symbol | WRE |
会社名 | Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (WASHINGTONREIT) |
分野(sector) | |
産業(industry) | |
業種 | 商業REIT 金融(Financials) |
概要 | ワシントン・リアル・エステート・インベストメント・トラスト(Washington Real Estate Investment Trust)は自己管理型の株式不動産投資信託である。同信託の事業はワシントン首都圏にある不動産の所有・運営により構成される。同信託はオフィスビル、集合住宅建物と小売センターで構成された多様なポートフォリオを所有する。同社のセグメントには、オフィス、マルチファミリー及び小売事業を含む。同社のオフィスのプロパティは、各種類のビジネスと専門職のためのオフィススペースを提供する。同社の集合住宅建物は、ワシントンのメトロ地域全体の個人および家族に賃貸住宅を提供する。小売プロパティは、小規模な店舗テナントまたは多様なジュニアボックステナントを備えた地域の電力センターを含む、食料雑貨店の固定された近隣センターである。 ワシントン・リアル・エステ―ト・インベストメント・トラストは米国の不動産投資信託会社。オフィスビルや商業施設などの不動産の所有、買収、開発、運営、賃貸を手掛ける。主にワシントンDC、バ―ジニア州北部、メリ―ランド州ボルチモアにまたがるワシントンDC大都市圏で事業を展開する。本社はワシントンDC。 WashREIT owns and operates uniquely positioned real estate assets in the D.C. Metro region. Its portfolio of 43 properties includes approximately 3.4 million square feet of commercial space and 6,863 multifamily apartment units across the region. The company currently has an enterprise value of approximately $3.0 billion. With a track record of driving returns and delivering satisfaction, WashREIT is a trusted authority in one of the nation’s most competitive real estate markets. |
本社所在地 | 1775 Eye Street NW Suite 1000 Washington DC 20006 USA |
代表者氏名 | Paul T. McDermott |
代表者役職名 | Independent Chairman of the Board of Trustees |
電話番号 | +1 202-774-3200 |
設立年月日 | 22221 |
市場名 | NYSE(ニューヨーク証券取引所) |
ipoyear | 年 |
従業員数 | 149人 |
url | www.writ.com |
nasdaq_url | |
adr_tso | |
EBITDA | (百万ドル) 198.57100 |
終値(lastsale) | |
時価総額(marketcap) | |
時価総額 | (百万ドル) 2359.55900 |
売上高 | (百万ドル) 336.89000 |
企業価値(EV) | (百万ドル) 3596.73200 |
当期純利益 | (百万ドル) 25.10400 |
決算概要 | BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2018 Washington Real Estate Investment Trust revenues increased 4% to $336.9M. Net income applicable to common stockholders increased 30% to $25.1M. Revenues reflect Office Buildings segment increase of 7% to $178.5M FFO per Share (Basic) increase of 1% to $1.85 FFO per Share (Diluted) increase of 1% to $1.84. Net income benefited from Net Operating Income (NOI) Office increase of 10% to $115.2M. |
Washington Real Estate goes ex dividend tomorrow 2022/09/19 16:56:33 Seeking Alpha
Washington Real Estate (NYSE:WRE) has declared $0.17/share quarterly dividend, in line with previous.Payable Oct. 5; for shareholders of record Sept. 21; ex-div Sept.
Washington Real Estate: Too Concentrated In Just One Economic Region (NYSE:WRE) 2022/09/19 06:00:18 Seeking Alpha
WRE is successfully pivoting to being a pure-play multifamily REIT. See why prospective investors would be better off remaining in “show me” mode.
Washington REIT: Dividend Insights 2022/09/15 14:50:10 Benzinga
Monday marks the last chance for investors to receive the next dividend payout from Washington REIT (NYSE: WRE ). What''s Happening The company announced on Thursday that it would pay shareholders a quarterly dividend of 17 cents per share. On Tuesday, Washington REIT will go ex-dividend, meaning the stock will trade lower to reflect that payout. In … Full story available on Benzinga.com
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (WRE) CEO Paul McDermott on Q2 2022 Results - Earnings Call Transcript 2022/07/29 20:15:17 Seeking Alpha
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (NYSE:NYSE:WRE) Q2 2022 Results Conference Call July 29, 2022 10:00 AM ET Company Participants Amy Hopkins - VP, IR Paul McDermott - President and…
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust Q2 Earnings Preview 2022/07/27 21:35:11 Seeking Alpha
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (WRE) is scheduled to announce Q2 earnings results on Thursday, Jul. 28, after market close.The consensus FFO estimate is $0.22 and the consensus…
Washington Real Estate goes ex dividend tomorrow 2022/09/19 16:56:33 Seeking Alpha
Washington Real Estate (NYSE:WRE) has declared $0.17/share quarterly dividend, in line with previous.Payable Oct. 5; for shareholders of record Sept. 21; ex-div Sept.
