SQBG - シ―ケンシャル・ブランズ・グル―プ (Sequential Brands Group Inc.) シ―ケンシャル・ブランズ・グル―プ



symbol SQBG
会社名 Sequential Brands Group Inc (シ―ケンシャル・ブランズ・グル―プ)
分野(sector) Consumer Non-Durables   非耐久消費財
産業(industry) Apparel  
業種 小売_アパレル_アクセサリ   一般消費財(Consumer Products)
概要 事業概要 シーケンシャル・ブランド・グループ(Sequential Brands Group Inc.)はファッション、家庭、スポーツ、ライフスタイルのカテゴリーで消費者ブランドのポートフォリオを所有する。消費者ブランドのポートフォリオは、「Martha Stewart」、「Emeril Lagasse」、「Jessica Simpson」、「Joe''s Jeans」、「William Rast」、「Ellen Tracy」、「Revo」、「AND1」及び「Avia」を含む。同社のブランドはアパレル、フットウェア、アイウェア、ファッションアクセサリー、家庭用品を含む各種の製品を提供する。同社はブランドを卸売業者および直販小売業者にライセンス供与する。同社はMacy''s、The Home Depot、PetSmart、Staplesなどの小売業者を含む、各種のライセンシーに「Martha Stewart」ブランドのライセンスを与える。ジェシカシンプソンコレクションは、シューズ、アパレル、香水、ファッションアクセサリー、マタニティアパレル、女の子用衣類、家庭用品など、多数の商品カテゴリーを提供するJessica Simpsonとのコラボレーションで設計された特徴的なライフスタイルコンセプトである。「Avia」ブランドはランニングとアクティブウェア製品を提供する。   シ―ケンシャル・ブランズ・グル―プは、米国のブランドマネジメント会社。消費者ブランドのライセンス事業とブランド管理を手掛ける。男性・女性向けアパレル、スポ―ツウェア、革製品、靴、アクセサリ―、メガネ、香水などの製品を提供するブランド、Ellen Tracy William Rast Revo、Caribbean Joeなどを扱う。   Sequential Brands Group, Inc. owns, promotes, markets, and licenses a portfolio of consumer brands in the lifestyle and active categories, which includes the AND1 brand. Sequential seeks to ensure that its brands continue to thrive and grow by employing strong brand management, and marketing teams. Sequential has licensed and intends to license its brands in a variety of consumer categories to retailers, wholesalers and distributors in the United States and around the world.
本社所在地 5 Bryant Park 30th Floor New York NY 10018 USA
電話番号 +1 646-564-2577
設立年月日 30286
市場名 NASDAQ Small Cap
ipoyear ―年
従業員数 32人
url www.sequentialbrandsgroup.com
nasdaq_url https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/sqbg
EBITDA EBITDA(百万ドル) 95.59800
終値(lastsale) 1.55
時価総額(marketcap) 99394907.85
時価総額 時価総額(百万ドル) 87.21102
売上高 売上高(百万ドル) 166.23100
企業価値(EV) 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 691.33402
当期純利益 当期純利益(百万ドル) -318.14500
決算概要 決算概要 BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 June 2018 Sequential Brands Group Inc revenues decreased 2% to $80.3M. Net income decreased 2% to $1.3M. Revenues reflect a decrease in demand for the Company's products and services due to unfavorable market conditions. Basic Earnings per Share excluding Extraordinary Items remained flat at $0.02.



