MBNAA - (Mercantil Bank Holding Corporation)


   The Reverse Synergy Play - The Idea Guide  2018-09-25
by Daniel Shvartsman Spin-offs create value, in theory, largely because they unlock incentives. The legacy company focuses on its core businesses, while the spun business's management team can work on its business without fighting for resources from the parent company, and without having i…
   The Reverse Synergy Play - The Idea Guide  2018-09-25
by Daniel Shvartsman Spin-offs create value, in theory, largely because they unlock incentives. The legacy company focuses on its core businesses, while the spun business's management team can work on its business without fighting for resources from the parent company, and without having i…
   The Reverse Synergy Play - The Idea Guide  2018-09-25
by Daniel Shvartsman Spin-offs create value, in theory, largely because they unlock incentives. The legacy company focuses on its core businesses, while the spun business's management team can work on its business without fighting for resources from the parent company, and without having i…
