS SYS) |
分野(sector) | |
産業(industry) | |
業種 | 航空貨物_物流サ―ビス 工業(Industrials) |
概要 | ロードランナー・トランスポーテーション・システム(Roadrunner Transportation Systems Inc.)は、アセットライト輸送及び物流サービスプロバイダーである。同社は、Truckload Logistics(TL)及びLess-than-Truckload(LTL)などのスイートソリューションを提供する。同社は、Truckload Logistics、Less-than-TruckloadおよびAscent Global Logisticsの3つの事業セグメントを通じて事業を行う。Truckload Logistics事業は、トラック積載量、複合積載量、地上積載量、空輸速度の貨物のピックアップと配送を手配する。同セグメントは、温度制御されるドライバン、インターモーダルな貨物輸送とフラットベッドサービス、自動車部品、冷蔵食品、家禽及び飲料の輸送を提供する。Less-than-Truckload事業は、米国とカナダの一部でのピックアップ、コンソリデーション、ラインホール、非連結及びLTL出荷の配達を含む。Ascent Global Logistics事業は、国内外の輸送及び物流ソリューションのポートフォリオを提供する。同セグメントのサービスには、価格設定、契約管理、輸送モード及びキャリア選択がある。 ロ―ドランナ―・トランスポ―テ―ション・システムズは、米国のアセットライト運送・物流サ―ビス会社。第三者の運送ネットワ―クを利用し、顧客にサ―ビスを提供する。全米およびメキシコ、プエルトリコ、カナダで集荷、長距離輸送、配達のほか、トラック輸送貨物の在庫管理、国際輸送・物流サ―ビスを提供する。 Roadrunner Transportation Systems is a leading less-than-truckload provider offering high quality, reliable LTL services under the Roadrunner Freight® brand. Roadrunner's 'Ship It Like You Own It' commitment guides the company to provide unparalleled service and reliable LTL solutions for customers. With 31 service centers and strategic partnerships across the country, Roadrunner delivers expansive long haul, regional and next day service in all major US markets. |
本社所在地 | 1431 Opus Place Suite 530 Downers Grove IL 60515 USA |
代表者氏名 | James D. Staley |
代表者役職名 | Chairman of the Board |
電話番号 | +1 414-615-1500 |
設立年月日 | 38384 |
市場名 | NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) |
ipoyear | 年 |
従業員数 | 4600人 |
url | - |
nasdaq_url | |
adr_tso | |
EBITDA | (百万ドル) -8.71500 |
終値(lastsale) | |
時価総額(marketcap) | |
時価総額 | (百万ドル) 435.33810 |
売上高 | (百万ドル) 2216.14100 |
企業価値(EV) | (百万ドル) 1046.77610 |
当期純利益 | (百万ドル) -165.59700 |
決算概要 | BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2018 Roadrunner Transportation Systems Inc revenues increased 6% to $2.22B. Net loss before extraordinary items increased 68% to $165.6M. Revenues reflect TES segment increase of 13% to $1.21B Ascent segment increase of less than 1% to $573.1M. Higher net loss reflects Corporate segment loss increase of 61% to $62.2M TES segment income decrease of 65% to $2.1M LTL segment loss increase of 2% to $26.9M. |
RoadRunner Secures $20M Series D Extension from Fifth Wall to Accelerate Sustainable Waste Management for Real Estate 2022/11/15 14:00:00 Benzinga
On the heels of acquiring Compology, RoadRunner Recycling announces funding from Fifth Wall to advance the commercial property industry''s sustainability initiatives using modern technology PITTSBURGH , Nov. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- RoadRunner Recycling , a leader in comprehensive sustainable waste management, today announced the close of $20 million in a Series D extension round led by Fifth Wall . The financing will support continued growth of RoadRunner''s core business, expanding its enterprise offering, and doubling down on its investment in technology. In January 2022 , RoadRunner closed a $70 million Series D round and in October acquired Compology , the world''s largest waste and recycling smart metering technology company. This has positioned RoadRunner as the most advanced, comprehensive, and sustainable waste management solution for businesses and governments looking to seamlessly increase recycling rates, reduce costs, and accurately report on environmental impact. Nearly 40% of global carbon dioxide emissions come from the real estate sector, and with emissions reductions a critical component of global climate goals, significant changes within the real estate sector are essential.
Big realty boost seen from UP rapid rail 2022/09/10 13:37:21 Economic Times India
The Uttar Pradesh government’s approval of the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) policy earlier this week, along the 1.5 km radius of the upcoming Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut regional rapid transit system (RRTS) corridor, will help the residential and commercial real estate development in the area, said experts. Land use in and around the RRTS corridor at Muradnagar, Modinagar, Guldhar and Duhai is primarily agricultural, but the TOD policy will allow for residential, commercial and mixed-use development, creating opportunities for real estate developers. “A project of this size always impacts the real estate of the nearby region in a positive manner. The RRTS corridor will not only facilitate high-speed, safe and comfortable travel but also open up new investment opportunities in its influence zones, which will benefit local residents,” said Vinay Kumar Singh, managing director, National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC), which is executing the RRTS project. Experts said the upcoming network of rapid rail will revive the real estate markets of Ghaziabad, Meerut and other areas along the corridor, including Modinagar and Muradnagar."This is a timely policy and will lead to a planned development and create employment as well.
