symbol | VOxx |
会社名 | Voxx International Corp (ヴォックス・インタ―ナショナル) |
分野(sector) | Consumer Non-Durables 非耐久消費財 |
産業(industry) | Electronic Components |
業種 | 小売_自動車、部品_サ―ビス 一般消費財(Consumer Products) |
概要 | 事業概要 ヴォックス・インターナショナル(VOXX International Corporation)は、自動車、オーディオ及び消費アクセサリー産業に従事する国際製造・販売業者である。同社の部門は自動車、高品質のオーディオ、消費者アクセサリー部門により構成される。自動車事業は、後部座席娯楽装置、衛星ラジオ製品、遠隔始動システム、デジタルテレビチューナ、モバイルアンテナ、モバイルマルチメディアデバイス、自動車リンクスマートフォンテレマティクスアプリケーション、衝突回避システムなどを設計・製造・流通・市販する。高品質のオーディオ事業は、ホームシアターシステム、屋外のスピーカー、iPod /コンピューターのスピーカー、ビジネス音楽システム、シネマスピーカー、フラットパネルスピーカー、Bluetoothスピーカーなどを含む、各種のデバイスを設計・製造・流通・市販する。消費者アクセサリー事業は、リモコン、充電式バッテリーパック、無線およびBluetoothスピーカー、Singtrixカラオケ製品、360フライアクションカメラ、パーソナルサウンドアンプなどを設計・販売する。 ヴォックス・インタ―ナショナルは、米国のオ―ディオ機器メ―カ―。一般オ―ディオ及びカ―・オ―ディオを「Audiovox」のブランド名で販売する。また、ライセンスを取得したブランド名「808」、「ライアコ―スティックリサ―チ」、「アドベント」、「RCA」 、「シュバイガ―」などで事業を展開。本社はニューヨーク州。 VOXX International Corporation has grown into a leader in Automotive Electronics and Consumer Electronics, with emerging Biometrics technology to capitalize on the increased need for advanced security. Over the past several decades, with a portfolio of approximately 35 trusted brands, VOXX has built market-leading positions in in-vehicle entertainment, automotive security, reception products, a number of premium audio market segments, and more. VOXX is a global company, with an extensive distribution network that includes power retailers, mass merchandisers, 12-volt specialists and many of the world's leading automotive manufacturers. |
本社所在地 | 2351 J. Lawson Blvd. Orlando FL 32824 USA |
代表者氏名 | John J. Shalam ジョン・J.シャラーム |
代表者役職名 | Chairman of the Board 取締役会会長 |
電話番号 | +1 631-231-7750 |
設立年月日 | 1960年 |
市場名 | NASDAQ National Market System |
ipoyear | ―年 |
従業員数 | 972人 |
url | www.voxxintl.com |
nasdaq_url | https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/voxx |
adr_tso | ― |
EBITDA | EBITDA(百万ドル) 6.18400 |
終値(lastsale) | 5.37 |
時価総額(marketcap) | 129948919.98 |
時価総額 | 時価総額(百万ドル) 130.67490 |
売上高 | 売上高(百万ドル) 488.52100 |
企業価値(EV) | 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 103.35290 |
当期純利益 | 当期純利益(百万ドル) -2.42200 |
決算概要 | 決算概要 BRIEF: For the six months ended 31 August 2018 VOXX International Corp revenues decreased 8% to $209.7M. Net loss before extraordinary items increased 17% to $21.7M. Revenues reflect a decrease in demand for the Company's products and services due to unfavorable market conditions. Higher net loss reflects Investment gain decrease from $1.4M (income) to $0K Equity in income of equity investees decrease of 7% to $3.5M (income). |
VOXX International names large shareholder Beat Kahli as new president 2023/02/07 14:41:16 Seeking Alpha
VOXX International Corporation (VOXX) announced that Beat Kahli has been appointed to the role of president. Read more.
VOXX International Corporation Appoints Beat Kahli as its New President | MarketScreener 2023/02/07 14:01:13 MarketScreener
ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- VOXX International Corporation , a leading manufacturer and distributor of automotive and consumer technologies for the global markets, today announced… | February 7, 2023
VOXX International Corp (VOXX) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript 2023/01/11 09:20:09 AlphaStreet
VOXX International Corp (NYSE:VOXX) Q3 2023 Earnings Call dated Jan. 10, 2023. Corporate Participants: Glenn Wiener — Investor Relations Patrick Lavelle — President and Chief Executive Officer Michael Stoehr — Senior Vice President and Chief Financial […] The post VOXX International Corp (VOXX) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript first appeared on AlphaStreet .