   Sequential Brands Group Inc. New (SQBGQ: Pink No Information) | Venue Change  2021/09/09 05:00:54 OTC Markets
Thu, Sep 09, 2021 12:00 - Sequential Brands Group Inc. New ( SQBGQ : OTC Link) - Venue Change - The symbol, SQBGQ, no longer trades on Nasdaq. As of Thu, Sep 09, 2021, SQBGQ trades on OTC Link. You may find a complete list of venue changes at otcmarkets.com .
   Sequential Brands Group Inc. New (SQBG: Pink No Information) | Symbol Change  2021/09/09 05:00:54 OTC Markets
Thu, Sep 09, 2021 12:00 - Sequential Brands Group Inc. New ( SQBG : Pink No Information) - Symbol Change - The symbol, SQBG, is no longer a valid symbol for Sequential Brands Group Inc. New. As of Thu, Sep 09, 2021, the new trading symbol is SQBGQ. You may find a complete list of symbol changes at otcmarkets.com .
   Vacillating stocks: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQBG -16.24%), Draganfly Inc. (NASDAQ:DPRO -4.73%)  2021/09/08 22:43:06 Stock Equity
There are two main reasons why moving averages are useful in forex trading: moving averages help traders define trend recognize changes in trend. Now well have a look on, SMA50 The post Vacillating stocks: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQBG -16.24%), Draganfly Inc. (NASDAQ:DPRO -4.73%) appeared first on Stocks Equity .
   Mesmerizing stocks: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQBG -1.03%), OpGen, Inc. (NASDAQ:OPGN 1.13%)  2021/09/06 22:00:05 Stock Equity
There are two main reasons why moving averages are useful in forex trading: moving averages help traders define trend recognize changes in trend. Now well have a look on, SMA50 The post Mesmerizing stocks: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQBG -1.03%), OpGen, Inc. (NASDAQ:OPGN 1.13%) appeared first on Stocks Equity .
   Sequential Brands Tests Negative For Solvency  2021/09/03 17:25:22 Seeking Alpha
   Sequential Brands Group Inc. New (SQBGQ: Pink No Information) | Venue Change  2021/09/09 05:00:54 OTC Markets
Thu, Sep 09, 2021 12:00 - Sequential Brands Group Inc. New ( SQBGQ : OTC Link) - Venue Change - The symbol, SQBGQ, no longer trades on Nasdaq. As of Thu, Sep 09, 2021, SQBGQ trades on OTC Link. You may find a complete list of venue changes at otcmarkets.com .
   Sequential Brands Group Inc. New (SQBG: Pink No Information) | Symbol Change  2021/09/09 05:00:54 OTC Markets
Thu, Sep 09, 2021 12:00 - Sequential Brands Group Inc. New ( SQBG : Pink No Information) - Symbol Change - The symbol, SQBG, is no longer a valid symbol for Sequential Brands Group Inc. New. As of Thu, Sep 09, 2021, the new trading symbol is SQBGQ. You may find a complete list of symbol changes at otcmarkets.com .
   Vacillating stocks: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQBG -16.24%), Draganfly Inc. (NASDAQ:DPRO -4.73%)  2021/09/08 22:43:06 Stock Equity
There are two main reasons why moving averages are useful in forex trading: moving averages help traders define trend recognize changes in trend. Now well have a look on, SMA50 The post Vacillating stocks: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQBG -16.24%), Draganfly Inc. (NASDAQ:DPRO -4.73%) appeared first on Stocks Equity .
   Mesmerizing stocks: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQBG -1.03%), OpGen, Inc. (NASDAQ:OPGN 1.13%)  2021/09/06 22:00:05 Stock Equity
There are two main reasons why moving averages are useful in forex trading: moving averages help traders define trend recognize changes in trend. Now well have a look on, SMA50 The post Mesmerizing stocks: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQBG -1.03%), OpGen, Inc. (NASDAQ:OPGN 1.13%) appeared first on Stocks Equity .
   Sequential Brands Tests Negative For Solvency  2021/09/03 17:25:22 Seeking Alpha
   Sequential Brands Group Inc. New (SQBG: Pink No Information) | Symbol Change  2021/09/09 05:00:54 OTC Markets
Thu, Sep 09, 2021 12:00 - Sequential Brands Group Inc. New ( SQBG : Pink No Information) - Symbol Change - The symbol, SQBG, is no longer a valid symbol for Sequential Brands Group Inc. New. As of Thu, Sep 09, 2021, the new trading symbol is SQBGQ. You may find a complete list of symbol changes at otcmarkets.com .
   Sequential Brands Group Inc. New (SQBGQ: Pink No Information) | Venue Change  2021/09/09 05:00:54 OTC Markets
Thu, Sep 09, 2021 12:00 - Sequential Brands Group Inc. New ( SQBGQ : OTC Link) - Venue Change - The symbol, SQBGQ, no longer trades on Nasdaq. As of Thu, Sep 09, 2021, SQBGQ trades on OTC Link. You may find a complete list of venue changes at otcmarkets.com .
   Vacillating stocks: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQBG -16.24%), Draganfly Inc. (NASDAQ:DPRO -4.73%)  2021/09/08 22:43:06 Stock Equity
There are two main reasons why moving averages are useful in forex trading: moving averages help traders define trend recognize changes in trend. Now well have a look on, SMA50 The post Vacillating stocks: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQBG -16.24%), Draganfly Inc. (NASDAQ:DPRO -4.73%) appeared first on Stocks Equity .
   Mesmerizing stocks: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQBG -1.03%), OpGen, Inc. (NASDAQ:OPGN 1.13%)  2021/09/06 22:00:05 Stock Equity
There are two main reasons why moving averages are useful in forex trading: moving averages help traders define trend recognize changes in trend. Now well have a look on, SMA50 The post Mesmerizing stocks: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQBG -1.03%), OpGen, Inc. (NASDAQ:OPGN 1.13%) appeared first on Stocks Equity .
   Sequential Brands Tests Negative For Solvency  2021/09/03 17:25:22 Seeking Alpha

 関連キーワード  (小売_アパレル_アクセサリ 米国株 シ―ケンシャル・ブランズ・グル―プ SQBG Sequential Brands Group Inc.)


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