Dropkick Murphys back on St. Patrick’s Day run – and Roadrunner debut 2022/03/13 05:15:29 Boston Herald
Promoters are building venues just so Dropkick Murphys have some new places to play. Or at least that’s how it feels.
RRTS to replace over one lakh private vehicles, cut CO2 emissions 2022/01/26 22:04:10 The Indian Express
As per officials, the corridor will start from Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi, pass through Ghaziabad, and reach Modipuram in Meerut. The RRTS, the first of its kind in the national capital, will run at a speed of 100 km per hour and commuters will reach Meerut in 50-60 minutes.
Data-driven waste management platform RoadRunner raises $70M 2022/01/07 13:08:40 VentureBeat
RoadRunner Recycling, a data-driven waste management platform that diverts junk from landfill, has raised $70 million.
Big realty boost seen from UP rapid rail 2022/09/10 13:37:21 Economic Times India
The Uttar Pradesh government’s approval of the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) policy earlier this week, along the 1.5 km radius of the upcoming Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut regional rapid transit system (RRTS) corridor, will help the residential and commercial real estate development in the area, said experts. Land use in and around the RRTS corridor at Muradnagar, Modinagar, Guldhar and Duhai is primarily agricultural, but the TOD policy will allow for residential, commercial and mixed-use development, creating opportunities for real estate developers. “A project of this size always impacts the real estate of the nearby region in a positive manner. The RRTS corridor will not only facilitate high-speed, safe and comfortable travel but also open up new investment opportunities in its influence zones, which will benefit local residents,” said Vinay Kumar Singh, managing director, National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC), which is executing the RRTS project. Experts said the upcoming network of rapid rail will revive the real estate markets of Ghaziabad, Meerut and other areas along the corridor, including Modinagar and Muradnagar."This is a timely policy and will lead to a planned development and create employment as well.
Dropkick Murphys back on St. Patrick’s Day run – and Roadrunner debut 2022/03/13 05:15:29 Boston Herald
Promoters are building venues just so Dropkick Murphys have some new places to play. Or at least that’s how it feels.
RRTS to replace over one lakh private vehicles, cut CO2 emissions 2022/01/26 22:04:10 The Indian Express
As per officials, the corridor will start from Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi, pass through Ghaziabad, and reach Modipuram in Meerut. The RRTS, the first of its kind in the national capital, will run at a speed of 100 km per hour and commuters will reach Meerut in 50-60 minutes.
Data-driven waste management platform RoadRunner raises $70M 2022/01/07 13:08:40 VentureBeat
RoadRunner Recycling, a data-driven waste management platform that diverts junk from landfill, has raised $70 million.
Is Roadrunner Transportation Systems (RRTS) Still a Worthy Investment? 2021/11/25 05:41:34 Insider Monkey
Big realty boost seen from UP rapid rail 2022/09/10 13:37:21 Economic Times India
The Uttar Pradesh government’s approval of the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) policy earlier this week, along the 1.5 km radius of the upcoming Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut regional rapid transit system (RRTS) corridor, will help the residential and commercial real estate development in the area, said experts. Land use in and around the RRTS corridor at Muradnagar, Modinagar, Guldhar and Duhai is primarily agricultural, but the TOD policy will allow for residential, commercial and mixed-use development, creating opportunities for real estate developers. “A project of this size always impacts the real estate of the nearby region in a positive manner. The RRTS corridor will not only facilitate high-speed, safe and comfortable travel but also open up new investment opportunities in its influence zones, which will benefit local residents,” said Vinay Kumar Singh, managing director, National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC), which is executing the RRTS project. Experts said the upcoming network of rapid rail will revive the real estate markets of Ghaziabad, Meerut and other areas along the corridor, including Modinagar and Muradnagar."This is a timely policy and will lead to a planned development and create employment as well.
Dropkick Murphys back on St. Patrick’s Day run – and Roadrunner debut 2022/03/13 05:15:29 Boston Herald
Promoters are building venues just so Dropkick Murphys have some new places to play. Or at least that’s how it feels.
RRTS to replace over one lakh private vehicles, cut CO2 emissions 2022/01/26 22:04:10 The Indian Express
As per officials, the corridor will start from Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi, pass through Ghaziabad, and reach Modipuram in Meerut. The RRTS, the first of its kind in the national capital, will run at a speed of 100 km per hour and commuters will reach Meerut in 50-60 minutes.