SHBI - ショア・バンクシェア―ズ (Shore Bancshares Inc) ショア・バンクシェア―ズ



symbol SHBI
会社名 Shore Bancshares Inc. (ショア・バンクシェア―ズ)
分野(sector) Finance   金融
産業(industry) Major Banks  
業種 銀行   金融(Financials)
概要 事業概要 ショア・バンクシェアーズ(Shore Bancshares Inc.)は金融持株会社である。同社は主に複数の金融機関と保険事業体の親会社とし、事業を展開する。同社は2つの事業を有する。コミュニティ銀行事業はメリーランド州東海岸およびデラウェア州の消費者および中小企業にサービスを提供する。同社は、メリーランド州の商業銀行であるCNBと、メリーランド州の商業銀行であるThe Talbot Bank of Eastonを通じて、銀行業務に従事する。同社の保険商品およびサービス事業は市場分野における企業および消費者に保険商品およびサービスを提供する。同行はケント郡、クイーンアンズ郡、キャロライン郡、タルボット郡、メリーランド州ドーチェスター郡、デラウェア州ケント郡の個人、企業、およびその他の組織に商業用および消費者向け銀行商品およびサービスを提供する。   ショア・バンクシェア―ズは米国の金融持株会社。子会社CNBとザ・タルボット・バンク・オブ・イ―ストンを通じ、メリ―ランド州のケント、クイ―ンアンズなどの郡とデラウェア州ケント郡で銀行業務を展開。当座預金口座、貯蓄口座、預金証書などの商業銀行サ―ビスのほか、当座預金口座、さまざまな貯蓄プログラム、住宅ロ―ンなどの個人向け銀行サ―ビスを提供。   Shore Bancshares, Inc. is the largest independent financial holding company headquartered on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. It is the parent company of Shore United Bank. The Bank operates 22 full-service branches in Baltimore County, Howard County, Kent County, Queen Anne's County, Talbot County, Caroline County, Dorchester County and Wicomico County in Maryland, Kent County, Delaware and Accomack County, Virginia. The Company engages in trust and wealth management services through Wye Financial Partners, a division of Shore United Bank.
本社所在地 28969 Information Lane Easton MD 21601 USA
代表者氏名 Edward Conley Allen エドワード・コンリー・アレン
代表者役職名 President Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer
電話番号 +1 410-822-1400
設立年月日 35125
市場名 NASDAQ National Market System
ipoyear ―年
従業員数 346人
EBITDA EBITDA(百万ドル) 25.86800
終値(lastsale) 18.26
時価総額(marketcap) 232783464.98
時価総額 時価総額(百万ドル) 212.00380
売上高 売上高(百万ドル) 53.98100
企業価値(EV) 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 307.18780
当期純利益 当期純利益(百万ドル) 16.28310
決算概要 決算概要 BRIEF: For the nine months ended 30 September 2018 Shore Bancshares Inc. interest income increased 18% to $41M. Net interest income after loan loss provision increased 17% to $36.7M. Net income increased 51% to $12.9M. Net interest income after loan loss provision reflects Net Interest Margin Total - % increase of 2% to 3.81% Net Interest Spread Total - % increase of 1% to 3.69% Interest and fees on loans increase of 19% to $37.9M.



