symbol | XONE |
会社名 | ExOne Co. (The) (エクスワン) |
分野(sector) | Capital Goods 資本財(工業製品) |
産業(industry) | Industrial Machinery/Components |
業種 | 商業印刷サ―ビス 工業(Industrials) |
概要 | 事業概要 エックスワン(The ExOne Company)は工業分野の顧客を対象に3次元(3D)プリンター及びプリント製品の提供を主たる事業とする会社である。同社は主に自社の社内3Dプリンターを使用する顧客向けに仕様通りに3Dプリンターとプリント製品を製造・販売する。同社のマシンは直接的・間接的アプリケーションを提供する。同社は米国、ドイツ、イタリア、スウェーデン、および日本にある9つ以上のプロダクションサービスセンター(PSC)を通じて、顧客向けのプレプロダクションコラボレーションとプリント製品を提供している。また、消耗品や交換部品などを含む関連材料、およびトレーニングやテクニカルサポートなどのその他のサービスも提供している。同社は設計者やエンジニアが工業用プロトタイプや生産部品を設計して生産するために、機械を生産している。モデルにはExerial、S-Max・S-Max +、S-Print・M-Print、M-Flex、Innovent、MWT Microwaveが含まれる。 エクスワンは、米国の3Dプリンタ会社。米国、ドイツ、日本の生産サ―ビスセンタ―を通じ、顧客へ生産開始前の共同制作や印刷した製品を提供する。研修や技術サポ―ト、消耗品や交換部品なども提供。同社の3Dプリンタは、特殊シリカサンドとセラミックスから鋳型とコアを製造することができ、産業用の金属に印刷することで、直接製品の具体化が可能である。 |
本社所在地 | 127 Industry Boulevard North Huntingdon PA 15642 USA |
代表者氏名 | S. Kent Rockwell S.ケント・ロックウェル |
代表者役職名 | Executive Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer |
電話番号 | +1 724-863-9663 |
設立年月日 | 41275 |
市場名 | NASDAQ National Market System |
ipoyear | 2013年 |
従業員数 | 302人 |
url | www.exone.com |
nasdaq_url | https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/xone |
adr_tso | ― |
EBITDA | EBITDA(百万ドル) -15.54800 |
終値(lastsale) | 9.83 |
時価総額(marketcap) | 159266829.77 |
時価総額 | 時価総額(百万ドル) 147.28450 |
売上高 | 売上高(百万ドル) 58.82600 |
企業価値(EV) | 企業価値(EV)(百万ドル) 137.33450 |
当期純利益 | 当期純利益(百万ドル) -21.24500 |
決算概要 | 決算概要 BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 June 2018 ExOne Co revenues increased 5% to $22.8M. Net loss increased 9% to $14.4M. Revenues reflect an increase in demand for the Company's products and services due to favorable market conditions. Higher net loss reflects Research and development increase of 39% to $6M (expense) Selling general and administrative increase of 2% to $12.6M (expense). |
Desktop Metal: A Premium Price Is Deserving After Recent Earnings 2023/03/09 12:10:43 Seeking Alpha
Desktop Metal is much more than a single ExOne business segment, and recent earnings were good and outlook is better. Read why I rate DM stock a Buy now.
3D Printing Services Global Market Report 2023 2023/02/22 16:00:00 PR Newswire
NEW YORK, Feb. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Major players in the 3D printing service market are 3D Systems Corporation, Stratasys, Materialise NV, ExOne, Arcam, ProtoLabs 3D Rapid Prototyping Company, HP Inc., SLM Solutions Group, ARC Group Worldwide, and Carbon. Read the full report:…
Desktop Metal Layoffs 2023: What to Know About the Latest DM Job Cuts 2023/02/03 14:53:14 InvestorPlace
Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM ), a 3D printing company, is laying off 15% of its workforce and closing four facilities. Investors responded by buying DM stock, which rose almost 20% on Feb. 2. Desktop Metal opened Feb. 3 at $2.15 per share with a market capitalization of about $700 million. Less Is More or Less Desktop Metal implements computer designs directly in manufacturing. Its home page says the company exists to deliver the mass production vision of 3D printing, such as a recent German order worth $9 million . The problem is cost. Its featured machine, the Studio System , is used in offices for rapid prototyping. For Desktop Metal to grow, it needs to mass produce parts at costs compatible with other methods. For its September quarter, reported in November, Desktop Metal lost $60.8 million , or 19 cents per share, on revenue of $47.1 million. By the end of the period it was down to $72 million in cash and equivalents after losing almost $151 million in operating cash flow during the previous nine months.
Desktop Metal (DM): Attractive Price For ExOne And Other Acquisitions, Upside Potential 2023/01/24 01:42:09 Seeking Alpha
Desktop Metal''s ExOne''s 3D printed sand cores are currently being used in the industry with great success. Read more to see why DM stock is a Buy.
X1 Esports’ (CSE:XONE) Tyrus makes commercial progress 2022/10/12 18:30:00 The Market Herald
X1 Esports and Entertainment (XONE) provided an update on commercial progress with its… The post X1 Esports’ (CSE:XONE) Tyrus makes commercial progress appeared first on The Market Herald .
3D Printing Services Global Market Report 2023 2023/02/22 16:00:00 PR Newswire
NEW YORK, Feb. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Major players in the 3D printing service market are 3D Systems Corporation, Stratasys, Materialise NV, ExOne, Arcam, ProtoLabs 3D Rapid Prototyping Company, HP Inc., SLM Solutions Group, ARC Group Worldwide, and Carbon. Read the full report:…
Desktop Metal Layoffs 2023: What to Know About the Latest DM Job Cuts 2023/02/03 14:53:14 InvestorPlace
Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM ), a 3D printing company, is laying off 15% of its workforce and closing four facilities. Investors responded by buying DM stock, which rose almost 20% on Feb. 2. Desktop Metal opened Feb. 3 at $2.15 per share with a market capitalization of about $700 million. Less Is More or Less Desktop Metal implements computer designs directly in manufacturing. Its home page says the company exists to deliver the mass production vision of 3D printing, such as a recent German order worth $9 million . The problem is cost. Its featured machine, the Studio System , is used in offices for rapid prototyping. For Desktop Metal to grow, it needs to mass produce parts at costs compatible with other methods. For its September quarter, reported in November, Desktop Metal lost $60.8 million , or 19 cents per share, on revenue of $47.1 million. By the end of the period it was down to $72 million in cash and equivalents after losing almost $151 million in operating cash flow during the previous nine months.
Desktop Metal (DM): Attractive Price For ExOne And Other Acquisitions, Upside Potential 2023/01/24 01:42:09 Seeking Alpha
Desktop Metal''s ExOne''s 3D printed sand cores are currently being used in the industry with great success. Read more to see why DM stock is a Buy.
X1 Esports’ (CSE:XONE) Tyrus makes commercial progress 2022/10/12 18:30:00 The Market Herald
X1 Esports and Entertainment (XONE) provided an update on commercial progress with its… The post X1 Esports’ (CSE:XONE) Tyrus makes commercial progress appeared first on The Market Herald .