GSKY - グリ―ンスカイ (GreenSky Inc.)


   GreenSky jumps on Nasdaq delisting notice for Goldman Sachs deal  2022/03/28 19:58:43 Seeking Alpha
GreenSky (GSKY) rose about 2% after a Nasdaq delisting notice indicated that the online lender''s last trading day will be March 29 after completing its sale to Goldman Sachs (GS).The…
   GreenSky jumps on Nasdaq delisting notice for Goldman Sachs deal  2022/03/28 19:58:43 Seeking Alpha
GreenSky (GSKY) rose about 2% after a Nasdaq delisting notice indicated that the online lender''s last trading day will be March 29 after completing its sale to Goldman Sachs (GS).The…
   GreenSky (NASDAQ:GSKY) Shares Gap Down to $11.76  2021/12/22 09:30:42 ETF Daily News
GreenSky, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSKY)s stock price gapped down before the market opened on Monday . The stock had previously closed at $11.76, but opened at $11.07. GreenSky shares last traded at $10.92, with a volume of 9,445 shares traded. Several research firms have recently issued reports on GSKY. Citigroup boosted their price objective on shares of [] The post GreenSky (NASDAQ:GSKY) Shares Gap Down to $11.76 appeared first on ETF Daily News .
   $0.08 EPS Expected for GreenSky, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSKY) This Quarter  2021/12/15 19:24:41 Transcript Daily
Wall Street analysts expect GreenSky, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSKY) to report earnings of $0.08 per share for the current quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Three analysts have issued estimates for GreenSkys earnings, with estimates ranging from $0.05 to $0.10. GreenSky posted earnings of $0.11 per share during the same quarter last year, which suggests a negative []
   GreenSky (NASDAQ:GSKY) Sees Large Volume Increase  2021/12/15 16:44:41 Transcript Daily
Shares of GreenSky, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSKY) saw strong trading volume on Wednesday . 62,798 shares were traded during mid-day trading, a decline of 95% from the previous session’s volume of 1,372,004 shares.The stock last traded at $11.35 and had previously closed at $11.63. Several equities research analysts have recently weighed in on the stock. Citigroup boosted […]
   GreenSky, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSKY) Stock Position Cut by Arcus Capital Partners LLC  2021/12/12 13:08:42 Transcript Daily
Arcus Capital Partners LLC lessened its stake in GreenSky, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSKY) by 46.1% in the third quarter, reports. The institutional investor owned 42,000 shares of the companys stock after selling 35,921 shares during the quarter. Arcus Capital Partners LLCs holdings in GreenSky were worth $470,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period. []
   GreenSky jumps on Nasdaq delisting notice for Goldman Sachs deal  2022/03/28 19:58:43 Seeking Alpha
GreenSky (GSKY) rose about 2% after a Nasdaq delisting notice indicated that the online lender''s last trading day will be March 29 after completing its sale to Goldman Sachs (GS).The…
   GreenSky (NASDAQ:GSKY) Shares Gap Down to $11.76  2021/12/22 09:30:42 ETF Daily News
GreenSky, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSKY)s stock price gapped down before the market opened on Monday . The stock had previously closed at $11.76, but opened at $11.07. GreenSky shares last traded at $10.92, with a volume of 9,445 shares traded. Several research firms have recently issued reports on GSKY. Citigroup boosted their price objective on shares of [] The post GreenSky (NASDAQ:GSKY) Shares Gap Down to $11.76 appeared first on ETF Daily News .
   $0.08 EPS Expected for GreenSky, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSKY) This Quarter  2021/12/15 19:24:41 Transcript Daily
Wall Street analysts expect GreenSky, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSKY) to report earnings of $0.08 per share for the current quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Three analysts have issued estimates for GreenSkys earnings, with estimates ranging from $0.05 to $0.10. GreenSky posted earnings of $0.11 per share during the same quarter last year, which suggests a negative []
   GreenSky (NASDAQ:GSKY) Sees Large Volume Increase  2021/12/15 16:44:41 Transcript Daily
Shares of GreenSky, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSKY) saw strong trading volume on Wednesday . 62,798 shares were traded during mid-day trading, a decline of 95% from the previous session’s volume of 1,372,004 shares.The stock last traded at $11.35 and had previously closed at $11.63. Several equities research analysts have recently weighed in on the stock. Citigroup boosted […]
   GreenSky, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSKY) Stock Position Cut by Arcus Capital Partners LLC  2021/12/12 13:08:42 Transcript Daily
Arcus Capital Partners LLC lessened its stake in GreenSky, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSKY) by 46.1% in the third quarter, reports. The institutional investor owned 42,000 shares of the companys stock after selling 35,921 shares during the quarter. Arcus Capital Partners LLCs holdings in GreenSky were worth $470,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period. []