   SHAREHOLDER INVESTIGATION: Halper Sadeh LLC Investigates SHBI, CBIO, TA, ASRT  2023/04/28 16:00:00 Kwhen Finance
   Shore Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.32 misses by $0.06, revenue of $31M misses by $2.22M  2023/04/27 21:59:09 Seeking Alpha
Shore Bancshares press release (SHBI): Q1 GAAP EPS of $0.32 misses by $0.06.Revenue of $31M (+8.8% Y/Y) misses by $2.22M.
   Shore Bancshares: Q1 Earnings Snapshot  2023/04/27 21:22:39 WTOP
EASTON, Md. (AP) — EASTON, Md. (AP) — Shore Bancshares Inc. (SHBI) on Thursday reported net income of $6.5 million…
   Shore Bancshares Reports First Quarter 2023 Financial Results  2023/04/27 20:15:00 PR Newswire
EASTON, Md., April 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Shore Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ - SHBI) (the "Company" or "Shore Bancshares") reported net income of $6.457 million or $0.32 per diluted common share for the first quarter of 2023, compared to net income of $8.407 million or $0.42 per diluted…
   Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Lowers Shore Bancshares (NASDAQ:SHBI) Price Target to $16.00  2023/04/08 06:50:46 The AM Reporter
Shore Bancshares (NASDAQ:SHBI – Get Rating) had its price objective cut by analysts at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods from $18.00 to $16.00 in a report released on Thursday, Benzinga reports. The brokerage currently has a “market perform” rating on the bank’s stock. Keefe, Bruyette & Woods’ price target would suggest a potential upside of 16.53% […]
   SHAREHOLDER INVESTIGATION: Halper Sadeh LLC Investigates SHBI, CBIO, TA, ASRT  2023/04/28 16:00:00 Kwhen Finance
   Shore Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.32 misses by $0.06, revenue of $31M misses by $2.22M  2023/04/27 21:59:09 Seeking Alpha
Shore Bancshares press release (SHBI): Q1 GAAP EPS of $0.32 misses by $0.06.Revenue of $31M (+8.8% Y/Y) misses by $2.22M.
   Shore Bancshares: Q1 Earnings Snapshot  2023/04/27 21:22:39 WTOP
EASTON, Md. (AP) — EASTON, Md. (AP) — Shore Bancshares Inc. (SHBI) on Thursday reported net income of $6.5 million…
   Shore Bancshares Reports First Quarter 2023 Financial Results  2023/04/27 20:15:00 PR Newswire
EASTON, Md., April 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Shore Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ - SHBI) (the "Company" or "Shore Bancshares") reported net income of $6.457 million or $0.32 per diluted common share for the first quarter of 2023, compared to net income of $8.407 million or $0.42 per diluted…
   Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Lowers Shore Bancshares (NASDAQ:SHBI) Price Target to $16.00  2023/04/08 06:50:46 The AM Reporter
Shore Bancshares (NASDAQ:SHBI – Get Rating) had its price objective cut by analysts at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods from $18.00 to $16.00 in a report released on Thursday, Benzinga reports. The brokerage currently has a “market perform” rating on the bank’s stock. Keefe, Bruyette & Woods’ price target would suggest a potential upside of 16.53% […]
   SHAREHOLDER INVESTIGATION: Halper Sadeh LLC Investigates SHBI, CBIO, TA, ASRT  2023/04/28 16:00:00 Kwhen Finance
   Shore Bancshares GAAP EPS of $0.32 misses by $0.06, revenue of $31M misses by $2.22M  2023/04/27 21:59:09 Seeking Alpha
Shore Bancshares press release (SHBI): Q1 GAAP EPS of $0.32 misses by $0.06.Revenue of $31M (+8.8% Y/Y) misses by $2.22M.
   Shore Bancshares: Q1 Earnings Snapshot  2023/04/27 21:22:39 WTOP
EASTON, Md. (AP) — EASTON, Md. (AP) — Shore Bancshares Inc. (SHBI) on Thursday reported net income of $6.5 million…
   Shore Bancshares Reports First Quarter 2023 Financial Results  2023/04/27 20:15:00 PR Newswire
EASTON, Md., April 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Shore Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ - SHBI) (the "Company" or "Shore Bancshares") reported net income of $6.457 million or $0.32 per diluted common share for the first quarter of 2023, compared to net income of $8.407 million or $0.42 per diluted…
   Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Lowers Shore Bancshares (NASDAQ:SHBI) Price Target to $16.00  2023/04/08 06:50:46 The AM Reporter
Shore Bancshares (NASDAQ:SHBI – Get Rating) had its price objective cut by analysts at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods from $18.00 to $16.00 in a report released on Thursday, Benzinga reports. The brokerage currently has a “market perform” rating on the bank’s stock. Keefe, Bruyette & Woods’ price target would suggest a potential upside of 16.53% […]

 関連キーワード  (銀行 米国株 ショア・バンクシェア―ズ SHBI Shore Bancshares Inc)


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