VOXX International Corp (VOXX) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript | AlphaStreet 2023/01/11 09:20:09 AlphaStreet
VOXX International Corp (NYSE:VOXX) Q3 2023 Earnings Call dated Jan. 10, 2023.
VOXX International Corporation (VOXX) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript 2023/01/10 16:46:03 Seeking Alpha
VOXX International Corporation (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:VOXX) Q3 2023 Earnings Conference Call January 10, 2023 10:00 AM ETCompany ParticipantsGlenn Wiener - Investor RelationsPatrick Lavelle -…
VOXX International And 1 Other Basic Material Stock Insiders Are Buying 2022/10/24 19:50:40 Benzinga
Although US stocks traded higher on Monday, there were a few notable insider trades. When insiders purchase shares, it indicates their confidence in the company''s prospects or that they view the stock as a bargain. Either way, this signals an opportunity to go long on the stock. Insider purchases should not be taken as the only indicator for making an investment or trading decision. At best, it can lend conviction to a buying decision. Below is a look at a few recent … Full story available on Benzinga.com
Imperial Capital Downgrades VOXX International to In-Line 2022/10/13 13:43:02 Investing.com
VOXX International Corporation (VOXX) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript 2022/10/12 17:17:05 Seeking Alpha
VOXX International Corporation (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:VOXX) Q2 2023 Earnings Conference Call October 12, 2022, 10:00 AM ET Company Participants Glenn Wiener - IR Pat Lavelle - President and CEO…
VOXX International''s Return On Capital Employed Insights 2022/10/12 13:50:00 Benzinga
VOXX International (NASDAQ: VOXX ) brought in sales totaling $125.70 million during Q2 according to data provided by Benzinga Pro . However, earnings decreased 39.15%, resulting in a loss of $10.92 million. VOXX International collected $128.73 million in revenue during Q1, but reported earnings showed a $7.85 million loss. What Is ROCE? Return on Capital Employed is a measure of yearly pre-tax profit relative to capital employed by a business. Changes in earnings and sales indicate shifts in a company''s ROCE. A higher ROCE is generally representative of successful growth of a company and is a sign … Full story available on Benzinga.com
VOXX International: Q2 Earnings Insights 2022/10/11 21:57:08 Benzinga
VOXX International (NASDAQ: VOXX ) reported its Q2 earnings results on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 04:00 PM. Here''s what investors need to know about the announcement. Earnings VOXX International missed estimated earnings by 600.0%, reporting an EPS of $-0.42 versus an … Full story available on Benzinga.com
VOXX International And 1 Other Basic Material Stock Insiders Are Buying 2022/10/24 19:50:40 Benzinga
Although US stocks traded higher on Monday, there were a few notable insider trades. When insiders purchase shares, it indicates their confidence in the company''s prospects or that they view the stock as a bargain. Either way, this signals an opportunity to go long on the stock. Insider purchases should not be taken as the only indicator for making an investment or trading decision. At best, it can lend conviction to a buying decision. Below is a look at a few recent … Full story available on Benzinga.com
Imperial Capital Downgrades VOXX International to In-Line 2022/10/13 13:43:02 Investing.com
VOXX International Corporation (VOXX) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript 2022/10/12 17:17:05 Seeking Alpha
VOXX International Corporation (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:VOXX) Q2 2023 Earnings Conference Call October 12, 2022, 10:00 AM ET Company Participants Glenn Wiener - IR Pat Lavelle - President and CEO…
VOXX International''s Return On Capital Employed Insights 2022/10/12 13:50:00 Benzinga
VOXX International (NASDAQ: VOXX ) brought in sales totaling $125.70 million during Q2 according to data provided by Benzinga Pro . However, earnings decreased 39.15%, resulting in a loss of $10.92 million. VOXX International collected $128.73 million in revenue during Q1, but reported earnings showed a $7.85 million loss. What Is ROCE? Return on Capital Employed is a measure of yearly pre-tax profit relative to capital employed by a business. Changes in earnings and sales indicate shifts in a company''s ROCE. A higher ROCE is generally representative of successful growth of a company and is a sign … Full story available on Benzinga.com
VOXX International: Q2 Earnings Insights 2022/10/11 21:57:08 Benzinga
VOXX International (NASDAQ: VOXX ) reported its Q2 earnings results on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 04:00 PM. Here''s what investors need to know about the announcement. Earnings VOXX International missed estimated earnings by 600.0%, reporting an EPS of $-0.42 versus an … Full story available on Benzinga.com
関連キーワード (小売_自動車、部品_サ―ビス 米国株 ヴォックス・インタ―ナショナル VOXX VOXX International Corporation)