Washington Real Estate: Too Concentrated In Just One Economic Region (NYSE:WRE) 2022/09/19 06:00:18 Seeking Alpha
WRE is successfully pivoting to being a pure-play multifamily REIT. See why prospective investors would be better off remaining in “show me” mode.
Washington REIT: Dividend Insights 2022/09/15 14:50:10 Benzinga
Monday marks the last chance for investors to receive the next dividend payout from Washington REIT (NYSE: WRE ). What''s Happening The company announced on Thursday that it would pay shareholders a quarterly dividend of 17 cents per share. On Tuesday, Washington REIT will go ex-dividend, meaning the stock will trade lower to reflect that payout. In … Full story available on Benzinga.com
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (WRE) CEO Paul McDermott on Q2 2022 Results - Earnings Call Transcript 2022/07/29 20:15:17 Seeking Alpha
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (NYSE:NYSE:WRE) Q2 2022 Results Conference Call July 29, 2022 10:00 AM ET Company Participants Amy Hopkins - VP, IR Paul McDermott - President and…
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust Q2 Earnings Preview 2022/07/27 21:35:11 Seeking Alpha
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (WRE) is scheduled to announce Q2 earnings results on Thursday, Jul. 28, after market close.The consensus FFO estimate is $0.22 and the consensus…
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (WRE) CEO Paul McDermott on Q2 2022 Results - Earnings Call Transcript 2022/07/29 20:15:17 Seeking Alpha
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (NYSE:NYSE:WRE) Q2 2022 Results Conference Call July 29, 2022 10:00 AM ET Company Participants Amy Hopkins - VP, IR Paul McDermott - President and…
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust Q2 Earnings Preview 2022/07/27 21:35:11 Seeking Alpha
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (WRE) is scheduled to announce Q2 earnings results on Thursday, Jul. 28, after market close.The consensus FFO estimate is $0.22 and the consensus…
Stocks That Hit 52-Week Lows On Monday 2022/07/11 18:38:43 Benzinga
On Monday, 166 stocks hit new 52-week lows. 52-Week Low Highlights: The largest company by market cap to set a new 52-week low was BHP Group (NYSE: BHP ) . Euro Tech Hldgs (NASDAQ: CLWT ) was the smallest company when considering market cap to set a new 52-week low. AMTD IDEA Group (NYSE: AMTD ) ''s stock fell the most, as it traded down 12.49% to reach a new 52-week low. Glatfelter (NYSE: GLT ) ''s stock showed potential to rebound, rebounding up 0.08% after reaching a new 52-week low. Stocks that set new 52-week lows on Monday are as follows: Cognizant Tech Solns (NASDAQ: CTSH ) stock hit a yearly low of $65.15. The stock was down 1.66% for the day. Wipro (NYSE: WIT ) stock hit $5.13 on Monday morning, setting a new 52-week low for a change of down 1.33%. Fomento Economico (NYSE: FMX ) stock hit $59.25 on Monday morning, setting a new 52-week low for a change of down 1.37%. Boston Properties (NYSE: BXP ) shares set a new 52-week low of $86.95. The stock traded down 2.05%. Liberty Global (NASDAQ: LBTYA ) stock achieved a new 52-week low on Monday morning, hitting $20.52 and moving down 2.6%.
ITとはInfomation Technology(情報技術)の略称。コンピューターからインターネットなどデーター通信など幅広い分野を指す。 特に、1990年代にインターネットが普及するとともにIT革命と呼ばれる情報化が急速に進展。株式市場では、90年代末から2000年前後にかけインターネット関連株などが急騰後、急落するITバブルと呼ばれる現象も起こった。IT関連株は引き続き高成長銘柄として投資家の高い関心を集めている。